鲁教版九年级英语unit 4 when was it invented课件

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1、Unit 4 When was it invented?,Dongyue Middle SchoolZhao Guifeng,Topic:Talk about inventions and the history of inventions . Aims : 1.Be able to grasp the past tense and the passive voice of it. 2.Encourage the students to be willing to invent something. Structures:Passive voiceMain drills:When was it

2、 invented? It was invented inWho was it invented by? It was invented byWhat was it used for ? It was used for课时安排 第一课时:Section A:1a-2c.第二课时:Section A:3a-4第三课时:Section B:1a-4第四课时:Reading,第一课时,Warming up,Talk about some things that you know when they were invented .,Look at these things below.In what

3、older do you think they were invented?,Example : A: I think _was invented before _B: Well,I think _was invented after_,Listen,Pairwork : Example:A :when was the telephone invented?B: I think it was invented in 1876.,test,When was it invented? It was invented _.Who was it invented? It was invented by

4、 _.What was it used for? It was used for _.,When was it invented? It was invented _.Who was it invented? It was invented by _.What was it used for? It was used for _.,When was it invented? It was invented _.Who was it invented? It was invented by _.What was it used for? It was used for _.,Pairwork,E

5、xample :A: When was invented?B: It was invented inA: Who was it invented by? B: It was invented byA: What is it used for?B: Its used for .,Grammar,When was it invented? It was invented inWho was it invented by? It was invented byWhat was it used for ? It was used for,Homework,Describe an invention.,

6、第二课时,Warming up,Do you think some inventions are annoying?,Pairwork,Pairwork,A: What do you think is the most helpful invention? B: I think the most helpful invention is A: Why is that? B: Well, it A: If you are alone on a small island, what inventions wouldyou like to have? B: I think it would be b

7、etter tohave,Imagine that you are alone on a tiny island.choose five inventions and tell the reasons.,A:Id like to have a radio because I could listen to music all day. B:Yes,but thats not going to help you leave the island.I think it would be better to have_.,Homework,Writing: The most useful inven

8、tion.,第三课时,Talk about,potato chips- crispy and salty,ice cream - sweet,tea - sweet,lemon - sour,Listen,The history of potato chips_ that potato chips were invented by mistake? Potatochips _by a chef called George Crum. They were invented in _. George Crum cooked them for a long time untilthey _. And

9、 he sprinkled lots of salt on them so theywere _.,Who invented tea? Read with these questions,The article is about _.It was invented in _.It was invented by _.The emperor Shen Dong discovered tea according to _.,Write,Use the notes in the box,Think of something that you dont like doing, then think o

10、f an invention.,Imagine you are a businessperson ,sell your invention to the class.,Find out when these things were invented and write about them.,Homework,Writing: I want to invent,第四课时,Warming up,Discuss about the basketball,Fast read with these question,Who invented basketball?Why were the Berlin

11、 Olympics important for basketball?What is the aim of basketball?Name a professional basketball organization in American.,Before you read,Read carefully and tell if these statements true or false.,While you read,1.It is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries including China.2.D

12、r Naismith created a game to be played on a hard wooden floor, so the safety of the players was important.3.The aim of basketball is for players to try to get a ball into the “basket” : a net hanging from a metal hoop.,Basketball _ (发明) by James Naismith.When he was at college, he _ (要求) to invent a new game.3. Dr Naismith _ the men _ (分成) two teams.4. Basketball _ (用来) fun and sports.5. _(和相撞) players would be dangerous.,After you read,Debate,homework,The computer is very important in our life.Do you know the history of it?Write an article about it.,Thank you,


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