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1、,Welcome-Jiu Feng Experimental School,Reading skills,Read through the whole passage to get the general idea.Pay attention to some phrases, expressions.,Learn to analyze the words, structure or sentences according to grammar rules. Understand the content (the neighboring sentences).,“给首字母填词”型完形填空解题技巧

2、,通读全文,把握大意首字母完形填空所填的词要使各句句子意思完整,上下相互衔接,因此,在落笔做题前一定要先通读全文,基本把握语篇的大意.,根据词组搭配填词有些空格与固定搭配或词组表达有关,要充分利用自己平时所积累的词组搭配来考虑填什么词. It doesnt m_ what you make, as long as its something to yourself .,atter,It doesnt matter. 不要紧,没关系,When you play computer games, your brain,eyes and hands must work quickly. It make

3、s you free from schoolwork and helps you e_ yourself and relax.,njoy,enjoy oneself=have a good time,运用语法知识剖析结构,判断所需的词是什么词类As a boy, David was t_ shy and helpless. He had few friends and self-confidence.,erribly,副词terribly修饰形容词shy and helpless,My name is Stephen and I live in a small flat in London.

4、I chose to live here because there is never a b_ moment in a city like London. Im an art student and the busy life in a city does good to my painting. In addition, I can get everything I need so close at hand. Living beside the underground station means that I dont need a car to get around. It s_ me

5、 money.,oring,aves,a boring moment . 形容词boring修饰名词moment It saves me money. 主语是it, 谓语动词save用第三人称单数形式saves,根据全文的整体意义,学会在头脑中构建画面,利用想象,进行整体判断根据全文的整体意义、上下文隐含的意思、作者的情感、立场等各方面的知识、文章所处的文化氛围等来解题是更重要的,这也是首字母完形填空题的难点所在。,Hello! My name is Marianna and I live in Australia, on a huge ranch(牧场). It is a beautiful

6、 area with wonderful scenery. I live here with my husband Joe and our t_ children, Patrick, 11, and Abby,8. We have lived on this ranch for several years and we love our healthy lifestyle. The children have lots of s_ to run around and enjoy the peace and quiet.,wo,pace,Of course,country life also h

7、as weak points. We feel isolated(孤立的)sometimes, too, espacially since the n_ neighbors are almost 100 km away. One more trouble is that we cant get many things as easily as we do in the city.,earest,解题注意事项 * 不急于填词,不孤立地从一个单句去确定要填的词,因为有时填入的词从脱离语境的单句来看似乎是正确的,但从上下文来看是不符合逻辑的。 * 首字母完形填空不是按照先易后难的顺序设空的, 因此答

8、题时遇到不会做或者答案难以确定时,不必着急,不妨继续答题,待看完全文后,再回头作判断。,More Practice,实题分析,George and his wife were looking around for a bigger house. The first place they saw was a bit f_ from their office.It would take much time to go to work. The second place was larger b_ it didnt have a garden. Then they visited a t_ and

9、a fourth places. Both were too expensive. They nearly lost h_.Yesterday they f_ a less expensive house, a four-bedroomed house with a litte lawn at the front. It was just what the children n_ . But some of the roofs and walls were b_ . George needed much money to r_ the house.So George asked his fat

10、her to lend him some money. Georges father wasnt sure if his son would be a_ to return the money. He thought for a while, then he said, “You grew up w_ a garden. I dont think its necessary for the children to play in a garden.”,ar,ut,hird,ope,ound,eeded,roken,epair,ble,ithout,So George asked his fat

11、her to lend him some money. Georges father wasnt sure if his son would be a_ to return the money. He thought for a while, then he said, “You grew up w_ a garden. I dont think its necessary for the children to play in a garden.”,ble,ithout,总结,要做好阅读中的完型填空题,首先要积累语言材料,也就是说平时要加强阅读,以增强语感.要多积累一些词汇,并了解它们的意义和用法。要扎实掌握学过的词法、句法,学会进行语法分析,同时要增强各方面的知识,还要增强思维能力,培养逻辑推理能力,要能分析、归纳,抓住要点,合理想象。 阅读是英语学习中的一个难点,完型填空又是最令人头痛的一环。但只要我们具备了相当的词汇量、扎实的语法知识、充分的扩散性思维和严密的逻辑推理能力,我们就能很好地完成这个题目,使文章通顺畅达,恢复原样。,Homework,Review what weve learned in class today. Finish the exercises on the given paper.,


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