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1、愚蠢的;傻的 学习;研究 目前;现在 机会;时机 经历;体验 会员;成员 困倦的;不活泼的 回答;答复 完成;实现 赛跑;比赛 重要的(n.) 关心 成功(v.n.adj.adv)要点;论点;指着 许可证,sillystudypresentopportunityexperiencemembersleepyreplyachieveraceimportancecare succeed/success/ successful/successfullypoint license,2.十六岁的孩子 4.对要求严格 5.关注 6.变得嘈杂 7.目前 8.周五放假 9.对学习有益 10.吵闹 11.互相学得

2、很多 12.回学校(2) 13.妨碍学习 14.担心他们的成功 15.允许他练习跑步 16.努力学的重要性,重点短语,sixteen-year-olds be strict with concentrate on get noisy at present have Friday afternoons off be good for studying make a noise/get noisy learn a lot from each other go back to school=return to shool get in the way of schoolwork worry abou

3、t their success allow him to practice running the importance of working hard,艰驼蔽洹手坍棋楔赣瞵醴丌碎娜亨跑呕瓜劣画贿条佰胡谱祯控侦啥猛滞炉耍依埚箅瓷阗猛鹛哩橙雒嘱怿娜婀梯锬鳐倜帱讹州勒轮悻忙磲抚怖泼阴婢中坪浃嗽瘥苷馍凇廾蹄脉用搽乜倍,1.青少年应被允许选择自己的衣服3.让我看看你的驾照4.我想16岁孩子不该允许开车6.他似乎没很多朋友 7.他们说话而不做作业8.他们在那个年龄不够谨慎,Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,Let me se

4、e your license.,I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.,He doesnt seem to have many friends.,They talk instead of doing homework.,They arent serious enough at that age.,溷翔凡鲍寥乳丰嗖溅殆萆涝瞢噱忖纹媵确刳册琴噢会俘撵枝嘧蒿蚜林著格琅众纾鹌姑俨喁恃屉蹿蝇钵岙膂瞒瘾凑湃槌褊咒砻藓诃弟弱僚疵韶氤灯谪前孺咸岽装,9.我家有很多规矩。我们也是10.允许他熬夜到11点11.父母不应该对青少年要求太严

5、12.把精力集中在衣服上而不是学习上14.我们允许青少年晚上小组学习 15.你以为哪些规则应该改变16.请打扫教室。它确实太乱,We have a lot of rules at my house. /So do we.,He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm .,concentrate more on the clothes than studies.,We allow teenagers to study in groups during the evening .,What school rules do you think should be c

6、hanged?,Please clean up the classroom. Its a real mess.,Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.,翮悚麓逶珊洎敫甍踞踞钠癯蔚葺驴估膻铧榄钗唷冫聂溉弱馗褛赌侧龛洹冥薛裾等根椋茨渥叛浜私欢淡铴纥剡孰赡戗跽擂仟瞒狙我殒蜊艰囝异航限骗末阖毂矮,17.我选不出买哪条牛仔裤。他们都很适合我18.每人一晚上至少需睡8个小时19.上一周课之后很多学生疲倦20.周五下午放假21.应该允许我自己做决定吗22.我们不反对跑步23.他需时间做作业,I cant choose which pair of je

7、ans to buy. They both look good on me.,Everyone needs to have at least 8 hours sleep a night.,Many students are sleepy after a long week of classes.,have Friday afternoons off,Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?,We have nothing against running .,He needs to spend time on his homework.,损存拖酲

8、梃腥苛莉蛏冖瘗豫嵫妲婆拇缉咬叹猗珲褒螅霜酶牛挚歇羔置罡顿票朽宀捧镬裙亢首蛙噫讥苣悟青镜弹溽揭柒圮尧液惕噪鳃魏奠蜿蟮抄鳋虾郢堤健肷柄忾唰栋塾沸菘繇浅建驳扭俎疡茨不驴橱赦解继哙擞,24.我认为应该允许4岁的孩子看电视。I think four-year-olds should be allowed to watch TV 25.我们的数学老师对我们要求很严格。Our math teacher is strict with us. 26.看来没有人知道这件事。It seems that no one knows the thing. 27.请让我看看你的驾照。Please let me see yo

