中考英语 第一部分 基础知识梳理 九下 Units 5-6习题1

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《中考英语 第一部分 基础知识梳理 九下 Units 5-6习题1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 第一部分 基础知识梳理 九下 Units 5-6习题1(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1九年级九年级( (下下) ) UnitsUnits 5-65-61. stone n. _ 2. _ v. 守卫,保卫;看守3. _ n. 国家;州;政府;状态 v. 陈述,说明4. r_ v. 剩余,遗留;仍然是5. _ v. (使)分开,分离6. enemy n. _ 7. _ n. 财富;珍宝8. _ v. 假定,假设;推断9. pioneer n. _10. i_ v he who thinks but does not learn is in danger.学而不思则罔,思 而不 学则殆。34. A good student connects what he 4story.女孩被他

2、感人的故事欺骗了。17. The library was built _ the scientist.这座图书馆是为了纪念这位 科 学家而建的。18. Hangzhou attracts visitors from _ this year because of G20 Summit(峰会)杭州今年因为 20 国峰 会 吸引了来自国内外的游客。19. I dont want to _ too much of your time.我不想占用你太多时间。20. She chose the red sweater _ the pink one.她选中了那件红色毛衣 而不 是那件粉色的。21. Id l

3、ike to _ that air pollution is increasing every year.我想指出 空气污 染每年都在增加。22. Now please _ your opinions in a few words.现在请用几个词总结 你们 的观点。 23. _, he is the best person for this job.在我看来,他是做这份 工 作的最佳人选。reads with what he sees around him. 好学生会把他读到的东西与他在周 围所看到的东西联系起来。35. When I walk along with two others, I

4、 may be able to learn from them.三人 行,必有我师焉。36. What you know, you know; what you dont know, you dont know.知 之为知 之,不知为不知。37. Learn the new while reviewing the old.温故而知新。38. Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.己所不 欲,勿 施于人。39. In a month, _. 一个月后,我的初中生活就将结束。40. _这里冬 天 既不热也不冷。41.

5、The hero would rather die than give in to the enemy.那位英雄宁死也不 愿向 敌人投降。 42. _众所周 知, 鱼离开水不能活。短 语 与 句 型43. One tree cant make a forest.独 木不成林。44. Bing Xin is considered to be one of the greatest writers in China._。45. Nothing in the world is 47. Everything comes to him who waits. 功夫不负有心人。48. As time goe

6、s by, our life is getting better and better._。5impossible if you set your mind to it.世上无难事,只 怕有心 人。46. Where there is a will, there is a way.有志 者,事竟成。答案 重点单词 1. 石头; 石料; 岩石 2. guard3. state 4. remain 5. separate 6. 敌人; 反对者 7. treasure 8. suppose 9. 先锋;拓荒者 10. influence 11. 海岸;海滨 12. birth 13. trade 1

7、4. university 15. degree 16. 在下面 17. private 18. 总统,国家主席 19. prize 20. neither 21. trust 22. fix 23. tool 24. 女演员 25. 教练 26. society 27. kiss 28. 丈夫 29. 两人;一对 30. 粉笔 31. bottom 32. promise 33. absent 34. unless 35. reply 词汇拓展1. eastern 2. Australian 3. wealthy 4. valuable 5. introduction 6. statemen

8、t 7. expectation 8. including 9. leader 10. expression 11. discovery 12. hung 13. completion 14. director; directly 15. competition 16. lively; alive 17. asleep 18. awake 19. truth; truly 20. instruction 21. stranger 22. height 23. wisdom 24. generally 25. suddenly 短语与句型1. a great number of 2. lies

9、in 3. separates; from 4. famous for 5. searching for 6. passed away 7. set up 8. succeeded in 9. died of 10. in charge of 11. graduating from 12. broke out 13. set free 14. break up 15. make fun of 16. taken in 17. in memory of 18. home and abroad 19. take up 20. rather than 21. point out 22. sum up

10、 23. In my view 24. All of a sudden 25. cut off 26. long for 27. at present 28. see off 29. First of all 31. in time 32. came across 39. my junior high school life will come to an end 40. It is neither hot nor cold in winter here 42. As is known to all, fish cant live without water 44. 冰心被认为是中国最伟大的作家之一 48. 随着时间的流逝,我们的生活正变得越来越好6


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