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1、大学英语四六级专题讲座,主讲人:卢新新/Grace,作文与听力篇,主讲人:卢新新/Grace,Contents,分制,Introduction,CET 4,CET 6,时间,CET 4,CET 6,目标,425 ?,550 ?,520 ?,Or More ?,争取一次通过,小知识: 2006年12月四六级改制后,取消了分数线,即所有考生都发放成绩通知单,没有合格证书。 现在四六级证书都不与学位证挂钩,只是学校为了限制毕业生的英语基本水平,会划定一条线,大多数在390分左右,我们学校规定必须过校内四级(四级成绩+大英平均分) 人们经常说的426是怎么回事呢,是满分710的60%及格线,四级通过4

2、26的话可以报考六级,Contents,两类问题: 无话可说(温饱没解决) 语言表述(婴幼儿阶段),Writing,有话可说(内容) 语言提升(用词和句式),作文内容: 教育、个人成长成才、文化交流、环境保护、科技发展 万能例子和万能角度 万能例子(模板/范文) 万能角度(时间/健康/成长成才/文化交流/社会宏观),万能模板,Different people have different views on _. Some people think that _, while others argue that _. As far as I am concerned, I agree with

3、the _ opinion. For one thing, I firmly believe _ . For another thing, _. Just think of _, who _ . Talking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that _. Only if _ can we _, just as the saying goes, _.,introduction,body,conclusion,作文种类,提纲作文,提纲作文是一种限制性命题作文。命题形式是先给出英

4、文作文标题,然后再用英语或汉语立出提纲,要求考生根据给出的提纲确定写作主题,构思段落模式,写出符合要求、一定字数的短文。 考生必须既紧扣标题,又要严格遵守提纲,不能脱离和漏掉提纲规定的作文要点。一般有几点要求就要写几段,但如果是两点,则考生要在构思时增加一个终结段。,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 120 words on the topic Energy Resources. 提纲: 目前中国的能源资源比较丰富; 但这些能源可能很快被耗竭;

5、 为避免未来的能源危机,我们该做些什么?,分析: 根据提纲,我们可以确定短文写成三段: 1. 能源现状: China is rich in various energy resources. 2. 能源危机: These energy resources are being used up rapidly. 3. 解决措施: To avoid energy crisis,Energy Resources China is rich in various energy resources. Coal and petroleum, for instance, are two major ones.

6、 They are essential in developing the countrys industry, science and technology. China has done a great deal in the past few decades to raise the output of coal and petroleum. These energy resources are not inexhaustible, however, and are being used up rapidly. With the building of four modernizatio

7、ns, new industrial and scientific projects are spring up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. They are enormous consumers of energy. Besides, there has been great waste in using these natural energy resources.,To avoid the almost sure energy crisis in the future, some steps must be taken immediat

8、ely. First, our government should make the people aware, through education, of the importance of saving energy. Second, efforts should be made in opening up new, cleaner and inexhaustible energy sources such as solar energy, geothermal energy and nuclear energy. We have reasons to be optimistic in t

9、his respect, but we must be pessimistic if we just wait for the fossil energies to be wasted and used up.,提示作文,这一题型给出英文作文标题后,以中文或英文给出一段关于这篇短文写作内容的提示,要求考生按照提示范围确定短文主题,先构思写作提纲,再构思短文及段落的展开模式,最后搜索写作素材,选取写作要点。 这一题型类型多样,除了图示作文和关键词作文外,主要还有:1.提供几个选择的建议或方案;2. 提出几个提示性问题;3. 提供短文要包含的一些要点;4.阐述问题或现象的小段文字。,Directi

10、ons: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 120 words on the topic college students Social Practice. You should base your composition on the instruction below: 近年来,一些大学生利用节假日进行社会实践。请就社会实践的好处及可能带来的副作用加以论述,并提出自己的观点和建议。,分析: 可根据标题和提示,构思出如下提纲: 1. 现状导入主题 2.大学生社会实践

11、的好处 3.大学生社会实践可能带来的副作用 4.我们的建议,College Students Social Practice Social practice has been more and more popular in universities and colleges. Students are asked to enter into the society and try to get into touch with society in order to get some idea of the society. Surely social practice has many ad

12、vantages. Firstly, social practice can offer the students a chance to contact with the society and get some idea of the society, in this way the students can gain some valuable social experiences which will be helpful to their future career.,Secondly, the students can apply what they have learned in

13、 class to the practical work, which will make them know themselves more clearly. Thirdly, some social practice can bring them some profit and it can make them more independent of their family. However, some problems will arise if the correct guidance is not made. For example, some students get more

14、interested in social practice and want to work the whole day and get some money, thus neglecting their study. And some students are likely to observe the society partially, which will affect their future study.,In order to carry out the social practice smoothly, the students should first know their

15、objectives. They should put their study in the first place and the social practice is just a supplement of their college study, so they ought to try to strike a balance between social practice and their study.,看图作文,类型:看图作文分为图画作文和图表作文两种 图画作文主要用于口试或部分笔试;图表作文较为常见,可分为四类: 1. 圆形图(pie Graph) 2. 条形图(Bar Gra

16、ph) 3. 曲线图(Curve Graph) 4. 表格(Table),图画作文,图画作文要求考生根据已给出的一副或几幅画面去想象发挥,写出一篇短文来; 图画作文的写作方法 1. 审题:对题目要求和画面进行分析,找出图画所表达的主题,然后围绕主题组织材料。 2.组织材料:画面所给事物均无虚设,因此,描述时要紧扣画面,运用想象力把画面扩展成一个故事或某一个特定事件或某一特定情景来定。如果画面内容丰富,在描述时可按题目的要求,分清主次,以突出主题。如画面简单,可在描述画面之后,略加评论。 3.描述的层次:围绕主题或按时间顺序,或按地理顺序描述。如按地理顺序,或由上而下,或由左往右,或由内向外。总

17、之要遵循一定的规律,决不可象记流水帐一样杂乱无章。 4.时态问题: 在描写画面时,句子谓语应用现在时态,在涉及形体动作时,可以使用进行时态,以便使画面更加生动形象。,Direction:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the harm caused by misleading information online. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.,


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