2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are section b(3a-self check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are section b(3a-self check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are section b(3a-self check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are section b(3a-self check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are section b(3a-self check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第4页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are section b(3a-self check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第5页
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《2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are section b(3a-self check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are section b(3a-self check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Section B (3aSelf Check),九年级 上册 配人教版,课后作业,一、单项填空 ( )1. Must I be home before eight oclock, Mum? No, you _. But you have to come back before ten oclock. A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. may( )2. Tom wants to know if you will have a picnic tomorro

2、w. Yes. But if it _, well play chess instead. A. will rain B. rained C. is raining D. rains,A,D,( )3. He suggested that you should _ there tomorrow. A. going B. went C. goes D. go( )4. Show me the map, please. I wonder _. Look, its here, in the east of China, near Taiwan Province. A. where is Diaoyu

3、 Island B. where Diaoyu Island is C. what is Diaoyu Island like D. where Island is Diaoyu,D,B,( )5. Im not sure whether he will come here, because it _ his feeling. A. stands for B. depends on C. lives on D. agrees with( )6. Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Dont _ your dictionary a

4、ll the time. A. work on B. try on C. keep on D. depend on,B,D,( )7. On the way _ the mountain village, we found the local houses different from ours. A. to B. by C. at D. on ( )8. Im doing a survey. Could you tell me _? Sure. I usually go to work at 7:00 a. m. A. why you go to work B. how you go to

5、work C. when you go to work D. who you go to work with,A,C,( )9. You look _. Whats up, sir? I cant find my ticket, but its time to check in. A. sleepy B. hungry C. tired D. worried( )10. That actor often joins in different activities in Beijing. Do you know _? For 5 years. A. how soon he will come b

6、ack B. how long he has stayed there C. how long has he stayed there C. how often does he go there,D,B,( )11. It is important _ people _ learn team spirit. A. of; of B. of; to C. for; to D. to; to ( )12. Please hold on to your dream _ one day it comes true. A. if B. until C. unless D. though ( )13. J

7、ulies father _ to London last month. He _ there three times. A. went; had gone B. has gone; has been C. went; has been D. has been; had gone,C,B,C,( )14. I feel stressed from time to time. Could you give me some advice? _ sharing your worries with your parents? A. Why dont you B. How about C. Why no

8、t D. Would you like ( )15. Students should learn how _ problems. A. solve B. solving C. can solve D. to solve,B,D,二、完形填空 Mr. and Mrs. Brown lived in a small house near London with their child. Sometimes Mr. Brown came1 from his work very late when his wife and the child were asleep. Then he usually

9、2 the front door of his house with his key and came in very 3 . He didnt want to disturb them. But one night when he was coming home late, he lost his 4 . So when he reached his home, he5 the bell, but nothing happened. He rang it again. Again nothing happened. 6 moved inside,the house. Mr. Brown kn

10、ocked at the bedroom windows. He spoke to his wife, he shouted, 7 she did not wake up. At last he stopped and 8 for a few seconds. He had a good 9 . Then he began to speak like a small child, “Mother!” he said, “I want to go to the toilet!” He spoke quietly but at once Mrs. Brown 10 . Then he spoke

11、to her, and she opened the door for him.,( )1. A. up B. back C. to D. on ( )2. A. opened B. closed C. made D. drove ( )3. A. quickly B. quietly C. fast D. happily ( )4. A. bike B. car C. key D. knife ( )5. A. rang B. knocked C. opened D. made,B,A,B,C,A,( )6. A. Somebody B. AnybodyC. Nobody D. Everyb

12、ody ( )7. A. and B. but C. or D. then ( )8. A. sang B. criedC. thought D. laughed ( )9. A. idea B. plan C. key D. way ( )10. A. stayed up B. woke up C. picked up D. set up,C,B,C,A,B,三、短文填空There once lived a businessman who had a lazy son. He wanted his son to be 1. _. Then he told his son, “Today, I

13、 want you to get some money.”The boy went to his mother, crying. “2. _me!” His mother gave him a gold coin. In the evening the son showed his father the coin. The father asked him to throw it into a well. The boy 3. _ what he was told to.,hard-working,Help,did,The next day the businessman sent his w

14、ife to 4. _ town and asked his son to make money. This time he went to his sister, crying. His sister gave him a rupee(卢比). When his father asked him 5. _ he had got, the boy 6. _ him the rupee. The father again asked him to throw it into a well. The son did it quite readily(爽快地). The father then sent his daughter to her own house. He again asked his son to go out and work.,


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