江西省吉安县第三中学人教版高中英语必修三课件:u1 reading (新)

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1、Festivals around the world,Unit 1,教学目标:,Understand the main idea of the text(理解文章的大意); Master the language points(掌握文章中的重要知识点); Use what we learned to describe festivals(利用所学知识学会描述节日)。,How many festivals do you know both in and out of China?,Lead-in,The Spring Festival,We celebrate the beginning of

2、the lunar new year.We lift fireworks and get lucky money,Lantern Festival January 15元宵节,Dragon Boat FestivalMay 5,Dragon boat race,Rice dumplings,Its held to honour a famous poet-Qu Yuan .,Mid-autumn Day August 15,admire the moon (赏月),enjoy mooncakes,Its also a harvest festival.(丰收节),Tomb-sweeping D

3、ay,clean graves(扫墓) light incense(烧香) offer flowers,a festival of the dead(亡灵节),Spring Festival,October 1,the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949,take time off work; travel to visit family or to see other parts of China; go shopping,Dragon Boat Festival,the fifth day of the fifth month

4、 in lunar calendar,the memory of the beloved poet Qu Yuan who died in 278 BC,eat Zongzi; watch dragon boat races; throw rice wrapped in reed leaves into water in memory of Qu Yuan; put herbs on doorways for good health,Tomb-sweeping Day,April 4, 5, or 6,honor the dead,visit family graves; fly kites,

5、Holidays,Some Chinese traditional festivals,International Womens Day,The Double Seventh/Ninth Festival,Childrens Day,National Day,The Youth Day,International Labour Day,Teachers Day,Spring Festival,Festival of Lanterns,Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-Autumn Day,FF,Chinese festivalsand holidays,Happy Valent

6、ines Day,B,name some western festivals,B,Thanksgiving,watermelon,rooster/cock,Halloween 万圣节,B,Christmas,B,Carnival狂欢节,B,B,Thanksgiving,watermelon,rooster/cock,turkey,Easter 复活节,The Cherry Blossom Festival 樱花节,festivals,Brainstorming festivals of foreign countries,Christmas,Fools Day,Valentines Day,C

7、arnival,Easter,Thanksgiving Day,Mothers Day,Fathers Day,Halloween,Whats the main idea of the text? 思The passage is mainly about different _ and the ways of _ and also the _why people celebrate them all over the world.,festivals,celebrations,reasons,1. What do people do in Spring Festival in China? E

8、at dumplings, fish and meat B. Give children lucky money in red paper C. Watch dragon dance and carnivals D. All the above. 2.What does Easter celebrate ? It celebrates the birth of Jesus . It celebrates the death of Jesus. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and

9、 new life . It celebrates peoples harvest .,Careful-reading 1、To choose the right answer,C,C,D,Which of the following festivals is not celebrated in Japan?A Easter B. Obon C. Cherry Blossom Festival D. Mid-autumn Festival,1、Scan the passage and fill in the chart.,Festivals ofthe Dead,Festivals to Ho

10、nor People,Harvest Festivals,Spring Festivals,议.展.评,Festivals of the Dead,Festivals to Honour People,Harvest Festivals,Spring Festivals,Obon,Japan,Day of the Dead,Mexico,Halloween,some western countries,Dragon Boat Festival,China,Columbus Day,USA,Festival to honor Gandhi,India,Thanksgiving festivals

11、,European and other countries,Mid-Autumn Festivals,China and Japan,The Spring Festival,China,Easter,some western countries,Cherry Blossom Festival,Japan,How do they celebrate it?Festivals of the Dead 1.clean_and light _in _of their ancestors.2.eat food in the shape of_and cakes with_on them.3.childr

12、en can _ _to ask sweets.,graves,incense,memory,skulls,“ bones”,dress,up,Festivals to honor People_ honors_,the leader who helped gain _ from Britain. Harvest Festivals _churches and town halls. People might win_for their produce.,India,Mohandas Gandhi,Indias independence,decorate,award,Spring Festiv

13、als 1.give children _ _ 2.Some Western countries have many_.,lucky,money,carnivals,The ancient people neednt worry about their food. Halloween used to be a festival intended to honour the dead. Qu Yuan was a great poet who people honour a lot in China. Mid-autumn Festival is held to celebrate the en

14、d of autumn. Easter celebrates the birth of Jesus.,F,T,T,F,F,2、T or F,Discussion,which festival do you like best ?why?,There are all kinds of festivals and _ around the world, which are held for different reasons. The _ _ were mainly held at three times a year. Some festivals are held to _ the dead

15、or satisfy the _ in case(以免) they might return either to help or to _ _,while other festivals are held to honor famous people or the gods, such as,celebrations,harm,do,ancestors,honor,festivals,ancient,Retell the text by filling the following blanks.,检,_ _ _ and Columbus Day. Harvest and Thanksgivin

16、g festivals are happy events because the food is _ for the winter and the _work is over. And the most _ and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the _ of spring, such as the _ New Year, at which people have a very good time. Some Western countries have very exciting _. Festivals let us enjoy _.,


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