2018-2019版英语新设计同步外研必修一全国通用版课件:module 4 period two

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1、Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood,基础自测,内容索引,要点探究,达标检测,课文预读,Period Two Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner,基础自测,.重点单词 1. n.委员会 2. n.组织 3. adj.失业的;没有工作的n.就业;工作;职业vt.雇用 4. n.家属;家人 5. n.职业,committee,organisation,unemployed,employment,employ,household,occupation,6. adj.专业的 7. adj.用手的;手的 8. n.美术馆

2、;画廊 9. vt.交换 10. adj.迷人的;吸引人的v.使着迷;迷住 11. vt.买得起;有能力支付 12. vi.死里逃生;大难不死 n.幸存;残存物 13. vt.联络;联系(某人),professional,manual,gallery,exchange,fascinating,fascinate,afford,survive,survival,contact,.重点短语 1. 到目前为止 2. 摆脱 3. 许多;大量 4. 上升,so far/up to now/till now,get away from,a great many/a number of,go up,.重点句

3、式 1.where引导定语从句 There are museums,cinemas,theatres,art galleries,parks,coffee bars,clubs and many other places people can meet and exchange ideas. 这里有博物馆、电影院、剧院、艺术馆、公园、咖啡厅、俱乐部,还有很多人们可以会面和交换意见的地方。,where,2.There are times when. I love cities,but there are times I need to get out into the countryside a

4、nd get away from the noise,the dirt and the people. 我喜欢城市,但有时我需要离开城市走入乡村,摆脱噪音、灰尘和人群。 3.to do作目的状语 All these things mean that many villages in western Europe are fighting (survive). 所有的这些都意味着很多西欧的村庄都在为生存而斗争。,when,to survive,4.without引导的虚拟语气 The countryside (be) a sadder and uglier place without them.

5、 没有了它们(村庄),农村将成为更悲哀、更丑陋的地方。,would be,课文预读,.阅读课文,判断正(T)误(F) 1.In some countries in western Europe,such as France,Russia and Britain,the countryside is changing.( ) 2.People move to the cities,for they are tired of the countryside life.( ) 3.The price of homes in the cities is going up.( ),答案,F,F,T,.课

6、文阅读理解 1.How many reasons are mentioned in the passage that some villages are disappearing? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.,答案,1,2,3,4,2.Sometimes villages remain because . A.the government offers help to build villages B.villages are beautiful C.people from the cities have bought houses in the villa

7、ge D.farmers dont want to leave their home,答案,1,2,3,4,3.Whats the attitude of the author towards the problems of villages? A.Optimistic. B.Concerned. C.Objective. D.Hopeless.,答案,1,2,3,4,4.This passage is written . A.in persuading words B.by giving examples C.by analyzing and concluding D.from the wr

8、iters personal feelings,答案,1,2,3,4,要点探究,Its been very successful,so far.到目前为止很成功。,重点词汇,so far到目前为止(常与现在完成时连用);到某一点、距离、程度为止 as far as和一样远 as/so far as sb.be concerned就某人而言 as/so far as I know/see据我所知/在我看来 so far,so good到目前为止情况不错,(1)The desert continued as far as the eye could see. 沙漠一直延伸到视线的尽头。 (2) ,

9、Id like to say I am not in favor of the plan. 就我而言,我想说我不赞成这个计划。 (3) ,he never comes late to school. 据我所知,他上课从未迟到过。 (4)The work is rather difficult,but . 工作相当困难,但到目前为止情况不错。,So/As far as Im concerned,As/So far as I know,so far,so good,There are museums,cinemas,theatres,art galleries,parks,coffee bars,

10、clubs and many other places where people can meet and exchange ideas. 这里有博物馆、电影院、剧院、艺术馆、公园、咖啡厅、俱乐部,还有很多人们可以会面和交换意见的地方。,exchange vt.交换 exchange.for.以交换 exchange sth. with sb. 和某人交换某物 in exchange (for.)作为(对的)交换,(1)He exchanged some of the milk for other food in the towns nearby. 他在附近的镇子上用一些牛奶交换其他食物。 (

11、2)The Internet enables us to ideas many others. 因特网使得我们能够与许多人交流看法。(2016江苏) (3)I will give you my book your knife. 我愿意用我的书交换你的小刀。 单句改错 (4)Exchange gifts is one of the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas.,exchange,Exchanging,with,in exchange for,I love cities,but there are times when I need to ge

12、t out into the countryside and get away from the noise,the dirt and the people. 我喜欢城市,但有时我需要离开城市走入乡村,摆脱噪音、灰尘和人群。,get away (from)(从地方)走开,离开;摆脱;外出度假 get back恢复;回来 get down to (doing) sth. 着手做某事;开始做某事 get sth. /sb. away把送走,移走 get away with侥幸(做成);受到从轻发落;做(坏事)而未受到惩罚 get close to靠近,(1)We are hoping to get

13、 away to Paris for a few days. 我们想要到巴黎度几天假。 (2)On horseback it is possible to get quite close to elephants,giraffes and many other animals. 在马背上,有可能很近距离地接近大象、长颈鹿和许多其他动物。 (2015重庆) (3)Its time I got down to (think) about that essay. 我该认真思考一下那篇论文了。,thinking,用适当的介、副词填空 (4)Dont be tempted to cheatyoull n

14、ever get away it. (5)Things will soon get to normal. (6)It was nailed to the wall and I couldnt get it .,with,back,away,All these things mean that many villages in western Europe are fighting to survive. 所有的这些都意味着很多西欧的村庄都在为生存而斗争。,(1)survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还;vt.经历而幸存;比活得时间长 survive sth.从(事故/火灾/地震等)中幸存下来 s

15、urvive sb.(by.)比某人活得长(年) survive on靠存活下来 (2)survival n.幸存;残存物 (3)survivor n.幸存者,生还者 注意:survive做及物动词时本身已表示“幸存,幸免于”,后面不能再接in或from。,(1)She coughed and choked and could hardly survive her first few weeks.她咳嗽、呛水,前几个星期几乎挺不下去了。(2016天津) (2)Mrs Anderson survived her husband 10 years. 安德森太太比她的丈夫多活了10年。 (3)I cant survive such a low salary. 这样低的收入我很难生活下去。 (4)The custom is a (survive) from the past. 这种风俗是从过去沿袭下来的。 (5)Officials said there were no (survive) of the plane crash. 官员们说这次飞机失事中没有幸存者。,


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