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1、Chapter 6 Discourse and register analysis approaches,Introduction,Discourse analysis, belongs to applied linguistics, came to prominence in translation studies in the 1990s. Text analysis: normally concentrates on describing the way in which texts are organized( sentence structures, cohesion, etc.)

2、Discourse analysis: looks at the way language communicates meaning and social and power relations. Register(语域): the style of a piece of writing or speech (colloquial, formal, literary, etc.) usually used in particular circumstances.,语域(Register)是语言使用的场合或领域的总称。英国语言学家韩礼德(M. A. K. Halliday)将语域定义为,语言变体

3、可以按照使用的情况划分为语域。语言使用的领域的种类很多,例如:新闻广播、演说语言、广告语言、课堂用语、办公用语、家常谈话、与幼童谈话、与外国人谈话、口头自述等。在不同的领域使用的语言会有不同的语体。 语域的三个社会变量:语场(field),语旨(tenor)和语式(mode)。具有某种具体用途的语言变体,它与社会或区域(因说话者的不同而异)相对。使语言行为适应于某一特定活动类型、正式程度等的一种倾向。语域是由多种情境特征-特别是指语篇语场、语篇方式和语篇基调-相联系的语言特征构成的。语域是语篇针对特定的交际场合,为达到某一交际目的而产生的一种功能变体,它是多种参数-语篇语场、方式和基调-的综合

4、体现,不只是一种单纯的语篇方式变体。,The Hallidayan Model of Language and Discourse,Hallidays model of discourse analyses, based on what he terms systemic functional grammar (SFG), is geared to the study of language as communication, seeing meaning in the writers linguistic choices and systematically relating these c

5、hoices to a wider sociocultural framework. In his model, there is a strong interrelation between the surface-level realizations of the linguistic functions and the sociocultural framework.,Sociocultural environment(社会文化语境)Genre (文本类型)Register (field 语场/话语范围,tenor 话语意旨, mode 话语模式)Discourse semantics

6、(ideational, interpersonal, textual )Lexicogrammar (transitivity 及物性,modality 形态,theme-theme 主述位/cohesion 衔接),Relation of genre and register to language,Register includes: 1.field: (语场/话语范围)what is being written about, e.g. a delivery of goods2.Tenor(语旨/话语意旨): who is communicating and to whom, e.g.

7、a sales representative to a customer; 话语意旨指交际者之间的关系3.Mode(语式/话语模式): the form of communication, e.g. written. 话语模式指交际得以进行的方式,Metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal, textual. The field of a text is associated with ideational meaning, which is realized through transitivity patterns (verb types, activ

8、e/passive structures, participants in the process, etc.)The tenor of a text is associated with interpersonal meaning, which is realize through the patterns of modality (modal verbs and adverbs such as hopefully, should, possibly, and evaluative lexis such as beautiful, dreadful).The mode of a text i

9、s associated with textual meaning, which is realized through thematic and information structures (mainly the order and structuring of elements in a clause) and cohesion.,6.2 Houses Model of Translation Quality Assessment,休斯(House) 在1977年已经为语篇翻译提供了一种模式,但遭致广泛的批评,因此,她在1997年出版的翻译质量评估模式:一种重访模式(Translatio

10、n Quality Assessment: A Model Revised) 中这一模式进行了修改,休斯将其早期的模式移植进韩礼德式的话语范围,意旨,方式的语域分析中,创造了自己的新模式。这种模式对源语文本和译语文本外部特征进行了系统的比较。,Houses comparative model can be reduced to a register analysis of both ST and TT according to their realization through lexical, syntactic and textual means. Textual means refers

11、 to: theme-dynamics: thematic structure and cohesion; 主题动态学:包括主题结构及衔接 (2) Clausal linkage: addictive (and, in addition), adversative, (but, however), etc.; 小句连接:包括并列连词和转折连词 (3) Iconic linkage: parallelism of structures. 象似连接:包括结构平行等 (象似性:指的是语言符号在音,形式结构,认知方式,概念框架,所表意义之间存在映照相似现象),Scheme for analyzing

12、and comparing original and translation texts,Houses model operates as follows: (1)A profile is produced of the ST register. (2) To this is added a description of the ST genre realized by he register. (3) Together, this allows a statement of function to be made for the ST, including the ideational an

13、d interpersonal component of that function (in other words, what information is being conveyed and what the relationship is between sender and receiver). (4) The same descriptive process is then carried out for the TT. (5) The TT profile is compared to the ST profile and a statement of mismatches or

14、 errors is produced, categorized according to genre and to the situational dimensions of register and genre; these dimensional errors are referred to as covertly erroneous errors, to distinguish them from overtly erroneous errors, which are denotative mismatches or target system errors. (6) Finally,

15、 the translation can be categorized into one of two types: overt translation or covert translation.,Overt translation(显性翻译): is a TT that does not purport to be an original. In Houses rather confusing definition, an overt translation is one in which the addressees of the translation text are quite “

16、overtly” not being directly addressed. Equivalence has to be sought at the level of language/text, register and genre. The individual text function cannot be same for TT and ST. A second level functional equivalence (二级功能对等)should be sought.Covert translation(隐性翻译): is a translation which enjoys the

17、 status of an original source text in he target culture. The ST is not linked particularly to the ST culture or audience; both ST and TT address their respective receivers directly. The function of a covert translation is to recreate, reproduce or represent in the translated text the function the original has in its lingualcultural framework and discourse world. A cultural filter needs to be applied by the translator, modifying cultural elements and thus giving the impression that the TT is an original.,



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