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1、1河南工业大学经济贸易学院School of Economics and Trade, HAUT国际经济与贸易专业人才培养方案Cultivation Plan for Major of International Economics and Trade2012年10月2国际经济与贸易专业人才培养方案Cultivation Plan for Major of International Economics and Trade一、培养目标1. Cultivation Goal本专业培养适应社会经济发展要求,德、智、体、美全面发展,系统掌握国际经济与贸易专业基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,具有分析和解

2、决本专业问题的能力,能够从事进出口业务和外向型企事业单位管理的相关工作,理论基础宽厚、综合知识丰富、专业技能达标的应用型专业人才。它主要培养能在各类企业或政府管理部门从事国际贸易、营销策划、经贸管理以及国际运输、国际物流中心等企业从事组织、规划、管理的应用型人才。The program aims at training talents with virtue who are morally, physically, intellectually developed. They are trained to know the basic theories and knowledge of int

3、ernational economics and trade, master basic skills for the practitioners. They are able to solve the problems with their sound, professional analysis. The graduates are qualified to be workers in export-oriented companies or companies involving export and import business. The graduates also can be

4、employed by other companies and government departments to undertake the following tasks: organization, planning and management in international trade, international transport, and international logistics. 二、基本规格2.Basic Requirements(一)专业基本规格1、热爱祖国,遵纪守法,道德素质高尚。2、掌握本专业理论知识和技能,具有较高的实际应用能力。3、身心健康,达到国家规定的

5、大学生体育合格标准。4、善于沟通,勇于创新,团队意识强。5、分析问题、解决问题思路清晰,方法得当。36、熟练掌握一门外语,能够运用外语从事与本专业相关的工作。All students should meet the following requirements: 1. Students should be cultivated to be persons with virtue, who love motherland, obey laws and regulations.2. Students should be trained to be qualified practitioners,

6、grasping the theories and knowledge.3. Students should be physically, mentally healthy, and meet the requirements prescribed in the national standard of physical education for university students.4. Students should have strong sense of teamwork and do well in communicators, innovation.5. Students sh

7、ould be trained to be able to analyze and resolve problems by proper means.6. Students should master a foreign language.(二)专业方向培养要求具有宽厚的经济学理论基础,系统地掌握国际经济与贸易专业的知识、方法和技能,精通一门外语,了解国际商务和国际物流的基础理论和基本技能,熟悉国际商务和国际物流业的基本流程和规则,能够胜任国际商务和国际物流业务相关岗位工作。(2)Educational Requirement for Specialty:Students are requir

8、ed to have a solid foundation of the theories in economics, to grasp knowledge, method and skill systematically in the international economics, to be familiar with the basic process and rules of international business and logistics, to learn the basic theories and skills of international business an

9、d logistics. They also are required to be able to communicate fluently in a foreign language. They are qualified to do the jobs related to the international business and international logistics service.三、修业年限3. Duration of Study标准学制 4 年,弹性学制 3-7 年。4General duration is 4 years, and special duration i

10、s 3 to 7 years.四、主干学科4. Major Subjects经济学Economics五、核心课程和特色课程5.Core Courses and Characteristic Courses核心课程:微观经济学,宏观经济学,计量经济学,统计学,政治经济学,发展经济学;国际经济学,国际贸易,国际贸易实务,国际市场营销,国际结算,报关员实务等。Core Courses:Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Statistics, Political Economics, Development Economics;Internat

11、ional Economics, International Trade, Practice in International Trade, International Marketing, International Settlement, Customs Applying-Practice, etc.特色课程(国际商务方向):国际商务,商务交流,农产品国际贸易,粮油贸易等。Characteristic courses (Direction of International Business): International Business, Business Communication,

12、Agricultural Products Trade, Grain and Oil Trading, etc.特色课程(国际物流方向):国际物流学,国际采购,农产品国际贸易,粮食物流等。Characteristic courses (Direction of International Business): International Logistics, International Purchasing, Agricultural Products Trade, Grain Logistics, etc.六、授予学位及毕业学分要求6. Credit Requirements of Degr

13、ee and Graduation本专业的学生,在校期间必须修满本培养方案所规定的 168 学分方能毕业。其中必修课 141 学分,选修课 27 学分。5Students shall earn no less than 168 credits within the duration of academic study. Respectively 141 credits for compulsory courses, and 27 credits for elective courses. 符合国家学位规定和河南工业大学学位授予条件者,授予经济学学士学位。Those who can satisf

14、y national stipulations of academic degree and the requirements of Henan University of Technology degree conferral, shall be granted with Economics Bachelor Degree.七、各类课程设置结构比例表7. Diagram of Proportions of Courses6七、各类课程设置结构比例表Diagram of Proportions of Courses应修类别及学分Courses Nature and Credits课程类别及学分

15、比例CoursesClassified and Credits Distribution课程模块(课群)Courses Module(Course Series) 必修Required选修Elective总学分数Subtotal Credits人文社科基础Humanities and Social Sciences39 2自然科学基础Science Basics 7技术技能基础General Skill 3通识教育课程General Education Courses( 32.14%)通识教育实践General Education Practice1 254学科平台课程College Requ

16、ired Courses( 30.95%)44 8 52专业平台课程Specialized Courses(17.26%)21 8 29课内模块(含毕业论文)Course Module (Including Academic Thesis)29专业实践教学环节Intensive Practice(19.64 %) 课外模块Extra-curricular Module 433总 计Grand Total 141 27 168百分比Percent 84 16 1007注:人文社科包括:思政和军事类、形势与政策、英语类、体育、艺术类、职业教育课;自然科学包括:数理类;技术技能包括:计算机类。思政和军事类、形势与政策、英语类、体育、职业教育课、数理类为必修课;艺术类、计算机类、数学实验以及第二课堂为选修课。学院如果设置课程模块(群),就按照表格填写;如果没有建课程模块(群),可以合并单元格,灵活填写。八、教学进程计划表8. Table of Teaching Schedule(一)通识课程(1).


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