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1、1 2016 年年“上外杯上外杯”上海市高中英语竞赛上海市高中英语竞赛 初赛试题初赛试题 考生注意: 一、本卷共 10 页、77 小题,满分 100 分。答卷时间 90 分钟。 二、本卷所有题目均为选择题选择题,请将所选答案用 2B 铅笔铅笔点涂在答题卡答题卡上。 I. Grammar (15 分)分) Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phra

2、se that best fits the context. (A) Nowhere in Italy _1_ a crisis more beautifully framed than in Venice. Neither land nor water, the city lifts like a mirage from a lagoon at the head of the Adriatic. For centuries it has threatened to vanish _2_ the waves of the acqua alta, the relentlessly regular

3、 flooding caused by rising tides and sinking foundations. But _3_ is the least of its problems. Just ask Mayor Massimo Cacciari, professor of philosophy, fluent in German, Latin, Ancient Greek. Ask about the acqua alta and Venice _4_, and he says, “So go get boots.” Boots are fine for water, but use

4、less against the flood _5_ causes more concern for Venetians than any lagoon spillover: the flood of tourism. Number of Venetian residents in 2007: 60,000. Number of visitors in 2007: 21 million. 1. A. is B. has C. there is D. is there 2. A. above B. beneath C. over D. in 3. A. that B. it C. this D.

5、 here 4. A. sunk B. being sunk C. sinking D. sinks 5. A. what B. that C. it D. / (B) 学校_ 姓名_ 准考证号_ 2 It took humans thousands of years to explore our own planet, and centuries _6_ (comprehend) our neighboring planets. Nowadays, new worlds _7_ every week. To date, astronomers have identified more tha

6、n 370 “exoplanets”worlds orbiting stars other than the sun. There is a “hot Saturn” 260 light-years from Earth that _8_ its parents so rapidly that a year there lasts less than three days. Circling another star 150 light-years out is a scorched “hot Jupiter,” _9_ upper atmosphere is being blasted of

7、f to form a gigantic comet-like tail. Astronomers have found three planets orbiting a pulsarthe remains of a once mighty star _10_ into a spinning atomic nucleus the size of a city. Some worlds have evidently fallen into their suns. Others _11_ out of their systems to become “floaters” that wander i

8、n eternal darkness. Among all these, scientists are eager to find a hint of the familiar: planets resembling Earth. That is, planets orbiting their stars at just the right distanceneither too hot nor too cold _12_ life as we know it. We have not yet found planets that are quite like our own, presuma

9、bly _13_ theyre inconspicuous. _14_ a planet as small and slim as ours amid the glare of its star is like trying to see a firefly in a firworks display. Yet by pushing technology to the limits, astronomers are rapidly approaching the day _15_ they can find another Earth. And when they do, they can i

10、nvestigate it for signs of life. 6. A. comprehend B. comprehends C. to comprehend D. comprehending 7. A. are discovered B. are being discovered C. will be discovered D. are to be discovered 8. A. orbit B. orbiting C. orbits D. has orbited 9. A. where B. whose C. in which D. which 10. A. shrink B. sh

11、rinks C. shrinking D. shrunk 11. A. have thrown B. are throwing C. have been thrown D. are being thrown 12. A. support B. supporting C. that support D. to support 13. A. when B. if C. because D. as 14. A. To see B. See C. Seeing D. having seen 15. A. that B. which C. when D. on which 3 II. Vocabular

12、y (10 分)分) Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. mimic B. triggering C. groomed D. incorporate AB. counterpart AC. output AD. rocket CD. twin BC. coverage BD. chews up ABC. crystal

13、lize All competitive ski and snowboarding events now take place largely on man-made snow. Unlike its natural _16_, the machine-made white stuff can be carefully tweaked to make a more durable and consistent surface: one perfect for record-breaking attempts. Snow-making equipment is viewed as essenti

14、al in most ski areas to guarantee _17_ throughout the seasons. The snow “cannons” or “guns” that manufacture snow _18_ the natural formation of snowflakes. Snow machines typically force pressurized water through a nozzle (喷嘴), breaking into a mist of tiny droplets, and then use compressed air or fan

15、s to blast them into the air. As the droplets cool, the molecules line and _19_ into ice particles. The art to snow-making is adjusting the water and air to ensure that the water drops are small enough and sent far enough so that they will freeze before they hit the ground. If the air temperature is quite high, for example, dripping the water content and upping the air would create smaller particles that are more likely to freeze. Snow-m


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