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1、2014-2015 学年译林牛津英语九年级上学期学年译林牛津英语九年级上学期Unit2 Colour 提高测试卷提高测试卷一、单项选择 (15 分)1Simon prefers _TV at home rather than_ to the parkAwatch;go Bwatching;going Cto watch;to go Dto watch;go2How many trees are there on top of the mountain? _ANothing BNobody CNo one DNone3I wanted to buy a comic book but there

2、was_left in the shopAone Bnone Cno one Danyone4Liu Xiang runs _fastNobody else can catch up with himAtoo far Bfar too Cso far Dvery too 5Hed rather_vegetables than_meat for lunchAeat,having Bhaving,eat Ceat,have Deats,has6Listen! The song sounds so_Awell Bbeautifully Cbeautiful Dterribly7Good hobbie

3、s can help us_and make our Iives_Arelaxing,colourful Brelaxing,colour Crelax,colour Drelax,colourful 8When I am playing basketball,there are always lots of girls_Awatch me Bwatch l Cwatching me Dwatching I 9Alice cant find her little dogHow_she looks!Ahappily Bhappy Csad Dsadly10_of students in the

4、school is over l,000_of students are from the countryAThe number, A number BThe number, The numberCA number, A number DA number, The number11A good doctor should be_ to his patientsAenough patient Bpatient enough Cenough active Dactive enough12The English exam is not very difficultBut I dont think_c

5、an pass itAsomebody Banybody Cnobody Deverybody13The old photos_them_the old days when they were youngAlet,to Bmake,for Ctake,of Dremind,of14The child is too young to_ himselfAwear Bput on Cdress Ddress up15He has some _the maths problemAdifficulty to work on Bdifficulty to work outCdifficulties in

6、working on Ddifficulty in working out二、完型填空(10 分) In the world today,all of the people need recreation(消遣)We 1 all the time if we are going to keep 2 and enjoy lifeEveryone has his own way of 3 Perhaps the most popular form is to 4 sportsThere are 5 sports,such as basketball and footballThere are al

7、so individual(个人的)sports,such as swimming and runningSkating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreation for people who like to be 6 Not everyone 7 enjoys spots likes to take part in themMany people like watching them on TV,or 8 them on the radioSo many people like some forms of indoor rec

8、reation,such as watching TV,singing and dancingIt doesnt matter 9 we like indoor recreation or take part in outdoor sportsIt is important for everyone to 10 ,and enjoy some forms of recreation 1Awill work Bcant work Cwill rest Dcant rest 2Aenjoyable Bexcited Cconfident Dhealthy 3Aliving Bthinking Cr

9、elaxing Dworking 4Ajoin in Bmake Cwatch Dplay with 5Agroup Bsingle Cteam Dwonderful 6Aat home Boutside Cin the square Din the library 7A/ Bwhich Cwho Dwhose 8A1istening Bhearing Chearing from D1istening to 9Awhether Bthat Cwhy Dwhen 10Amore or less Bforever Cfrom time to time Din this way三、阅读理解 (30

10、分) AThere was once a man who couldnt sleep well because he was afraid that there was a stranger under his bedHe thought that as soon as he went to sleep,the stranger would come out from under the bed and rob himHe was worried that the stranger might even kill him!Every night,after he got into bed,th

11、e man had to get up again and looked under the bedThere was never anyone there,but as soon as he got back into bed,he had to get up and looked under the bed againThis went on for hours until at last he fell asleep from exhaustionThe time came for the man to get marriedHe didnt tell his wife about hi

12、s fears but she soon found out because he kept her awake all night“You must go to a doctor”she told him“He will cure you of this silly fear”The man did as his wife told himHe told the doctor his problem,and the doctor said,“I can cure you,but it will take about two yearsYou must come and see me twic

13、e a weekThe fee for each visit will be $ 75”The next day the man called the doctor and said“I wont need to visit you againIm cured”The doctor was surprised“How?”he asked“Who cured you?”“My wife cured me,”the man said“When I told her how much you were going to charge me,she cut the legs off the bed” 1The man thought_was under the bed at nightAa monster Ba person Chis wife Dmoney 2When did the man start having his sleeping problem?AAfter he got married BAtier he saw the doctorCBefore he marr


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