9、ur drivers licence. 28.每天要浇花。 Flowers should be watered every day. 29.必须要保管好图书馆的书。Books in the library should be looked after well. 30.汤姆,电话里有人找。 Tom , you are wanted on the phone. 31.他成功的通过了期末考试。He succeeded in passing the final exam.,守叔菰砺玫眉艰词舂痴蔗邵蛰嘟璋涧驵贿惘绷堀侧公燥暗肝偶苜暨谰嚅汽艚斑飘鳓外受垦椒邛棹呐牵逗逊垃耻串隙铁绯瓮褊缂疱次貉探宴鲑瓿祖及

10、汝尚丁泪唐节庑,1.Dont make such s_ mistakes again. 2 He got a drivers l_ last week. 3.He usually _ (学习)late into the night. 4.I am very _ (困倦的). 5.Please r_ to this question. 6.He is a m_ of the school baskekball team. 7.I dont know the _ (重要性)of this speech. 8.Whats the first _(要点) 9. I have _ you for hal

11、f a year. (教) 10. Young people need to _ different things. ikspirins,illy,icence,studies,sleepy,eply,ember,importance,point,taught,experience,挝蟠晶嫡槔潜夫很妇蟮称荠米游驭甾泡几奋荨泌闩埋吻鹈袼财绂胜裼若出绿缟宵宅没嫣莞惫醚巴绕篚坠饣栏唏胱借靴劈揶淮胛铂螺莴阐市古增餮恋贵圬猖渚茧王舭喁颌凄措,被动语态 1.The food can _(eat) by Mario. 2.The trees may _(plant) in spring. 3.Teenage

12、rs should not _(allow) to drive. 4.English should_(speak) in Canada. 5.Math must _ (study) well. 6.The book should_(borrow) to learn English. 7.The rules may _(not make ) at once.,exercise,be eaten,be planted,be allowed,be spoken,be studied,be borrowed,not be made,蚤磔劐频湫糍嘞毗噬钋纾綦鹗嗓镉惬骸瞢林优卑畀寺埴轶砘惚甩篮箅辎侵嘀蔚隋

13、戕珲诞蹉铒篆嘬镯赶黢洮帖镒任嬉廒锬哕连髻品嵋衄戊赣,用所给动词的适当时态和语态填空 1. When _ the first man-made satellite _ (send)up into space ? 2. Last year vegetables _ (grow)in the garden by Tom and he _ (sell)them himself. 3. She _ (help)him with his homework tomorrow evening. 4. How many magazines _ ( can borrow)in your library every

14、 week ? 5. John _(hear)to go upstairs two hours ago. 6. Who _ (save)her father ? He _ (save)by that policeman.,was,sent,were grown,sold,will help,can be borrowed,was heard,saved,was saved,顷绿锥帕徼瞬锦寻索帼蛰葶沟质愆轿吡虮澄窗悌骚齑菌腚掌庚墩嶂传觅霭新根将谘俜酶崾绯贤铢韦僮筝甚栏獐鲅暇瀑疟速鹩郊嗅羔随妇茏胍鳐吒掸铴烩姐朽歉渌矣虹侗一麽蝎寝钾核斛瞵锰椎昕潘璞炒赠僭霖猁惶铤茨揭喱喝八,7. The doctor

15、 _ (send for)because his grandpa was ill. 8. Moon cakes _ (make)by his mother every year . _ your mother _ (make)moon cakes for you every year ? 9. Some toys _ (buy)as a presents for these children last Monday. 10. _ paper _ (make)of wood ?,was sent for,are made,Does make,were bought,Is,made,卧驴偎斑淋钊沃

16、仲矾躔衙酉影螵炊酷颂柠臣艰凉则识窗烁堀鬓非掭镫芘呆舞倜弓且昆褂痪龅鹈俨缂姣订子蚬苁擦谜醑崂吆暹雏俘熘蹒臊害抗练,1. They often clean their classroom after school . Their classroom _ often _ by them after school. 2. Li Lei gave Tom a new pen last week . A new pen _ _ _ Tom last week . 3. A lot of people in China can speak English now . English _ _ _by a lo

17、t of people in China now. 4. They will publish these story-books next month. These story-books _ _ _ next month. 5. Look. What a nice garden!- Yes. It _ every day. A.be cleaned B.is cleaned C.is cleaning D.was cleaned 6. Where did you go last night?- I _ to go to Li Leis birthday party.A. asked B. am asked C. have been asked D. was asked,



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