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1、植物土传病原真菌 立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani),一、Rhizoctonia solani 的介绍,土传的三大病原真菌,镰刀菌(Fusarium spp) 腐霉菌 (Pythium spp.) 立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani ),是一个非常重要的土传植物病原真菌,半知菌亚门丝孢纲无孢目丝核菌属,1、命名与融合群,丝核菌 单核丝核菌 双核丝核菌 多核丝核菌,Binucleate hyphae,从发现水稻纹枯病后引起许多争议,随着研究的深入,发现该菌的命名还是存在一些问题。 该菌分布广泛,寄主范围广泛 菌株个体之间的差异非常大 致病性 形态,Parmeter

2、et al(1969)根据不同菌株之间的菌丝能够进行无性融合和遗传物质的交换现象,将立枯丝核菌分成不同的融合群(Anastomosis groups,AG) 。,Hyphal anastomosis criteria,Natural genetic relationship between isolates Carling et al 1988,优点:每个融合群都具有独立的遗传基础。,迄今R. solani的融合群由最初6个AGs至少已增加到14个 。,AG-1 至AG-13 和AG BI,各融合群的遗传关系,Carling, D. E., Baird, R. E., Gitaitis, R.

3、 D., Brainard, K. A., and Kuninaga, S. 2002. Characterization of AG-13, a newly reported anastomosis group of Rhizoctonia solani. Phytopathology 92:893-899.,在AG的基础上根据菌株的生理学、形态学、寄主范围、致病性等特征,以及目前使用的生化和分子标记,将同一个AG划分成的不同融合亚群,称种内类群((Intraspecific groups,ISGs ),不同的亚群之间的主要特征不同。,AG-1 可分为四个ISGs:IA,IB,IC,ID。

4、水稻纹枯病的病菌是Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA。,AG2-1 AG2-2 AG 4,2、形态特征,无性型特征 分三类特征 始终存在的特征 幼期营养丝中细胞多核; 幼期营养菌丝中远基的细胞隔膜附近分枝、老熟分枝与再分枝一般呈直角; 分枝发生点附近缢缩并形成一隔膜; 有明显的桶孔隔膜 呈各种深浅不同的褐色。,Microscopic view of Rhizoctonia solani mycelium,constricted,O:Occlusion O1:Granular O2:striated band P1:regularly perforate P2:imperfor

5、ate P3-P5:Vesiculate P6:parenthesome absent,Multinucleate hyphae,、通常存在的特征: 产生念珠状细胞; 产生菌核,且菌核有内外层分化,但不分化成菌环和菌髓; 菌丝直径大于5m,大多数为5-14m,平均6-10m; 生长迅速; 致病性;可引起枯萎、猝倒、种腐、果腐和烂根。致病力可从无致病力到强致病力。寄主范围变化也很大,可由有限到相当广。,Moniliod cells,Moniliod cells of Rhizoctonia solani. These specialized hyphae are produced in dens

6、e aggregates to form survival structures called bulbils,绝对没有的特征(彭绍裘等,1986) : 锁状联合(锁状联合是双核菌丝的鉴定标准, 凡是产生锁状联合的菌丝均可断定为双核 ); 分生孢子; 分化为菌环与菌髓的菌核; 菌索; 除褐色以外的其它色素; 除T.cucumeris以外的其它有性态,有性型特征,3、危害性(寄主范围),侵染水稻 、小麦、玉米、棉花、大豆、马铃薯、粟、洋麻等农作物 引起林木花卉如各种苗木、香石竹、菊花、鸡冠花、鸢尾等发生立枯、猝倒、茎腐、基腐和根腐等多种类型的病害。 寄主范围十分广泛,在世界范围内侵染43科260

