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1、闽教版三起五年级下册,Unit8 Universe,荔城区北高后积小学 林帆,唱反调,short,young,small,long,short,big,long,old,big,old,大的 big - 小的 small - 老的、旧的 old - 年轻的 young - 长的 long - 短的,矮的 short-,bigger,smaller,younger,shorter,older,longer,快嘴快拼,A+比较级(er)+ than+B,A比B更,大的 big - 小的 small - 老的、旧的 old - 年轻的 young - 长的 long - 短的,矮的 short-,b

2、igger,smaller,younger,shorter,older,longer,than,than,than,than,than,than,sun,earth,moon,stars,The sun is bigger than the moon.,The moon is smaller than the earth.,The red pencil is the blue one.,longer than,The pink ruler is the yellow one.,shorter than,Sally is Ben.,older than,Kate is Ben.,younger

3、than,tall 高的,tall,short,tall,er,than,Peter is,Wang Tao.,Game Time,第一排的同学上讲台来,按照高矮次序排成一排,看谁最高。,race,in the,fast快,er,更,Peter is faster than Wang Tao.,A+比较级(er)+ than+B,A比B更,shorter,taller,than,than,than,高的 tall- 矮的 short- 快的 fast-,faster,Peter is taller than Wang Tao.,Wang Tao is shorter than Peter.,P

4、eter is faster than Wang Tao.,In the race,The two students are talking about Chen Ling and Li Hong.,I have two friends, They called Chen Ling and Li Hong.,Who is older? Chen Ling is older than Li Hong.,Who is taller? Chen Ling is taller than Li Hong.,Are they good at running? Yes, but Chen Ling is faster than Li Hong.,Are they have story books? Yes, Chen Ling has ten books, Li Hong has five books.,Goodbye!,



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