高中英语 UnitSporting events Period Three Task Part Ⅱ Writing课件 牛津译林版必修

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1、Period Three ,Task,Part Writing 如何写演讲稿,基础点拨,文体指导 演讲是以口语(讲)为主,以体态语(演)为辅的一种表达方式。是人们用来交流思想、表达感情、表明主张、见解的一种手段,同时也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和生活经验等。 演讲要力求观点鲜明、理由充分,有说服力和感染力。语言准确、简洁、通俗。,写演讲稿时,除了要有题目和称呼外,一般还应有以下几个方面: 1.开门见山地讲出自己的观点、态度或立场。 2.条理清楚地论证你的立场、观点的正确性,即说明你有这种观点、立场的理由。可借助一些具体的事例或一些具体的数据来增强你的说法的可信度,使你的演讲更有说服力。

2、3.用简洁的话语概括一下自己的立场、观点。再次强调自己演讲的主旨。 4.结束语(同时要给听众留有提问题的时间)。演讲的种类很多,有竞选演讲、就职演讲、一分钟演讲等。在实践中,演讲者可根据实际情况的需要而稍有变动。,常用句式 1.I think it is not only a sport but also an art,because it is a game that needs strength and skill. 2.I think playing table tennis can build our bodies,keep us healthy and train our brain

3、s. 3.The sport can strengthen our muscles,expand our lungs,promote the circulation of blood and cause a healthy action of the skin. 4.Football is a game that enjoys global popularity. 5.The sport has a long history of more than two hundred years.,写作任务 请你用英文写一篇演讲稿,阐明你对奥运会比赛项目的增删情况的看法。内容包括以下几点: 1.你认为哪

4、些运动项目应加进奥运会比赛中去,并说明理由。 2.你认为哪些运动项目应从奥运会比赛中删除,并说明理由。 3.结论:奥运会的比赛项目不应该一成不变,应随着时代的变化而进行相应的调整。 注意:1.词数150左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:国际奥委会International Olympic Committee(IOC),佳作构建,答案,审题谋篇 第一步 明确要求 演讲稿是介绍性说明文,在语言使用上一定要准确简明、通俗易懂、层次清楚、条理分明。在写作时,应注意用词得体,符合场合和语境。 第二步 确定段落 Para 1._ Para 2._ Para 3._ Para 4._ P

5、ara 5._,称呼语; 观点:哪些项目应该加入并简述理由; 观点:哪些项目应该删除及理由; 简单概括并得出结论; 结束语。,第三步 词汇热身 1.把加进奥运会 _ 2.不仅而且 _ 3.与有关 _ 4.另一方面 _ 5.总之 _ 6.与时俱进 _,答案,enter.into the Olympics not only.but also. be involved in on the other hand in a word keep up with the times,第四步 扩点成句 1.此外,不仅中国人而且全世界人都非常喜欢中国武术。 Besides, the Chinese people

6、 all over the world like wushu very much. 2.另一方面,许多运动项目,像高尔夫球、橄榄球及许多不常见的运动应该被取消 On the other hand,many sports golf and rugby, more unusual sports should be removed.,答案,as well as,not only,but also,such as,3.总之,国际奥委会应该更改或调整奥运会的相关项目数量或类型。,the IOC should revise or adjust the number and type of sports i

7、n the Olympics. 4.只有用这种方式奥运会才能变得有吸引力并与时俱进。Olympic Games become attractive and keep up with the times.,答案,Only in this way can,In a word,involved,连句成篇 _,We Need to Adjust Olympic Sports Good morning,boys and girls,Im glad to be here to express my opinions.I think we should try to enter Chinese wushu

8、into the Olympics.It is a Chinese martial art,and its a branch in the Martial Arts category.It needs skills and perseverance.Besides,not only the Chinese but also people all over the world like Chinese wushu very much.So it should be involved in the Olympics in the future.,答案,返回,答案,_,On the other ha

9、nd,many sports such as golf and rugby,as well as more unusual sports should be removed,because they became less popular and had to make way for new and more popular sports.In a word,the IOC should revise or adjust the number and type of sports involved in the Olympics. Only in this way can Olympic Games become attractive and keep up with the times.Thats all.Thank you!,


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