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1、Nothing should be spoken before it has been heard. Nothing should be read before it has been spoken. Nothing should be written before it has been read. L.G. Alexander,How to Learn a Language,“ 高、大、快、多 ” 在初中英语课堂教学中的实施,高复现 (Scientific Repetition),大容量 (Adequate Contents),快节奏 (Quick Pace),多台阶 (Suitable

2、Steps),高复现是核心,大容量、多台阶、 快节奏都是为高复现服务的。 高复现不是指简单的重复,它要求的是科学的复现,是在语言知识的学习和语言技能的培养过程中,由简单到复杂,由单一到综合,有目的,有计划的复现。,提出背景:,高复现:针对“学生前学后忘记”的现象。 大容量:针对课堂教学中学生缺乏足够的参与量和信息量。 多台阶:为了使练习的设计更具科学性,有效性。 快节奏:是针对课堂教学中存在的拖沓、时间利用率不高的现象。,高复现,从语言知识的学习要求来看,复现是为了将瞬时记忆转变成长期记忆,将机械记忆转变为理解记忆,将记忆的知识转变为能活用的知识。 从学习态度和方法的养成和人文道德和文化修养的

3、渗透和积淀的要求来看,复现是一个“润物细无声”的积累过程,从无到有,从少到多,从无意到自觉。,Repetition is the key to success in learning language. (Cindy Carlson)Repetition is the mother of learning.,高复现在课堂中的实施,Quick response Guided quick response. Free talk Quick responses by students Mode: T-SS-SsSs-Spair workgroup work (mini-dialogue) Conte

4、nt: what the students have recentlyencountered or what you would like the students to remember,Mini exercises: Sentence transformation. Gap-filling. Word formation Tense Vocabulary/clozeMode: orally written,Vocabulary - 音标phonetics,音标词的选择必须做到包括三个方面:(1)以前学过的单词。 (2)现在正在学的单词。 (3)即将要学到的单词。,图片的反复利用,Step

5、1:Match the pictures with the words below. Do not write. Just look and say.,train, plane, bicycle, bus, ship, taxi, motorcycle, light rail, maglev,bicycle,taxi,bus,ship,train,plane,motorcycle,light rail,maglev,Step 2: Talk after the model about the pictures. Work in pairs.,Model 1 A: How did you com

6、e here? B: I came here by taxi. How about you? A: I came here by bike.,Step 2: Talk after the model about the pictures. Work in pairs.,Model 2: A: How do you go to school? B: I go to school on foot. / I walk to school. A: How does your father go to work? B: He goes to work by bike. / He rides a bicy

7、cle to work. A: How will you go to Beijing for the holiday? B: We will go to Beijing by plane./ We will take a plane to Beijing.,Step 2: Talk after the model about the pictures. Work in pairs.,Model 3: A: Which is faster, the bike or the bus? B: The bus is faster than the bike, but the taxi is the f

8、astest of the three.,slow, safe, convenient, comfortable, expensive,Step 3:Group discussion: Likes and dislikes . Use the picture cues,Jack,bike,good for health,taxi,too expensive,Step 4:Spot writingI live in a new housing estate. My mother works at a hospital. She goes to work _ or _ because they a

9、re both cheaper and _ than a bus. My father works at a factory. He goes to work_ because it is faster and _ than a bus, but he has to wear a helmet. I study at No. 1 Junior High School. I go to school _ because my school is only ten minutes walk from my home.,by underground,by light rail,faster,by m

10、otorcycle,more convenient,on foot,词义解释和词汇的拓展,get / keep in touch communicatecommunicate with sb. communicate with each othercommunicate in Englishcommunicate with sb. in Englishcommunicate by languagescommunicate by gesturespay special attention to focus onfocus on campus lifefocus on quality educat

11、ionfocus your mind on study,大容量,语言的学习只有大量的输入才有一定的输出。说的基础是听,写的基础是说和读。语言知识、语言技能的掌握和运用,有一个量变到质变的过程,没有大量的练习是不可能的。大容量既指课堂练习的数量要足,又指课堂练习的质量要高,还指练习所包含的信息量要广。,大容量的实施 (1)保证每节课充足的教学活动的数量(2)扩大教学活动提供(涵盖)或需要 的信息量 活动应尽可能的复现已学过的语言知识,使用已掌握或初步掌握的语言技能 例:,He has been to America. My cousin has been to America. The engi

12、neers cousin has been to America. The engineers cousin, a diplomat, has been to three continents-America, Europe and Australia. The engineers cousin, an experienced diplomat, has been to many European countries such as Britain, France, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands.,课堂教学活动应传达更广泛的信息 He bro

13、ke the school record at the school sports meet yesterday. Liu Xiang broke the world record in the 110-meter hurdles on Tuesday at the Athleticisms Grand Prix meeting. His record is 12”88.,(3)扩大参与课堂教学活动的学生的数量 提高学生参与课堂教学活动的主动性*教学活动的内容有趣,形式新颖。 *设计的教学活动能发挥学生的特长,让他们在活动中充分展示自己。*通过活动不断的使学生获得成功,让学生有成功感,强烈的成

14、功感最能激发学生的学习动力。(e.g. five-minute activities),提高课堂教学活动组织的科学性*教学活动的形式要多样,一节课中的活动还要有搭配:动静的变化、口头与书面的变化、个人活动与集体活动的变化。 *营造良好的课堂教学的氛围,让学生有“安全感”。 *教学活动的要求要表达清楚,让学生知道要做什么,怎么做。要用明确的任务来扩大学生参与课堂教学活动的面。,(4)提高学生参与学习的有效时间让学生始终保持高度的注意力 (keep students “alert” in class)。 尽可能的将课堂教学活动设计为有思维的活动。在教学活动时,需要学生积极的思维,扩大学生学习时的思

15、维容量。(information gap)只有每一个学生上课积极思维,脑,眼,耳,手,嘴及至身体的各部分一起来参与学习,每个学生课堂内有效学习的时间才会扩大。例:现在完成时,Student A: The Great Pyramid is (How big?). Each side of the base is 745 feet or 227 meters long. It used to be (How high?). But now it is only 449 feet or 137 meters. The Great Pyramid is made up of (What?). Most

16、 of the stones weigh about 2.5 tons each. The ancient Egyptians worked on the Great Pyramid (How long?). They built it without any machines. They finally completed it (When?).,Student B: The Great Pyramid covers an area of about 13 acres. Each side of the base is (How long?). It used to be 481 feet

17、or 146.5 meters high. But now it is (How high?). The Great Pyramid is made up of over 2,300,000 blocks of stone. Most of the stones weigh (How much?). The ancient Egyptians worked on the Great Pyramid for over 20 years. They built it without any machines (?).They finally completed it in about 2566 BC.,


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