2014高考英语一轮复习考点讲解课件unit3_going places(人教版)

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1、Unit 3 Going places 旅 游,本讲目录,1Life can be likened to a journey with an unknown_(目的地) 2We learn from the past,_(体验)the present and hope for success in the future. 3We should make a better use of the existing_(设备)to produce more. 4The math exercise is so_(简单)that even a baby can do it. 5Bungee jumping

2、 is a kind of sports full of_ (刺激),but you shouldnt forget safety.,destination,experience,equipment,simple,excitement,6My husband loves_(冒险的)life while I enjoy a more peaceful domestic life. 7The teacher told us the word had three_(各自的)meanings. 8It is you rather than he that should be_(负责)for the a

3、ccident. 9用consider的适当形式填空: (1)_hes only just started,he knows quite a lot about it. (2)What made her succeed later on was the kindness and _she showed to all her patients.,adventurous,separate,responsible,Considering,consideration,(3)Charles Babbage is generally _to have invented the first computer

4、. 10Several factors have_to ruin our plans,but experts believe that a _of bad weather and human error led to the accident.(combine),considered,combined,combination,1_ 逃离 2_ 代替;而不是 3_ 接近;靠近 4_ 注意;当心 5_ 保护、保卫某人(某事物) 6_ 如一样 7_ 为某人送行 8_ 与结合 9_ 另一方面 10_ 与分开;使隔离 11_ 也;还;而且,get away from,instead of,get/be

5、close to,watch out,protect sb./sth.from,as with,see sb.off,combine.with,on the other hand,separate from,as well as,1_on a bus,in a hotel or sitting on the beach,you may want to try hiking. 你可能想要尝试一下徒步行走,而不是坐在公共汽车上,在旅馆里或坐在海滩上度过你的假期。 2_and doesnt have to be very expensive.徒步旅行简单易行,且不需要花很多钱。,Instead of

6、 spending your vacation,Hiking is easy to do,3_,you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes. 如同徒步行走一样,你随时要注意安全和穿上合适的衣服。 4You should not go rafting _you know how to swim,and you should always wear a life jacket. 不要去做木筏漂流,除非你会游泳,如要去就应始终穿着 救生衣。,As with hiking,unless,be considered to

7、 have done sth.被认为做过某事 Neilson considers herself lucky though she suffered injuries.虽然受伤了,但尼尔森认为自己还算幸运。 She considers it impolite to talk while eating. 她认为边吃边说话是不礼貌的。 Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest presidents of the USA.林肯被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。 Liu Xiang is considered to have performed well a

8、t the Guangzhou Asian Games. 刘翔被认为在广州亚运会上表现得非常出色。,归纳拓展 (1)consideration n 考虑,体谅 take.into consideration 把考虑在内;考虑;顾及 be under consideration 在考虑中 (2)considering. 就而论,考虑到 Considering (that) he did not study,he did well on the test.考虑到他没有用功,他考得还算不错。 (牛津P422)Taking everything into consideration,the event

9、 was a great success.总的说来,这项活动取得了极大的成功。,即境活用 1(2013雅礼中学高三第一次月考)All things_,her suggestion is of greater value than yours. Aconsideration Bconsidering Cconsidered Dare considered 解析:选C。句意:考虑到所有情况,她的建议比你的具有更大价值。考查非谓语动词。A项不符合语法结构;B项是主动形式,不符合句意;如用D项要加连词,故选C。,2.means n 方法;手段(单复数同形) (教材P15)What do you hav

10、e to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use? 在你决定将要使用哪种交通方式前,你不得不考虑的是什么? (朗文P1277)Millions of Chinese rely on bicycles as their important means of transportation. 自行车是数百万中国人赖以出行的重要交通工具。 (朗文P1277) By all means,drink plenty of water while exercising.当然,锻炼的时候可以多喝水。,Every

11、possible means has been tried,but none worked. All possible means have been tried,but none worked. 各种可能的办法都尝试了,但没有一种奏效。 There is no doubt that cellphones and the Internet are the most important means of communication. 毫无疑问,手机和互联网是最重要的信息交流工具。,归纳拓展 by all means 务必,不惜一切地;(用于交际英语,表示同意)当然可以,没问题 by no mea

12、ns 决不,一点也不 by means of 通过,用,借助于 by this means 用这种方法 She couldnt speak,but made her wishes known by the means of signs. 她不会说话,但她借助于手势让大家知道了她的愿望。 By no means am I satisfied with your work. 我对你的工作一点也不满意。,即境活用 2.In many places in China,_bicycle is still_popular means of transportation. Aa;the B/;a Cthe;

13、a Dthe;the 解析:选C。句意:在中国的许多地方,自行车仍然是一种受欢迎的交通工具。“the单数名词”指的是整个类别,这个类别是可以区别于另外一个类别的。而popular means of transportation应该有很多种,自行车只是其中一种,故用不定冠词a。,3.experience vt. 经验,体验;经历;感受;阅历 n 经验U;经历C (教材P17)People also travel to meet new friends,to try new kinds of food,to experience life in other parts of the world o

14、r simply to get away from cold weather. 人们旅游还为了结交新朋友,品尝新食品,体验世界各地的生活,或者干脆为了避寒。 (1)vt.经验,体验;感受 (牛津P701)Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives. 每个人在人生的某个阶段都会经历这些事情。,Whoever has experienced the terrible earthquake in Yushu knows how precious a life is.任何一个经历过玉树那场可怕的地震的人都会懂得生命的宝

15、贵。,(牛津P700)It is important to try and learn from experience. 努力从经验中学习是很重要的。 Being a fresh hand,he doesnt have much experience in fashion design. 作为新手,在设计时装方面他还没有多少经验。 (3)C体验;经历 Travelling in China is a pleasant experience Ill never forget. 中国之行是我永远难忘的一段愉快的经历。 Living in Africa was very different from home and quite an experience.生活在非洲完全不同于在家里,那真是一次不同寻常的经历。,


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