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1、选修八 Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe,语言点用法过关1.assume v.假定;设想;认为 教材原句The world was in shockmaybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane.全世界都震惊了可 能他们认为这次太空飞行和乘飞机一样没有什么危险。,语境应用 单句填空 Im working on the assumption that the money will come through.,句型升级

2、People assume that the stress is caused by too much work.(用it作形式主语 改写) It s assumed that the stress is caused by too much work .,完成句子 许多人认为他的观点是正确的。 A great many people assume his idea to be right . A great many people assume that his idea is right .,用法点拨 (1)assume sb./sth. to be 假定/假设某人/某事为 It is a

3、ssumed that.据认为 (2)assumption n.假定;假设 make an assumption 认为;假定 on the assumption that. 假定 (3)assume/assuming(that). 假设/假定,引导条件状语从句,2.acknowledge vt.承认;答谢 教材原句 It is now acknowledged by the movie industry as the most successful film series ever.它现在被电影界公认为是有史以来最成功的电影系列。,语境应用 单句填空 The man finally ackno

4、wledged having cheated (cheat). I received a free copy in acknowledgement (acknowledge)of my contribu- tion.,赏句猜义 猜测下句中acknowledge的含义。 I gratefully acknowledge financial support from your company. 感谢,句型提升 张衡被公认为是中国古代最伟大的科学家之一。 Zhang Heng was acknowledged as/to be one of the greatest ancient scientis

5、ts of China. 用it作形式主语升级上面的句子。 It was acknowledged that Zhang Heng was one of the greatest ancient scientists of China .,用法点拨 (1)acknowledge doing sth. 承认做了某事 acknowledge sb./sth. to be/as. 承认某人/某事 acknowledge that.承认 It is acknowledged that. 是大家公认的。 (2)acknowledgement n.承认;鸣谢 in acknowledgement of 对

6、表示感谢,3.accustomed adj.习惯的;通常的 教材原句 Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon back on 21st July, 19 69, people have become accustomed to the idea of space travel.自从1969 年7月21号尼尔阿姆斯特朗首次踏上月球以来,人们就习惯了太空旅行 这个观念。,语境应用 单句填空 They find themselves working to support the lifestyle to which they have

7、 so quickly become accustomed. We re accustomed to having (have)one thing in our pocket to do all these things. He is a foreigner and he is not accustomed to being treated (treat)like that while he is in China.,完成句子 He quickly got/became accustomed to the strong academic atmosphere and colorful acti

8、vities in the college. 他很快就习惯了大学里浓厚的学术氛围和丰富多彩的活动。,用法点拨 (1)be accustomed to(doing)sth. =be used to(doing)sth. 习惯于(做)某事(表示状态) get/become accustomed to(doing)sth. =get/become used to(doing)sth. 习惯于(做)某事(表示动作) (2)accustom vt.使习惯于 accustom oneself/sb. to(doing)sth. 使习惯于(做)某事,4.consult v.咨询;请教 教材原句 .as th

9、eir scholar, consults for their teaching and advice.作为他们中 有文化的人,来咨询教学和建议。,语境应用 完成句子 Why not consult with Frank?You see, two heads are better than one. 为什么不和Frank商量一下呢?你知道, 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。 He is a famous lawyer and many people come to consult him about cases. 他是一名著名律师, 有很多人向他请教一些案件的问题。 用consult, refer to

10、, look up的适当形式填空 Suppose you have no idea how to use the washing machine, you can refer to (查阅) the directions.,No matter how healthy you may be,you need to consult (咨询)a doctor from time to time. I often look up (查)the words I don t know in the dictionary or on the In- ternet.,用法点拨 (1)consult sb. 咨

11、询某人 consult with sb. 同某人商量, 与某人协商 consult sb. about sth. 就某事向某人征求意见;向某人请教某事 (2)consultant n.顾问,【辨析】,1.accuse sb. of 指责某人 教材原句 He accuses Darth Vader of killing his father,so he trains to become a Jedi knight and swears to avenge his loss. 他指控是Darth Vader杀死了他的父亲,所以他把自己训练成一个绝地骑士并且发誓要为自己逝去的父亲复仇。,语境应用 单

12、句填空 He was accused of cheating(cheat)in the exam.That is, he was charged with that shameful action.,单句改错 John was accused for the murderer, which shocked us a lot. foras,句型转换 He was accused of stealing money from the bank. =He was charged with stealingmoney from the bank.,用法点拨 (1)accuse sb. of(doing

13、)sth. 因(做)某事指控某人 accuse sb. as.指控某人为 (2)the accused 被告,【辨析】,1.as引导让步状语从句 教材原句Incredible as it may seem,both the observations of science and the evi- dence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption.尽管看起来不可思 议,但科学观测以及我们肉眼看到的证据都必然会让我们做出一个设想 ,语境应用 完成句子 用连词as补全下面的句子。 We finished the task as he had a

14、sked . 我们按照他的要求完成了这项任务。 As I grew older , I became more and more confident. 随着年龄的增长,我越来越自信了。 As I was busy preparing for my final exam, I didn t reply to your email. 由于忙着准备期末考试,我没有回复你的电子邮件。 Happy as they were , there was something missing. 尽管他们很快乐,然而也失去了一些东西。,单句改错 By the way, a child as he is, he kn

15、ows a lot. 去掉child前的a,句型转换 Although they were tired, they stayed up preparing the report. Tired as/though they were , they stayed up preparing the report.,用法点拨 (1)句型公式 as引导让步状语从句时,意为“虽然;尽管”,可与though互换,从句中的 表语、状语以及谓语中的实义动词需提前至从句句首,作表语的单数可 数名词前如有冠词,冠词需要省去。 (2)句型解读 as引导方式状语从句时,意为“按照;如同;像一样”。 as引导时间状语从句

16、时,意为“当时候;一边一边;随着”。,as引导原因状语从句时,意为“因为;既然”。 as引导比较状语从句时,常用于as.as.句型,意为“像一样”(第一 个as是副词,第二个as是从属连词)。,2.否定意义的词汇置于句首 教材原句 . little did he know what impact he was going to make.他一点都不知 道他将要造成多大的轰动。,语境应用 完成句子 Not once did it occur (occur)to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class. 迈克尔从来没想过有一天他会成为班里的一名顶尖学生。 In no case should the students cheat (cheat)when taking exams. 在任何情况下学生考试都不应该作弊。 No sooner had Mo Yan stepped (step)on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause. 莫言一登上舞台, 观众就报以雷鸣般的掌声。,



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