7、多种植物,引起寄主发生严重的病害(生越明,1984)。 在自然环境,. solani以腐生、寄生或共生三种方式生存,对环境的适应能力强,形成的菌核在土壤中可以存活2年多(Kozaka 1975),是一种防治困难的病原菌。,危害特点,1、寄主范围广 2、存活能力强 3、遗传多样性丰富,4、IGS引起寄主的病害,AG 1-IA sheath blight, sheath spot ricesclerotial disease, leaf blight, banded leaf cornleaf blight, banded leaf sorghum(高粱)leaf blight beanleaf

8、blight soybeansummer blight crimson clover(深红三叶草)southern blight camphor(樟脑) seedlingsbrown patch turfgrass(草皮草),AG 1-IB web blight beanricesoybean figs leguminosous Hortensia(绣球花) rot cabbage bottom rot(底腐病) lettuce,AG 1-IC damping off buckwheat(荞麦)damping off and crown root rot carrotdamping off s

9、oybeanflax pine,AG 2-2 IIIB false sheath blight rice sheath blight mat rush ginger gladiolos black scurf edible burdock(牛蒡) brown patch turf grass crown and brace rot corn damping off sugar beet tree seedlings crhysanthemumroot rot konjak(魔芋),AG 4 (HG I, HGII and HGIII) fruit rot tomato stem rot pea

10、damping off and stem canker potato damping off and root rots soybean lobolly pine seedlings onion Stevia(甜叶菊) pea snap bean cotton peanuts slash pod rot snap bean,AG 5 black scurf potato brown patch turf grass root rot beans soybeansadzuki beans AG 6 nonpathogenic group - AG 7 nonpathogenic - AG 8 b

11、are patches cereals AG 9 weak pathogen crucifers potatoes AG 10 nonpathogenic - AG 11 wheat AG BI nonpathogenic -,引起不常见植物病害,Begonia Diseases:Rhizoctonia Crown Rot Easter Lily Diseases :Rhizoctonia Stem Rot Fern Diseases: Rhizoctonia Blight Fuchsia Diseases :Rhizoctonia Root Rot Gerbera Diseases :Rhi

12、zoctonia Crown Rot Poinsettia Diseases: Rhizoctonia Root Rot Gypsophila Diseases :Rhizoctonia Stem Rot Impatiens: Damping-Off ,Rhizoctonia Stem Rot Primula Rhizoctonia Crown Rot and Bud Blight Pothos Rhizoctonia Stem Rot Statice Rhizoctonia Crown Rot Snapdragon Rhizoctonia Stem Rot,A chile plant inf

13、ected by R. solani, with a reddish-brown discoloration at the soil line level of the stem,危害症状,Garden mum(菊花) - Rhizoctonia foliar blight,http:/www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/pub/search/topsearch.asp?page=http:/www.hort.cornell.edu/greenhouse/pestsdis/gallery/index.html,closeup,危害症状,Target spot lesi

14、on on tobacco caused by Rhizoctonia solani,Belly rot of cucumber caused by Rhizoctonia solani,Head rot, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, on cabbage.,危害症状,Headrot of cabbage Bottom Rot of Cabbage,危害症状,危害症状,Wire stem of cabbage,Wire stem symptoms on lower stem of broccoli(椰菜) plant.,危害症状,Rhizoctonia Damp

15、ing-Off and Stem Rot of Soybeans in the field.,危害症状,Rhizoctonia Damping-Off and Stem Rot of Soybeans Characteristic reddish-brown sunken cankers on the hypocotyl caused by Rhizoctonia solani.,危害症状,Bean Rhizoctonia root rot (R. solani ),危害症状,BEET: Damping-Off (Rhizoctonia solani plus other genera ),危

16、害症状,Sugarbeet Rhizoctonia Root and Crown Rot Pathogen: Rhizoctonia solani Root symptoms of Rhizoctonia,危害症状,LETTUCE: Bottom Rot (Rhizoctonia solani ),危害症状,TOMATO: Soil Rot (Rhizoctonia solani ) Rhizoctonia damping-off and fruit rot,危害症状,Rhizoctonia Diseases of Turfgrass,Turfgrass Rhizoctonia Blight Pathogens: Rhizoctonia solani and R. cerealis,


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