[英语学习]美英报刊 lecture 1 the 1st week!!!

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1、,enter,Reading English Press,Teaching Objectives,Learning Strategies,Performance assessment,Lecture 1,Culturally To broaden your horizon by presenting a general survey of British and American society (current social mores, politics, fashions, economic climate, culture, etc.),Linguistically To promot

2、e your English proficiency by sampling extensively the original taste of B. and A. press (vocabulary, reading comprehension, locating information,etc),Specially To have a general understanding of major B. and A. news publications, formats of western newspapers, The journalistic style of writing, etc

3、.,back,I. What you should already have: - Knowledge of the world - Having a general understanding of the manifold aspects of western society at hand; - Knowledge of the language Having laid down a good foundation of English proficiency.,II. What you still have to do: - Learn the special knowledge in

4、 this field - Update your vocabulary - Deepen your understanding of the western society and strengthen your critical thinking power,back,Any idea of the language features of news publications? How to read its front page, the headlines, the newspaper lead? Learn to read a news story critically. Know

5、any of the major English newspapers both at home and abroad? Can you detect the rhetoric devices used if there is any?,back,?,?,?,News publications in U.K. ?,News publications in U.S.,Fortune 财富; People 人物; National Geographic 国家地理; Readers Digest 读者文摘; International Herald Tribune国际先驱论坛报; The Chris

6、tian Science Monitor (CSM)基督教科学箴言报; The Wall Street Journal华尔街日报; Los Angeles Times洛杉矶时报; Newsweek新闻周刊,back,New Meanings.,run take a walk dry wet,“跑” “散步” “干” “湿”,Launch a political campaign 竞选 withdraw from a political party 退党 a person in favour of the prohibition of alcohol(美)支持禁酒者 Conservative w

7、ith liberal tendencies, especially as regarded by right-wing Conservatives.具有自由主义倾向的保守派的,Still to come,fast track career 快节奏职业; back-to- basics stores 生活基本用品商店; ready- to-wear fashion lines 现成时新服装; can- do spirit 热心有为的精神; gay marriage 同性婚姻; scaledown one s tastes 降低个人欲望; cocooning 茧式生活方式; baby-kisse

8、r 善于笼络人心的政客; power dressing 显示派头的穿着; whistle-blower 告密者 Upscale is out, downscale is in 高消费已不合时宜,时下流行的风尚是低消费,Questions for you:,eyelid surgery nose reshaping facelift chemical peel tummy tuck breast augmentation dawk screenager ecothug,back,割双眼皮手术,鼻部整形手术,面部拉皮手术,药物祛除死皮,腹壁收紧,隆胸手术,Dove+hawk 介于鸽派与 鹰派之间者

9、,Screen+teenager 屏幕青少年,Ecology+thug 破坏生态的恶棍,财富 Fortune,人物 People,国家地理 National Geographic,读者文摘 Readers Digest,国际先驱论坛报 international Herald Tribune,基督教科学 箴言报 The Christian Science Monitor (CSM),华尔街日报 The Wall Street Journal,洛杉矶时报 Los Angeles Times,新闻周刊 Newsweek,花花公子 Playboy,back,News publications in

10、U.K.,nationally renowned newspapers: Times 泰晤士报 ;The Sunday Times 星期日泰晤士报 The Guardian 卫报;The Financial Times 金融时报 ; The Observer 观察家报; popular ones: The Daily Express 每日快报; Punch 笨拙 ; Private Eye 侦探 Daily Mirror 每日镜报 local papers: Glasgow Herald 格拉斯哥先驱报 Major Journals: The Economist 经济学家; The Spect

11、ator 旁观者;Womans Realm 妇女之国; The Times Literary Supplement 泰晤士报文学增刊,back,Lecture 1:,Newspaper features: accuracy, brevity, clarity,Readers Digest,Multi- racial American,exercises,Headline 标题,back,By-line 作者,Lead 导语,Body,Quote引语,Photo and caption,Timeliness 时新性,Consequence 重要性,Prominence 显著性,Proximity

12、 邻近性,Reader Interest 趣味性,features of news,possibleelements for news articles,News types:,Straight News Report 纯新闻报道 Interpretative News Report 解释性Investigative News Report 调查性 Depth Report 深度报道 Feature 特稿,Headline, usually only four or five words. It attracts the interest of the reader by telling th

13、em what the story is about, in a short and interesting way.,back,Dating and Mating for Over-35s,Soldiers Salaries Soar alliteration,Young Wheelers, Big Dealers end rhyme,A House in Two Parts metaphor,Capital Rich, Revenue Poor antithesis,Woes of the Weekend Jock pun,The Old Man and the Economic Sea

14、allusion,By-line, who wrote the article.,back,lead,-It sets the scene and summarize the main points of the article: who, what, when, where.,next,Summary lead: (概要式导语),Sensing tough competition for college admission high school seniors in the US are applying to more colleges than ever before.,Descrip

15、tive lead:描述式,Light skin,high cheekbones, small nose the result of plastic surgery: this is the Michael Jackson that fans are Familiar with.,Contrast Lead: (对比式),American cyclist Lance Armstrong is the star of the Tour de France环法自行车赛, the biggest cycling on earth. But to those faced with disease and all the other difficulties life can throw at, he is so much more. He is a hero, and cancer fighter who gives people strength by doing and by being the best.,Suspense Lead (悬念式),Direct Address Lead (直呼式),back,Body, provides more detail about the event, it answers the questions how and why.,


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