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1、1北京课改版小学英语三年级上北京课改版小学英语三年级上-听写必备听写必备(课文,单词课文,单词 翻译)翻译)Lesson 1 Listen and say Welcome back to school,boys and girls. 欢迎回到学校,孩子们. Nice to see you again,Miss Wang. 很高兴又见到您,王老师. Today is the first day of September. 今天是九月的第一天. Its our first day of school. 是我们开学的第一天. Look and read. the first day 第一天 the

2、fourth day 第四天 the second week 第二周 September 九月Listen and write Please look at the first lesson of the book. 请看课本第一课. We all go back to school on September second. 我们都在 9 月 2 号回到学校. My birthday is on the first day of this month. 我的生日在这个月的第一天. We have two new students,one boy and one girl. 我们有两名新学生,一

3、个男孩,一个女孩. Lets say. One,two,put on your shoe.一,二,穿上鞋子. Three,four,open the door.三,四,打开门. Five,six,pick up sticks.五,六,捡起木棍. Seven,eight,and youre too late.七,八,你太晚了. Nine,ten,nine,ten,say it again.九,十,再说一次.Lets read the word.阅读单词.boy 男孩 girl 女孩 first 第一 September 九月 fourth 第四 second 第二Lesson 2Listen a

4、nd say. Its our second English class. 这是我们的第二节英语课. We have two new students.我们有两名新学生. My name is Sara.我叫莎拉. Im from America.我来自美国. Im Mike.我叫迈克. I come from Canada.我来自加拿大. This is my third day in China. 这是我来中国的第三天. Welcome to our class,Sara and Mike. 欢迎来我们班,莎拉,迈克. Look and read. first 第一 second 第二 t

5、hird 第三 fourth 第四 fifth 第五 Listen and write Its our fifth day of school.这是我们开学第五天. Its Mikes third day in China. 是迈克在中国的第三天. We have PE today.今天我们上体育课. I am the fifth student to come to school today. 今天是我第五个来学校的学生. Lets say. Two little boys playing on the hill, One named Bob,one named Bill. There go

6、es the bell,Bob and Bill. 铃声响起了,鲍勃,比尔. Come back Bob,come back Bill.快回来,鲍勃,比尔. Lets read the words.have 有,已经 come 来 third 第三 fifth 第五2Lesson 3 Listen and say When is TeachersDay,教师节是什么时候, September eighth or ninth?9 月 8 号还是 9 号? Its not the eighth or the ninth.不是 8 号和 9 号, Its September tenth.是在 9 月

7、 10 号. What can we do for our teacher? 我们能为老师做些什么? Lets make some cards for them.我们来为他们做些贺卡吧. Look and read. sixth 第六 seventh 第七 eighth 第八 ninth 第九 tenth 第十 Listen and write Sara,can you read these new words to me,please? 莎拉,你能读这些新单词给我听吗? Yes.Sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth and tenth. 是的,第六,第七,第八,第九,第十.

8、What will you do for your teacher? 你会为你的老师做什么? I will make cards for them.我会给他们做贺卡. Lets say. Apples,peaches,pears,and plums 苹果,桃子,梨和李子 Tell me when Teachers Day comes. 告诉我教师节什么时候来到. September 10th,September 10th,九月十号, Thats when Teachers Day comes.那时就是教师节. Lets read the words.阅读单词.teacher 老师 ninth

9、第九 do 做 make 制作 Lesson 4 Now I can read.现在我会读. oo foot 脚 wood 木材 book 书 cook 厨师 good 好 look 看 u put 放 push 推 Look! This cook put his foot on the wood. 这个厨师把他的脚放在了木头上. Look! That cook has a cookbook.那个厨师有一本食谱. Lets sing a song The more we get together 当我们同在一起 The more we get together,together,togethe

10、r, the more we get together,the happier well be. For your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends. The more we get together,the happier well be. The more we get together,together,together, the more we get together,the happier well be. For your friends are my friends, and my friends a

11、re your friends. The more we get together,the happier well be.Lesson 5 Listen and say. Who knows the tenth month in English? 谁知道英语中的第十个月? I do,Its October.我知道,是“October“. October 1st is our National Day.10 月 1 号是国庆节. I know the eleventh month.我知道第十一个月.3Its November.是“November“. The twelfth month is

12、December.第十二个月是“Decmber“. Look and read October 十月 National Day 国庆节 November 十一月 December 十二月 Listen and write October is the eleventh month of the year. 十月是一年的第十一个月. No,it isnt.不,不是. Its the tenth month.是第十个月. Who is your English teacher?你的英语老师是谁? Lets say October the first,is our National Day. 十月一

13、号是我们的国庆节. Long live the motherland is what we all want to say.我们都想说祖国万岁. Lets read the words.阅读单词.who 谁 month 月 is 是 Lesson 6 Listen and say. We are going to have our sports meet on November 14th and 1th. I want to run in the race.我想参加赛跑. I run fast.我跑得很快. Im going to do the high jump.我要去跳高. Im good

14、 at it.我很擅长跳高. Lets run to the sports ground now. 我们现在就去运动场吧. Look and read.看读. the long jump 跳远 the high jump 跳高 a race 赛跑 a relay race 接力赛跑 Listen and write We will all go to the sport meet this week. 这周我们都会去运动会. Some of us will run in the race. 我们中的一些人会参加赛跑. He is the first in the high jump. 他是跳高

15、的第一名. Lets say Sports ground,sports ground,运动场, Thats where we run around.那是我们跑步的地方. Sports ground,sports ground, Thats where we chase around.那是我们追逐的地方. Lets read the words.阅读单词.sport 运动 meet 会 run 跑 high 高Lesson 7 Listen and say December st is my birthday 月号是我的生日. When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候? Its on December 30th.是 12 月 30 号. Oh,great!噢,太好了! We will have two birthday parties. 我们会有两个生日聚会. Well have



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