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1、 郑州国家经济技术开发区概念性城市设计Zhengzhou Etdd Conceptual Urban Design 目 录CONTENT第一章 愿景第二章 策略第三章 分析第四章 规划第五章 设计第六章 导则第七章 道路第八章 案例1 VISION2 STRATEGY3 SITE ANALYSIS4 OVERALL PLANNING5 CORE AREA DESIGN6 GENERAL GUIDELINE7 INDUSTRY AVENUES8 CASE STUDIESZhengzhou Etdd Conceptual Urban Design VISION 愿 景CHAPTER ONE尊重既有

2、城市肌理,延续新城发展模式。 Respect exsiting urban texture and continue new urban development model.尊重与延续 Respect and ContinuationOld CBD 中心城区ETDD经开区Greater ZhengzhouIndustrial Area 大郑东产业区New CBD 郑东新区CBD城市区位 City Location郑州承启东西,贯通南北,九州之中,十省同衙。郑州是中国重要的交通通讯枢纽,京广、陇海 铁路大动脉交汇于此,铁路货运口岸和航空口岸对方开放,拥有亚洲最大的铁路编组站,全国最 大的零担货物

3、中转站。经开区之于郑州正如郑州之于中国,在中原城市群,郑汴一体化,大郑东新区的发展下,郑州中 心城区向东南方向发展的趋势日渐明晰,位于郑州中心城区东南侧的经济技术开发区随着郑东新 区CBD的逐步完善,高铁站点的建成,将会成为郑州产业发展的核心,连接各区域的枢纽。Zhengzhou, located in the heartland of China, is at the crossroads of the country. Zhengzhou is the crucial hub of both highway and railway communication in China. It is

4、 at the intersection of two important railway lines: anorht- south line linking Beijing with Guangzhou and an east-west line connecting Linyugang with Urumqi. Its railway cargo transportation port and airport operations prot area officially open to the outside work. Zhengzhou has the largest railway

5、 cargo yard in Asia, the lagest transit station for bulk goods in China.The location of ETDD in Zhengzhou is same as Zhengzhou in China. By the development of Central China Urban Agglomeration, Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Corridor and Greater Zhengzhou East New District, the development axis is clearly going

6、towards southeast part of the city. ETDD is becoming center of industrial development and transportation hub connecting all the other districts.城市肌理 Urban Texture郑州中心城区的传统街区模式多为网格型街区,郑东新区CBD,龙湖副CBD,龙子湖高教园 区均为环路布局,经济技术开发区的路网和街区在尊重郑州传统街区模式的同时也是对新 区城市肌理的延续。Traditional road network in old city of Zhengz

7、hou is grid block. Zhengzhou East New CBD, Dragon lake sub CBD and Longzi Lake Campus Park are all having ring roads. ETDD must respect both old and new urban texture at same time.郑州区位 Zhengzhou Location经济技术开发区区位 ETDD Location郑东新区CBD城市肌理 Zhengzhou East CBD Urban Texture郑东中心城区城市肌理 Zhengzhou East Old

8、City Urban Texture郑州传统街道 中原路 Traditional Zhengzhou Street Zhongyuan Road 郑州传统街道 人民路 Traditional Zhengzhou Street Renmin Road Cosmopolitan Destination国际化目标Provide international and modern live and work space提供具有国际一流品质富有现代感的生活空间和工作方式Live生活Quality品质 Work工作Play娱乐Live 生活Work 工作Play 娱乐Knowledge Talents知识型

9、精英Provide education and training facilities to attract and retain talents. Meeting their sophisticated demands for spaces and create a dynamic urban environment提供教育和培训设施,吸引并留住人才。满足其对空间的多种需求并享受这充满 活力的城市环境High Quality Environment 高品质环境VirtuousCircle 良性循环 机制Industrial Park Upgrade 产业区升级Knowledge Talent

10、s 高素质精英高品质的生活工作环境是驻留人才的重要元素。 High quality live and work environment is the key element of retaining talents高素质知识型精英人才为经济技术 开发区创造价值并提供智力支持。 Knowledge talents bring about value and provide intelligence support to ETDD.经济技术开发区的不断成长升级进一步推动建设发展。 The growth and update ot ETDD push construction and develop

11、ment to next level.Sustainable Development可持续发展建筑布局或规划是推进可持续发展的重要元素。目标是提供一个真正的场所,并在其形成过程中对整个区域进行加 强。提供适于步行的街区,以公共交通站点与开放空间为中心,打造宜人的步行环境。 It the layout or site planning of buildings is a key element to promoting an environmental approach to the sustainable growth of a district. Overall the goal is to

12、 provide an authentic place that strives to enhance the district while also establishing an “authentic place“. Create walkable districts, centered on transit stations and focused on open spaces and pedestrian-friendly environments.人性街区尺度 Human Scale Block Size街区尺度将是形成城市整体尺度感的基本因 素。区分产业区与核心区的地块大小和路网

13、密度,在核心区减小街区尺度,打造宜人的 步行环境。 Block size is key element of urban design. Define different block size and road density; and reduce block size in core area to create human scaled pedestrian environment.成功的复合开发区域应该充满生气与活力。这个区域能够 通过一系列高价值区域和全天候商业流线循环来为多样人 群服务。 It has been our experience that the successful

14、mixed use district must be robust and vital, it is a district that must respond to a broad audience through the number of price points and through a full day shopping cycle.鼓励复合功能 The Proposed Mix of Uses综合公共交通 The Integration of Public Transit交通是一个锚点。关注交通系统(汽车、公交和 轨道交通)以及他们将人们送到指定地点的方 式。无论穿行于地下、地面、

15、地上或是穿过桥等 连接物,交通工具越能满足发展的需要就越是成 功。 Transport is an anchoring device. Look at transport (car, bus, and rail) systems and how they feed people into the district and at what point. Whether it is at grade, below grade, above grade through bridges and linkages, the more the transport system can feed the d

16、evelopment the more successful it will become.Future Industrial Park未来工业园Through our understanding of global trends and the needs associated for attracting higher forms of industrial development, the proposed goals seek to elevate the site as a show case zone for the world.通过我们对全球产业发展的理解及基地吸引更高端产业形态的需求,我们将产业区定位为 面向世界的新型展示型产业基地。Future Industry 未来工业园Intelligence 知识Innovation 创新Interaction 交流Intelligence: Create an intelligent industrial park that attracts and re


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