高中英语新课标(人教版)优秀课件_必修三_116《unit 1 grammar》(共34页) (可编辑ppt课件)

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《高中英语新课标(人教版)优秀课件_必修三_116《unit 1 grammar》(共34页) (可编辑ppt课件)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语新课标(人教版)优秀课件_必修三_116《unit 1 grammar》(共34页) (可编辑ppt课件)(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语必修3-1.16,Grammar,情态动词用法,1) can的主要用法是:A. 表示体力或脑力的能力: eg. The girl can dance very well. B. 表示说话的推测事物的可能性等: eg. Can the news be true?C. 在口语中, can可以表示请求或允许:eg. Can I sit here?,can 和could:,2) could的主要用法是:A. could 是can的过去式, 表示与过去 有关的能力和推测: eg. We all knew that the young man couldnt be a doc

2、tor.B. could可以代替can表示请求, 但语气较can客气、委婉:,eg. Could you lend me your dictionary? Could I use your bike?3) can和could接动词的完成形式,表示可能已经做某事。can用在否定和疑问句中, 表示不相信、怀疑等态度。eg. They cant have gone out because the light is still on.,may 和might :may 常用来表示: A. 表示请求、允许;比can较为正式: eg. May I come in ? You may go now.B. 表示

3、说话人的猜测: “也许” “可能”: 通常只用于肯定句和否定句中。,eg. -I believe the man is from England. -But I may be wrong. The guest may arrive this afternoon. 在肯定句中,may 的可能性比can 高,may 表示现实的可能性,can 表示理论上的可能性。如:,The road may be blocked. 这条路可能不通了。 The road can be blocked. 这条路可能会是不通的。 在疑问句中,表示可能性用can。如:Where can he be? 他会在哪呢?,C.

4、表示祝愿;但语气较正式: eg. May you succeed! May you have a good journey! might 的用法有:多在间接引语中表示过去的可能和允许。如: She said that he might take her bike. 她说他可以拿她的自行车去用。,除了在间接引语中以外,might 一般不表示过去的可能或者许可。如要表示过去的可能可以用could, 表示过去的许可可以用was( were) allowed to 或者 had permission to 。表示现在的可能,其可能性要比 may 小。如:,She might go home tomor

5、row.说不定他明天会回家。表示现在的许可, 语气比may 较委婉, 一般用于疑问句(包括间接疑问句), 不可用于肯定句或者否定句。如: Might I have a word with you? 我可以和你说句话吗?,will和would:,1. will是助动词或是情态动词? will用于构成将来时是助动词。用于表示“意志”“决心”“请求”是情态动词。would亦同理。 eg. I will tell you something important.我要告诉你一些重要的事。(助动词),Will you tell her that Im here? 请您告诉她说我在这儿,好吗?(情态动词)

6、2. 在疑问句中用于第二人称,提出请求或询问。 eg: If you want help - let me know, will you? 如果你需要帮助, 让我知道, 好吗?,Will you type this, please? 请打印这个,好吗? Wont you sit down? 请坐下,好吗? 3. would比will客气委婉。 eg: Would you help us, please? 请您帮助我们,好吗?,(表请求),Id go there with you. 我要和你一块到那儿去。 Teacher wouldnt allow it. 老师不会允许这件事。,(表意愿),(表

7、许可),shall和should:,1. shall用于构成将来时是助动词。shall用于征求对方的意见,表示 “决心” 是情态动词。 eg: Perhaps I shall pay a visit to England this winter.可能今年冬天我会去英国观光。 (构成一般将来时, 助动词),Shall we go by train, Mom?妈妈,我们乘火车去好吗?(用于征求对方的意见,情态动词) I shall go at once.我必须立即去。(表 “决心”,情态动词),2. should表示义务、建议、劝告,意为 “应该”。 “should+ have+过去分词”表示本应

8、该在过去做但没有做。eg: You should keep your promise. 你应该遵守诺言。She should have passed the exam. 她应该通过考试的。,must 的主要用法:,1. 表示必然性。eg: We must all die. 人总要死的。2. 表示强制或者义务。eg: You must get up early. 你必须早起来。,注意: must not 的意思是不许可,不应该或者禁止。如:We mustnt waste our time. - May I take this magazine out? - No, you mustnt. mus

9、t 用于一般疑问句的时候,肯定回答应该用yes, please 或者 Im afraid so, 其否定回答应该用 neednt 或者 dont have to。如:,表示推测,语气非常肯定,近乎确定的意味,一般用在肯定句。如:It must be eleven oclock now. He must be crazy.在表示推测的否定或者疑问句中必须用 can, 不可以用 must。,If Mary didnt leave here until five oclock, she cant be home yet. 如果玛丽五点才离开这儿,他此时一定还未到家。,2. A: _ Xiao Fen

10、g find the origin of Easter from that book?B: No, he _.,1. A: _ you like to go to a special event with us on Saturday?B: Yes, I _ _.,Would,d like to go with you on,Saturday,Could,couldnt find it,Exercise,3. A: _ I go with my friend to the harvest festival?B: Yes, you _ _.,4. A: If I want to be a doc

11、tor _ I study science?B: Yes, you _.,should study science,May,may go ( with your,should,friends ),5. A: He is very handsome. _ he play the role of the prince?B: No, he _ _.,cant play the role of the,Can,prince,6. A: The neighbour s children are older this year. _ they stop playing tricks at Hallowee

12、n?B: Perhaps, they _ _._.,Might,or Should,might stop,or should stop playing tricks,playing tricks at Halloween,at Halloween,-_ I go out to play, mum?-No, you_. You should do your homework first.A. Might; wouldntB. May; had better notC. Must; mustntD. Need; mustnt,B,Practice,2. -Where is Emma?-I cant

13、 say for sure where she is, but she_ be out shopping.A. canB. shouldC. mustD. may,D,3. The room is in a terrible mess; it _ cleaned.A. cant have beenB. couldnt beC. may have beenD. would be,A,4. How _ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?A. canB. mustC. needD. may,A,5. There _ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school.A. mustntB. shantC. shouldntD. neednt,C,


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