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1、正确的术前设计 Excellent Preoperative Plan 良好的手术效果 Excellent Operative Result,术前设计 Preoperative plan 人工关节材料学 人工关节设计理念 Prosthesis Material Design rational,人工关节假体类型的选择 Selection of prosthesis 模板测量 Template determination 髋臼假体位置的安放 Location of acetabular prosthesis 双下肢不等长的处理 Management of limb discrepancy, 人工关

2、节假体类型的选择 Selection of prosthesis,骨水泥型人工关节: Bone cement prosthesis: 50-60年代 Charnley创建低磨擦性人工关节置换(Low friction Arthroplasty); 70年代 骨水泥假体的缺陷 Shortcoming of bone cement prosthesis,非骨水泥型人工关节 : Cementless prosthesis: 机械嵌入式固定 Mechanical fixation 生物长入式固定 Biological fixation (AML,PCA),骨水泥型人工关节的适应症: Indicatio

3、ns of Bone cement prosthesis:60岁以上60 years old 骨质疏松者Osteoporosis,非骨水泥型人工关节的适应症 : Indications of Cementless prosthesis:60岁以下70%, Vital bone roofing70% 内侧壁的完整性, Integrity of medial wall 外展40 10, 前倾10- 20 Abduction 4010, Anteversion10- 20,股骨侧(Femoral site): 股骨骨质?(非骨水泥 VS 骨水泥) Quality of femoral cortex?

4、(cementless VS cement) 截骨平面? Level of osteotomy? 需要大转子截骨? Greater trochanteric osteotomy? 下肢长度? Discrepancy of lower limb?,髋臼假体位置的安放 Location of acetabular prosthesis,基本原则(Basic principles) : 活骨覆盖70%? Vital bone roofing70%? 需要移植骨? Bone implant? 髋臼位置和类型? Acetabular position and type? 解剖位髋臼(Normal pos

5、ition) 高位髋臼 (High hip center),先髋病人(Congenital dislocation of hip joint): 真臼True acetabular 假臼False acetabular, 双 下 肢 不 等 长 的 处 理 Management of limb discrepancy,坐骨结节连线判断肢体长短 Determine the discrypancy of limbs 6cm,治疗方法: 升高截骨平面 High level osteotomy 选用加长颈 Elongated prosthesis,臀中肌功能重建: Reconstruction of gluteus medius: 臀中肌下移术 Lower down of gluteus medius 大转子下移术 Lower down of greater trochanter,注意事项(Attentions): 一次延长的长度有限(术中) Limit elongation in one operation 避免矫枉过正 Avoid hypercorrection,良好的开端是成功的一半 Good start, half the battle 术前设计就是全髋置换的良好开端 Good preoperative design, good start of THR,


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