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1、1复习巩固提高专项练习复习巩固提高专项练习(一一)姓名_成绩_ 排名_ 最高分_ 人数_ 一、改错专练:(直接在原句中改正,每句一、改错专练:(直接在原句中改正,每句 1 分,共分,共 40 分)分)1、Its time for have lunch. (两种改法)2、Thiss a knife.3、Im play football every day.4、Do you like row? (两种改法)5、May be this is my younger sisters crayon.6、What time do you do your lunch?7、Please count to one

2、 to one hundred. 8、Why dont go to bed now?9、I am not sleepy. Why are you sleep?10、Whose are this books? They are Liu Taos.11、What is colour is the balloon? It is pink. 12、Do you like strawberry or lemons?13、He want to be a worker.14、These apples are big, and those one are small. 15、These oranges or

3、those oranges? The red one.16、Are those is peaches? No, they are pears.17、Is your mother a engineer? No, she is a nurse. 18、Is that boy with a big nose is your brother ? No, he is Ma Mings brother. 19、These apples is too small. 20、This boy is Gao xiaoshan. 221、Whats colour is your school bag?22、Wher

4、es chocolate?23、Is this a lamp on your desk? No, there isnt.24、These chair are for you.25、Where is your parents?26、What are the students in Class two doing?27、What are these? These are horse. 28、How much are this candle? It is ten yuan.29、Please come help me.30、Is she playing marbles?31、Are you play

5、 a computer game? No, I am not.32、Is he clean the study? Yes, he is.33、Is this copybook is for me?34、Happy teachers Day! Thank you!35、Mr Green is in computer room. 36、Can I have look? No, you cant.37、Can I try this jacket?38、Whats time do you come home every day?40、Its time for go to the cinema. 41、

6、There are many new words here. Please read these new word. 二、人称代词专练:二、人称代词专练:(每空每空 0.5 分,共分,共 30 分分)用主格填空(提示:在句中做主语的词叫主格)我_ 我们_ 你_ 你们_ 他_ 她_ 它_ 他们/她们/她们/它们_3_ have a car. (我有一辆小汽车。 )_like dogs. (我们喜欢狗。 )_ are our friends. (你们是我们的朋友。 )_ is a good boy. (他是个好男孩。 )_ likes cats. (她喜欢猫。 )_ likes fish. (它喜

7、欢鱼。 )_ are over there. (他们在那边。 )用宾格填空(提示:在句中做宾语的词叫宾格,分为动词宾语和介词宾语)我_ 我们_ 你_ 你们_ 他 _ 她_ 它_他们/她们/她们/它们_ Lucy likes _. (露西喜欢我。)That bag is for _. (那只书包是给我的。 )Are the fish for _? (那些鱼是给我的吗?)Wang Tao cannot find _. (王涛找不到我们。 )Li Hai doesnt like _. (李海不喜欢你/你们。 )I dont like _. (我不喜欢他。 )I dont like _. (我不喜欢她

8、。 )I dont like _. (我不喜欢它。 )I dont like _. (我不喜欢它们。 )用形容词性物主代词填空(提示:做定语的人称关系代词,又称形容词性物主代词)我的_ 你的_ 你们的_ 他的_ 她的_它的_ 他们的/她们的/它们的_ pen is red. (我的钢笔是红色的。 )_watch is white. (你的手表是白色的。 )_English teacher is Miss Gao. (你们的英语老师是高小姐。 )_notebook is black. (他的笔记本是黑色的。)_bike is blue. (她的自行车是蓝色的。)_head is very big

9、. (它的头很大。)_bags are purple. (他们的书包是紫色的。)_books are pink. (她们的书是粉红色的。)_heads are very small. (它们的头很小。)用名词性物主代词填空(相当于名词的物主代词叫名词性物主代词):我的_ 你的_ 你们的_ 他的_ 她的_ 它的_ 他们的/她们的/它们的_ This book is _(我的). That book is _(你的). Which books is _(他的)? Which one is_(她的)?These desks are_ (我们的)? Those cars are_(他们的).三、句型转

10、换练习:三、句型转换练习:(每句每句 1.5 分,共分,共 15 分分)1、This is my sisters storybook. (改为一般疑问句)2、This school bag is mine.(就划线部分提问)43、There is an apple on the table. (改为一般疑问句)4、My father is in a dark coat. (改为否定句)5、There are many trees in their school. (改为一般疑问句)6、This pencil case is my pencil case. (将划线部分改为名词性物主代词)7、T

11、hat is my fathers car. (就划线部分提问)8、There are forty teachers in their school.(就划线部分提问)9、Lin Taos aunts hair is brown. (就划线部分提问)10、He goes to school at 7 every morning. (就划线部分提问)四、基本常识单项选择填空:四、基本常识单项选择填空:(每题每题 1 分,共分,共 10 分分)1、英语是_等的民族语言。A. 英国、美国、加拿大 B. 新西兰、巴西、澳大利亚C. 美国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚 D. 英国、西班牙、意大利2、英语是_文字。

12、A. 象形 B. 文块 C. 方块 D. 拼音3、英语是_的正式工作语言之一。A. 法国 B. 奥地利 C. 联合国 D. 德国4、英语中的五个元音字母是_。A. A,E,I, O, U B. P, I, B, U, O C. O, U, D, E, A D. O, I, E, A, F5、 “身份证”的缩写是_。A. IQ B. ID C. EQ D. CD 6、 “肯德基”的缩写是_。A. RFC B. KFC C. KFG D. KEC 7、 “中华人民共和国”的缩写是_。A. PCC B. CPC C. PBR D. PRC8、 “奥林匹克运动会”全称是_。A. Sports Game

13、s B. Olympic Games C. Asian Games D. European Games9、 “上午”的缩写是_。A. p.m. B. a.m. C. c.m. D. b.m. 10、我国的首都是_。A. Nanjing B. Xian C. Beijing D. Guangzhou 五、根据相同音标拼写出不同单词:(每题五、根据相同音标拼写出不同单词:(每题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分)1、A. I have _(/) idea. B. I dont _(/).2、A. _() is the zoo? B. What would you like to _()?3、A. There are _() books on the desk. B. I like swimming, _().4、A. Do you like _( )? B. Nice to _( ) you.5、A. _() are forty students in our class. B. I dont like _() toys.



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