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1、幸中高二英语备课组集体备课记录备课组高二英语备课组主备人活动时间 年 月 日活动地点英语办公室活动主题出席人员活动内容及进程1. 集体学习教材内容,讨论确定本课的教学目标以及教学重难点。2. 卢友斌老师主讲 Unit4Further Reading 的备课思路。3. 教研组教师各抒己见,集体讨论备课思路。活动反思与建议1. 备课预案应事先打印分发给每位组员。2. 集体备课活动要有延续性,集体讨论修改之后,要再次研讨修改,或者付诸于课堂教学中。集体备课教案:(初稿)Unit4Further Reading The Three Gorges初探幸中初探幸中“233 教学模式教学模式”的阅读教学方法

2、的阅读教学方法第一步:第一步:Getting Ready鉴赏下面这首诗歌并小组合作讨论下列问题。鉴赏下面这首诗歌并小组合作讨论下列问题。朝辞白帝彩云间,朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。千里江陵一日还。两岸猿声啼不住,两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山。轻舟已过万重山。 Who is the writer of the poem. When you appreciate the poem,which place will you think about?第二步:自主学习第二步:自主学习一、一、Read through the passage The Three Gorges on page 55

3、 and find out the answer to the following question. 1. What are the three gorges? 2. What is special to the three gorges?2、Scan the passage and find the exact figures for the following. 1) The total length of the Yangtze River is _. he Three Gorges extends totally _ in length. 3) Qutang Gorge is onl

4、y _ long. 4) Wu Gorge is _ long. 5) Xiling Gorge covers _ in length 三、三、Skimming Read the following statements and decide whether they are true(T) or false(F) , and correct the mistakes. ) The Nile in Africa is the longest river in the world._2) The Yangtze River passes an area occupied by nearly ha

5、lf of the countrys population. 3) Qutang Gorge is known for its deep valley and quiet beauty._4) Shadow play Gorge is a part of Xiling Gorge. _5) At Wu Gorge you can see the shadow figure of the goddess第三步:合作探究与反馈评价(语言知识点)具体参照三维设计学生第三步:合作探究与反馈评价(语言知识点)具体参照三维设计学生用书用书1)winds its way like a giant drago

6、n 6,380 km (nearly 3,900 miles) on its way to deposit its annual 960 billion 2)学生小组讨论本课的知识重点与难点学生小组讨论本课的知识重点与难点 3)教师归纳点拨。教师归纳点拨。第四步:课堂延伸第四步:课堂延伸Suppose you are a tourist guide, how are you going to introduce the Three Gorges to the tourists? Arrange your ideas based on the article. Here are some sen

7、tences for reference: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!Im Jenny. Im very pleased to be your tour guide during your stay in Chongqing. Im from Travel Service. On behalf of the company, I warmly welcome you to visit Ill try my best to make your visit a pleasant one. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to let me know. We shall visit . We shall also visit I hope your trip to will be a pleasant one.探究幸中探究幸中“233 教学模式教学模式”下的下的 Further Reading 教学流程教学流程



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