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1、达沃斯为啥叫达沃斯?9 月 9 日,夏季达沃斯在大连拉开序幕,吸引了全球的目光。但好多小伙伴并不清楚达沃斯为啥叫达沃斯,也不清楚达沃斯和夏季达沃斯的区别,今天我们就从头来说说。The 2015 Summer Davos started in Dalian on Sept 9, capturing so much attention from all over the world. Despite its fame, many people do not know why the forum is called Davos or what the difference between Davos

2、 and Summer Davos is. Hopefully this article can give a better understanding.1971 年,瑞士日内瓦大学的教授克劳斯施瓦布创建了“欧洲管理论坛”,1987年改名为世界经济论坛,总部设在日内瓦。因为论坛每年 1 月都在瑞士东部小镇达沃斯举行年会,因此被称为“达沃斯论坛”。In 1971, Klaus Schwab, a business professor at the University of Geneva, founded the European Management Forum. It was renamed

3、 the World Economic Forum in 1987, with its headquarters in Geneva. As the forum holds its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland each January, the location alone is often used to identify the meeting, especially in the Chinese language.论坛参与者主要包括各国政治和经济领导人、企业首脑及著名专家学者,探讨话题包括世界经济领域存在的问题,以及如何促进国际经济合作与交流

4、。Participants at the annual meeting include political and economic leaders, heads of enterprises and famed experts and scholars who discuss world economic issues and explore ways to promote international cooperation and exchanges.在施瓦布教授和温家宝总理的推动下,达沃斯从 2007 年开始设立“新领军者年会”,由大连和天津轮流举办。Initiated by Profe

5、ssor Schwab and former Chinese premier Wen Jiabao, the forum established the Annual Meeting of the New Champions in 2007. It is held every year in China, alternating between Dalian and Tianjin as the host city.因其与每年年初在瑞士达沃斯举办的“世界经济论坛”年会相辅相成,且“达沃斯”这个名称所包含的意义已经约定俗成,所以也被誉为“夏季达沃斯论坛”。As the session compl

6、ements the annual meeting in Davos each January and Davos has an established meaning, the Annual Meeting of New Champions is also known as Summer Davos.夏季达沃斯是世界 500 强企业与最有发展潜力的增长型企业、各国和地区政府间的高峰会议。根据惯例,国务院总理将在论坛上发表演讲并和企业家进行交流。Summer Davos is a summit for top 500 companies and global growth companies

7、and provides a platform for inter-governmental or inter-regional exchanges. The Chinese premier usually gives a speech at Summer Davos and exchanges opinions with entrepreneurs.由于达沃斯是非官方非营利组织,从创建伊始就有许多企业提出赞助,其中最早的赞助商就包括奥迪。1987 年奥迪高管费迪南德皮耶希教授提出了赞助达沃斯论坛的计划。同年,奥迪正式成为达沃斯论坛战略合作伙伴,长期独家为其提供贵宾接待用车,自此双方开始了一段

8、长达 28 年的传奇“姻缘”。As the forum is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, many companies offered sponsorship since its inception. Audi is one of the earliest sponsors. Ferdinand Pich, a top manager at Audi, proposed to sponsor the forum without the intention of receiving commercial returns in 1

9、987. In the same year, Audi became a strategic partner of the forum and offered vehicle services for its participants. Since then the two sides started 28-year cooperation.二者的友谊不仅限于瑞士达沃斯。自从 2007 年开始,一汽-大众奥迪连续九年鼎力支持夏季达沃斯,为论坛提供最领先、最高效的产品。The relationship between Audi and the conference is not confined

10、 to Davos in Switzerland. In China, FAW-VW Audi has supported Summer Davos in the past nine years since its establishment in 2007, providing the most advanced and efficient products.2010 年冬季达沃斯提出了非常苛刻的用车要求百公里燃油消耗不超过 9 升、每公里二氧化碳排放不超过 230 克,最终凭借奥迪高效模块技术,奥迪 A8L 3.0 TDI 以 8.5 升的百公里耗油量以及平均 224 克的每公里二氧化碳排

11、放量顺利驶入达沃斯。In 2010, the Winter Davos came up with very strict requirements for its vehicles. These included stipulations that vehicles comprehensive gasoline consumption per 100 km could be no more than 9 liters and carbon dioxide emissions per km cannot exceed 230 g. However, this did not daunt Audi

12、. Due to its efficiency, the A8L 3.0 TDI became the official vehicle at the forum, with its gasoline consumption per 100 km standing at 8.5 liters and carbon dioxide emissions at 224 g.今年,一汽-大众奥迪为夏季达沃斯提供 120 辆贵宾用车,其中包括 20 台奥迪A3 e-tron、80 台奥迪 A6L、20 台新奥迪 A8L。既有集前瞻科技、尊贵奢华于一身的豪华 D 级旗舰座驾新奥迪 A8L,又有高档行政级座

13、驾奥迪 A6L。This year, FAW-VW Audi has provided a fleet of 20 A3 e-trons, 80 executive-level A6L sedans and 20 of its premium D-Class flagship A8Ls for the Summer Davos.为了践行论坛“创新、环保、可持续发展”的理念,一汽-大众奥迪还特意带来了旗下首款插电式混合动力量产车A3 Sportback e-tron。In response to the forums call for innovation, environmental prot

14、ection and sustainable development, the automaker also offered its first plug-in hybrid production model, the A3 Sportback e-tron.该车集创新科技于一身,在不改变驾驶习惯的前提下,将电动车的“零排放”和燃油车的“长续航”完美融合,百公里综合油耗仅为 1.6 升,续航里程最多可达940 公里,为用户提供了最具现实意义的电动出行解决方案。Boasting the latest technology, without changing driving habits, the

15、 vehicle has zero emissions like an electric car but has a driving range of 940 km. That means its gasoline consumption is just 1.6 liters per km, therefore offering the most practical e-mobility solution for the customers.奥迪品牌由奥古斯特霍希于 1909 年 7 月 16 日创立,拥有超过百年历史。秉承“突破科技 启迪未来”的品牌理念和“进取、尊贵、动感”的品牌价值,奥迪

16、不断挑战现状,引领技术和设计创新。2014 年,奥迪品牌全球销量达到突破纪录的 174 万辆。Established by August Horch on July 16, 1909, Audi has championed “Vorsprung durch Technik” as its slogan and “progressive, sophisticated and sporty” as its brand value. A leading brand in technology, design and innovation, the automaker sold a record-breaking 1.74 million vehicles worldwide in 2014.


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