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1、本本 科科 毕毕 业业 论论 文文 基于无线传感器的建筑物结构健康监测系基于无线传感器的建筑物结构健康监测系 统服务器应用程序设计统服务器应用程序设计Server Application Design of Structural Health Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks姓 名:学 号:学 院:软件学院系:软件工程专 业:软件工程年 级:校外指导教师: 校内指导教师: 年年 月月摘摘 要要建筑物结构健康监测(SHM)是目前土木学科研究的前沿课题之一。每个建筑物都有其固有的物理特性,当其内部结构发生变化时,某些物理特性就会

2、发生改变。结构建筑物的健康监测思路是:对建筑物的特性参数进行采集,经过在线处理、或发回到数据中心处理后,与健康情况下的处理结果相比较,即可得出当前建筑物所处状态是否健康。以往 SHM 采集数据是通过有线网络进行传输的。但随着网络规模的扩大,有线网络中传输线的成本急剧增加,供电电源困难、节点安装拆卸繁琐的缺点日益突出,无线监测成为一种趋势。无线传感器网络(WSN)的设计必须满足:低功耗、低复杂度、节点数多、覆盖范围广、适当的传输速率五个要求。目前国内外基于结构健康监测应用的无线传感网络实现方法中大部分是基于单跳的,网络只能支持少量的节点。为实现大覆盖范围,又满足低复杂度、低功耗的要求,本文介绍了

3、将 IEEE802.15.4标准和基于其上架构的 Zigbee 协议引入到健康监测的无线传感器网络中的系统,设计并实现了系统的控制中心服务器应用程序。关键词关键词:建筑物结构健康监测;无线传感网;服务器AbstractThe large-scale civil structures are supposed to provide long-term service to the society, and their damage even collapse will bring great losses to the country and the people. Therefore, inc

4、reasing emphasis is put on structure safety, and the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has also become one of the forefronts of civil engineering. The health status of civil structures can be determined by first collecting the building parameters, then processing the data online or directly sending

5、 them back to the data center for processing, after which the characteristics parameter can be extracted and compared with the normal value. The traditional wired structural monitoring systems often suffer of various problems mainly related to the cabling which limits their applicability. These issu

6、es include the cost of cables, their difficulty of installation, their invasive effect on the monitored structure, their vulnerability to mechanical damage, and the high cost of maintenance. All these disadvantages urge the need for wireless monitoring.In the design of wireless sensor network (WSN)

7、for the application SHM, five requirements are supposed to be met: low-power, large network nodes, multi-hop, low-complexity and the appropriate data rate. But most of the current wireless SHM systems are mainly based on single-hop, and the network can only support a small number of nodes. For the r

8、ealization of multi-hop, low complexity and low power requirements, this thesis will introduce the proposed system based on ZigBee protocol built on the IEEE802.15.4, then design and implement the server application.Key words: SHM; WSN; Server目目 录录第一章第一章 绪论绪论.11.11.1 结构健康监测概述结构健康监测概述1 1.21.2 无线传感器网络

9、在结构健康监测中的应用无线传感器网络在结构健康监测中的应用3 1.31.3 本章总结本章总结.4第二章第二章 无线网络搭建和系统总体架构无线网络搭建和系统总体架构.52.12.1 ZigBeeZigBee 协议及其实现协议及其实现.5 2.1.1 短距离无线通讯标准5 2.1.2 ZigBee 协议栈简介.5 2.1.3 ZigBee 网络拓扑6 2.1.4 ZigBee 实现方案9 2.22.2 系统总体架构系统总体架构10 2.2.1 网络拓扑10 2.2.2 系统总体架构.12 2.2.2 网络节点介绍.12 2.32.3 系统软件设计系统软件设计16 2.3.1 节点处 Atmega1

10、28 状态转移图17 2.3.2 协调器 CC2430 部分简要状态机图.18 2.42.4 本章总结本章总结.18第三章第三章 服务器应用程序设计服务器应用程序设计193.13.1 服务器应用程序的功能服务器应用程序的功能19 3.23.2 命令和数据传输命令和数据传输.19 3.2.1 信令的传输过程.19 3.2.2 串口通信规范.20 3.2.3 数据包格式21 3.2.4 服务器应用程序与其他模块通信的参数接口定义.23 3.33.3 服务器应用程序软件设计服务器应用程序软件设计.27 3.3.1 服务器应用程序流程27 3.3.2 服务器应用程序的状态转移29 3.3.3 服务器应

11、用程序架构30 3.43.4 服务器应用程序界面服务器应用程序界面 32 3.4.1 服务器应用程序的开发平台 32 3.4.2 服务器应用程序用户界面设计 32 3.43.4 本章小结本章小结.35第四章第四章 实验测试实验测试364.14.1 正弦波信号采集测试正弦波信号采集测试.364.1.1 实验介绍36 4.1.2 实验测试36 4.24.2 框架实验振动测试框架实验振动测试37 4.2.1 实验介绍37 4.2.2 实验测试38 4.34.3 本章小结本章小结.40第五章第五章 总结与展望总结与展望.415.15.1 总结总结41 5.25.2 展望展望41参考文献参考文献. .4

12、3致谢致谢 44ContentsChapter 1 Introduction.11.1 Introduction to SHM1 1.2 Wireless Sensing Network in SHM3 1.3 Summary of This Chapter4Chapter 2 Building Wireless Network and Architecture.52.1 ZigBee Protocol and Its Implementation5 2.1.1 Comparation of Short-range Communication Protocol5 2.1.2 ZigBee Pr

13、otocol5 2.1.3 ZigBee Network Topology.6 2.1.4 CC2430.9 2.2 System Architecture10 2.2.1 Network Topology.10 2.2.2 System Architecture.12 2.2.2 Network Nodes.12 2.3 Software Design16 2.3.1 Atmega128 State Machine Graph.17 2.3.2 CC2430 Flow Graph18 2.4 Summary of This Chapter18Chapter 3 Server Applicat

14、ion Software Design.193.1 Server Application Functions19 3.2 Signal Transmission19 3.2.1 Signal Transmission Process19 3.2.2 Serial Transportation Interface20 3.2.3 Packet Format21 3.2.4 Server Application Transmission Interface Design.23 3.3 Server Application Software Design27 3.3.1 Server Applica

15、tion Working Process.27 3.3.2 Server Application State Machine Graph29 3.3.3 Server Application Architecture.30 3.4 Server Application User Interface 32 3.4.1 Server Application Development Platform 32. 3.4.2 Server Application UI Design 32 3.5 Summary of This Chapter35Chapter 4 Experiment Testing.364.1 Sine Wave Signal Acqusition Test36 4.1.1 Experiment In



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