【医学ppt课件】how to talk about doctors

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《【医学ppt课件】how to talk about doctors》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【医学ppt课件】how to talk about doctors(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、HOW TO TALK ABOUT DOCTORS,The doctor who specializes in internal medicine, they are:,internist,Whats wrong with you 內科醫生,The doctor who specializes in female ailments, they are:,gynecologist,female troubles 婦科醫師,The doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth, they are:,obstetrician,having a

2、baby 產科醫生,The doctor who specializes in the treatment and care of infants and you children, they are:,pediatrician,is your baby ill 小兒科醫生,The doctor who specializes in skin disorders, they are:,dermatologist,skin clear 皮膚科醫生,The doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye, they are:,ophthalmologis

3、t,eye okay 眼科醫生,The doctor who specializes in bones problems, they are:,orthopedist,how are your bones 整骨醫生後來為(整形外科醫生),The doctor who specializes in heart problems, they are:,cardiologist,your heart go pitter-patter 心臟病科醫生,The doctor who specializes in the brain and nervous system, they are:,neurolo

4、gist,your brain working 神經科醫生,The doctor who specializes in mental and emotional disturbances, they are:,psychiatrist,are you neurotic 精神病醫生,Internist 內科醫生 Gynecologist 婦科醫生 Obstetrician 產科醫生 Pediatrician 小兒科醫生 Dermatologist 皮膚科醫生,Ophthalmologist 眼科醫生 Orthopedist 整形外科醫生 Cardiologist 心臟病醫生 Neurologis

5、t 神經科醫生 Psychiatrist 精神病醫生,intern(e) n.實習醫生v. 實習、軟禁 gyne-co-logy n.婦科學 gyne-co-log-ical adj.婦科的,obstetr-ics n.產科醫學 obstetr-ical adj.產科的助產的 obstetr-ic adj.產科的生產的,ped-iatr-ics n.小兒科 ped-iatr-ic adj.小兒科的,ped-agog-y n.教育學、教學法 ped-agog-ical adj.教育學的教學法的 ped-agogue n.(小學)教師,demagogue n.煽動家 dem-agogue-ry n

6、.煽動行為 dem-agog-ic adj.煽動性的,derma-to-logy n.皮膚醫學derma-to-log-ical adj.皮膚醫學的,hypo-derm-ic adj.皮下的 epi-derm-is n.表皮 taxi-derm-ist n.(動物標本) 剝製者,taxi-derm-y n.(動物標本)剝製術 pachy-derm n.原本是厚皮動物後才引伸為厚臉皮 derma-titis n.皮膚炎,ophthalmo-logy n.眼科學ophthalmo-log-ical adj.眼科的,ocul-ist n.眼科醫生 ocul-ar adj.眼睛的 mono-cle n

7、.單片眼鏡,bin-ocul-ars n.雙筒望遠鏡 in-ocul-ate v.預防接種的給注射預防針,opto-metr-ist n.驗光師 opto-metr-y n.驗光視力測定 opto-metr-ic adj.視力檢定的opto-metr-ical adj.視力檢定的,opt-ic-ian n.配鏡師眼鏡商 opt-ics n.光學 opt-ical adj.光學的視力的,ortho-ped-ics n.整形學整形外科 ortho-ped-ic adj.整形外科的,ortho-dont-ia n.牙齒矯正術 ortho-dont-ist n.牙齒矯正師 ortho-dont-ic

8、adj.齒列矯正的,cardio-logy n.心臟病學 cardio-log-ical adj.心臟病學的cardi-ac adj.心臟的,cardio-gram n.心電圖 cardio-graph n.心電圖儀,neur-o-logy n.神經學 neur-o-log-ical adj.神經學的 neur-algia n.神經痛,neur-itis n.神經炎 neur-osis n.神經官能症恐懼症 neur-o-tic adj.神經質的神經病的,psych-osis n.精神病 psych-ot-ic adj.精神病的 psych-iatr-y n.精神病學 精神病治療 psych-iatr-ic adj.精神病學的,ger-iatr-ics n.老人醫學 ger-iatr-ic adj.老年人的 ger-iatr-ician n.老年醫學專家老年病學專家,



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