山东省日照青山学校高中英语外研版必修四 module 3 new words 课件

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1、,B4M3 New words,1 . communicate v.,1)Did she communicate my wishes to you?,向转达,2) We communicate with more than just spoken and written words . We communicate with each other by e-mail .,交流, 沟通,n. communication ,用交流,与交流,2 .vary. V.,1.The weather varies from hour to hour in some areas.2.Her health va

2、ries with seasons.3. Shoes vary in color.,很多地区天气时刻变化。,他的健康随季节变化而变化,鞋子颜色不同,由到情况不同,随而变化,在方面不同,Fill in the blanks with fromto; in ; with The other day I went to the market to buy some apples.I found the apples varied _ big ones _ small ones ; that is, they varied _ size.The salesgirl told me that the p

3、rices varied_quality . But to what were good apples, opinions on the matter varied.,with,from to,in,3. deal 1)deal with 老师要耐心地处理那些不做作业的学生。 Teachers should deal patiently with the students who dont do their homework. Ive dealt with the company for 10 years. Ive just bought a book which deals with Chi

4、na. ,dealing with,处理,应付;,与做交易;,关于, make / do a deal with 达成交易Its a deal. 成交。,deal with,do with,deal with,do with,A,3. involve 1) 包括做, 需要做involve doing 2) 使某人参与某事;使某人牵扯到某事中involve sb. in (doing) sth别把别人牵扯进你的麻烦中。 Dont_in your trouble.The business involves taking risks.,involve other people,不要卷入他们的争吵。,

5、Dont be involved in their quarrel.,3) be/get involved in .,卷入,牵涉,牵连,他深陷麻烦之中。,He was deeply involved in the trouble .,hold up Hold up your hands .Our flight was held up by the fog .Roadworks on the motorway was holding up the traffic .,举起/ 阻滞,延误(尤其交通方面),back,out, 5. spread (spread,spread)v. 1)The bir

6、d spread its wings and flew away .2)Flies can spread disease .流传,传播,蔓延 3) The forest spreads as far as the river .伸展,延伸,展开,摊开,铺开,6. give away,. He was so kind that he gave away all his money to the poor. . His accent gives him away as a man from the south. The mayor gave away the prizes at the cerem

7、oney . They gave away the last chance of winning the game .,赠送,捐赠,(有意无意地)暴露,泄露,出卖,颁发,错失,坐失,give in to,give in,give off,give out,give up,way,1.Dont worry. I will give back your money next week. 2. The boys fought until one gave in. 3. Please give out the exam papers. 4. Our strength gave out and coul

8、d not move any longer. 5. The doctor tell him to give up smoking. 6.The dead fish gives off a bad smell.,give back/ in/ out/ up/ off,7. request v./n. (礼貌地)请求,要求 委员会要求每个人都要准时参加会议。 The committee requested that _. 她邀请他一起去旅游。 She requested _ with her.,要求某人做某事 request sb. to do request that sb. (should )

9、 do,应某人之请求,eveyone (should) attend the meeting on time,him to travel,at ones request= at the request of sb ,to learn,to touch,(should) be finished,at,8. favour n. 赞同,支持;恩惠;偏爱;善意的行为v.支持,赞成;偏爱May I ask a favour of you ?I need some help .= May I ask you a favour ? I need some help .请求某人帮忙Do me a favour

10、 and turn down the radio please .帮某人个忙,帮一下某人 Are you in favour of the plan ?The evidence was not in his favour .,赞成,对有利,favourable,favourite,of,for,in favour of,练习: 1.Your body language your real emotions.A. gave in B. gave up C. gave away D. gave off 2. - Smoking is bad for your health.- Yes,I know

11、. But I simply cant . A. give it up B. give it inC. give it out D. give it away,C,A,Honesty is a kind of quality and thats what it takes to with others successfully. A. say B. report C. communicate D. tell,C,4. When visiting a foreign country, you should know customs _ country to country and culture to culture. A. vary from B. vary against C. vary out of D. vary of,A,A,D,B,B,HomeworkUse what we have learned to make up a short story.,Goodbye !,


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