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1、邦德教师帮你忙 轻松冲刺 100 分 五年五年级级香港朗文版香港朗文版我相信我一定行我相信我一定行 1第一关 Unit 1 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习2第二关 Unit 2 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习4第三关 Unit 3 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习7第四关 Unit 4 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习9第五关 Unit 5 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习10第六关 Unit 6 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习12第七关 Unit 7 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习14第八关 Unit 8 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习15第九关 Unit 9 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习16目 录邦德教师帮你忙

2、 轻松冲刺 100 分 五年五年级级香港朗文版香港朗文版我相信我一定行我相信我一定行 2Unit 1 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习月 日 我花了 分钟完成一、重要单词及短语:buy stamps:买邮票return books:还书borrow books:借书make some tea:沏茶pay a bill:付账buy take-away food:买快餐buy a newspaper:买报纸at the bank:在银行at the library:在图书馆at the post office:在邮电局at the restaurant:在餐厅at the news-stand:在报刊

3、亭in the supermarket:在超市tidy the flat:清扫房屋put the rubbish out:丢垃圾bath the dog:给小狗洗澡polish the furniture:擦亮家具FirstThenNextAfter thatLastlywork hard:努力工作 dig-dug:挖post a letter:寄信Never mind:从不介意二、重要句型:1The children are doing some jobs for their mother 2what are they doing?3Cherry is going to help her g

4、randmother4What is she going to do?5Im sorry youre illIm sorry to hear that6Can I help you?What can I do for you?7Can you help me to tidy the flat?8Charlie wanted to help his grandmother9what did he do ?where did he go?10There was a boy ten minutes ago11He did not know how to read maps12Thank you fo

5、r digging the garden13Do you remember what to do?14Hes going to post a letter at the post office三、重要语法知识点:A 现在进行时:肯 定 名:LingVareamisbe/主语否 定 句:LingVnotbe主语一般疑问句:LingVBe主语动词加ing 规则:略B 一般将来时:肯定句: LL原主语原主语VtogoingbeVwill否定句: LL 原主语原主语 VtogoingnotbeVnotwill一般疑问句: LL 原主语原主语 VtogoingBeVwillC 一般过去时:肯定句:Led

6、V动词过去式主语否定句:L原主语Vtdidn一般疑问句:L原主语VDid动词加ed 规则:略不规则动词过去式:要求熟记一、按要求写单词:1child(复数)_2library(复数)_3tidy(过去式)_4pay(现在分词)_邦德教师帮你忙 轻松冲刺 100 分 五年五年级级香港朗文版香港朗文版我相信我一定行我相信我一定行 35put(现在分词) _6make(现在分词) _7find(过去式)_8hard(形容词)_二、找朋友:1returnaa bill2paybthe rubbish3tidycbooks4put outdthe furniture5makeetrees6polishf

7、the classroom7plantgmany letters8dighthe tea9postisome holes 三、仿照例句改写句子:eg:Tomreturn booksTom returned books last weekTom is going to return books tomorrow Tom is returning books now1Lilybuy a newspaper_2Tom and Johnbuy take-away food_3The little boythrow the rubbish away_4The mandig ground the tree

8、_5Marypolish the furniture_ 四、句型转换:变为否定句和一般疑问问和特殊疑问问。1The children are doing some jobs for their mother_2Charlie went to the library yesterday_3The man will dig the field in the garden_4Peter is going to plant some vegetables_邦德教师帮你忙 轻松冲刺 100 分 五年五年级级香港朗文版香港朗文版我相信我一定行我相信我一定行 4_ Unit 2 综综合知合知识识及及练习练习

9、月 日 我花了 分钟完成一、重要单词及短语:building:高楼大厦neighbourhood:邻近环境,周围环境sports centre:体育中心shopping centre:购物中心public toilet:公共厕所 post office:邮电局car park:停车场 dental clinic:牙科诊所recycling bin:回收箱swimming pool:游泳池model:模型village school:乡村小学burn down:烧毁、倒塌have a meeting:开会make friends with sb:交朋友send a parcel:寄邮包a lot

10、 of=lots of:许多an MTR station:一个地铁站go to the dentist:看牙医recycle rubbish:;回收垃圾go swimming:游泳二、重要句型:1What places are there in your neighbourhood2There is an MTR station3Is there a dental clinic in your neghbourhood? Yes,there isWe can go to the dentist hereNO,there isntWe cant see a dentist here We nee

11、d a dental clinic4What do you need?5No place like home:East or west,home is best家最好6One day there was a fire7How do you like?你有多喜欢?8Dont you like?难道你不喜欢吗?9It will take me a long time to make friends at my new school三、重要语法知识点:There be 句型表示有:现在式:There isareThere isntarentIsAre there过去式:There waswereThere wasntwerentWasWere there将来式:There will be邦德教师帮你忙 轻松冲刺 100 分 五年五年级级香港朗文版香港朗文版我相信我一定行我相信我一定行 5There wont beWill there be注意:There be 句型中用就近原则:eg:There is a book and two


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