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1、Module 2 Traffic Jam,漫画欣赏,画面描述 A giraffe is making a great effort to reach for the leaves from a tall tree,sweating. However hard it tries,it still cannot get any leaf. Around the giraffe,there are some small trees,which are much easier for it to approach.,寓意理解 Before we do something,we should make

2、allsided analysis. When we fail after making attempts,we need to consider other ways to solve the problem.,基础讲练 重点单词 1permit n通行证,许可证,执照;v.许可,允许,准许 She has managed to obtain a temporary residence permit. 她设法取得了暂住证。 Im afraid I cannot permit you to do such foolish things. 恐怕我不会允许你做这样的傻事。,【知识拓展】 (1)pe

3、rmitn./pron./doing允许 permit sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 (2)permission n许可,允许 ask for permission请求许可 without permission未经许可 with sb.s permission在某人许可的情况下,【轻巧辨析】 permit/allow/let (1)permit强调权威性的正式批准。含有“积极地,从正面允许”的意 义。常用结构:permit doing或permit sb. to do。 (2)allow指不反对,不加阻止,偏重“默许,放纵”之意。常用结构; allow doing或allow s

4、b. to do。 (3)let是三个词中最不正式的,较口语化,而语意最弱,指“给予可能 或同意”,有时含“难以阻止或限制”之意。常用结构:let sb. do。,【温馨提示】 (1)可以说allow/permit sb. to do sth.不能说allow/permit to do sth.。 (2)permit“许可证”,指一种文本形式,是可数名词;permission“允许”,表示同意,是不可数名词。,即景活用 Would you mind my _ here?Sorry,but _ is not permitted here.Ato smoke;to smoke Bsmoking;t

5、o smoke Csmoking;smoking Dto smoke;smoking 解析:permit后要用动名词,permit doing变为被动语态,用动词的ing 形式作主语。所以选C项。 答案:C,2limit n限制;限定;边界;界限;vt.限制;限定 My time is more limited now that I have a baby. 由于我有了孩子,我现在的时间就更有限了。 We set a time limit of thirty minutes for the test. 我们把测验的时间限定为30分钟。剑桥高阶 【知识链接】 (1)to the limit到极限

6、 set a limit设定限量 be limited to局限于 limit sth. to限定,(2)limited adj.有限的,受限制的 limitless adj.无限制的;无约束的 limitation n限制,限定 即景活用 用limit完成句子 In this area you must limit your speed to 30 kilometers an hour. 在这个区域你必须把速度限制在每小时30千米。 The government set a limit to the number of the travelers in the place of intere

7、st. 政府对那处名胜的游客数量进行了限制。 His ability is rather limited.他的能力是相当有限的。,3convenient adj.方便的,便利的 Its very convenient that you live near the office. 你们住在办公室附近很方便。 Our local shop has very convenient opening hours. 我们当地的商店营业时间很合宜。 【知识整合】 (1)convenience n方便,便利 at ones convenience在某人方便时 conveniently adv.方便地,(2)I

8、t is/was convenient for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做方便 sth. be convenient to/for sb.对某人来说是方便的 sth. be convenient to/for sth.对某事物来说是近而方便 【特别点击】 convenient作表语时,不可用人作主语,而要用事物或形式主语作主语。“当你方便的时候”应译成“When it is convenient to you.”而不能译成“When you are convenient”。,即景活用 Our new house is very _ for me as I can get to t

9、he office in five minutes. In fact,this is the reason why I decided to buy it a year ago. Areasonable Bavailable Cconvenient Dcomfortable 解析:句意:“我们的新家对我来说很方便,因为五分钟内我就能到达办公室。事实上,这是一年前我决定买它的原因。”考查词义辨析: A.有道理的,B.可得到,可利用的,C.方便,便利的,D.舒适的,根据语境,答案是C。 答案:C,经典短语 1get stuck in被困在 Seven of us were stuck in the

10、 life for over an hour. 我们7个人被困在电梯里1个多小时。 I got caught for speeding.我因超速而被抓住。 Theyve just got married.他们刚结婚。,【知识链接】 “get过去分词”与“be过去分词”用法相近。“get过去分词”强调动作,表示的常是意想不到的,突然的或偶然的情况,或谈论自身做的动作。常见的有: get hurt受伤 get burnt被烧伤,被烫着 get separated被分散 get killed/paid被杀死/拿工资 get dressed/washed穿衣/洗脸 get lost/married迷路

11、/结婚 get drunk喝醉,【用法拓展】 get/be stuck with sb./sth.与某事件纠缠不清,无法摆脱某人 I was stuck with him for the whole journey.一路上,我都无法摆脱他。 get/be stuck in还有“积极地开始做某事”的意思,尤指大吃起来。 Here is your food. Wow,get stuck in!这是你的食物,快吃吧!,即景活用 The poor little boy who _ caught stealing a cake over there is an orphan. Ahas Bhad Cgo

12、t Dis 解析:句意:“当场被抓获偷蛋糕的可怜的小男孩是一个孤儿。”考查get caught,在这儿有被动语态的意味,故答案是C。 答案:C,2in no time立刻;赶快;马上 The children ate their dinner in no time.孩子们很快吃完了饭。 Well be home in next to no time.我们将立刻回家。 【短语链接】 in time及时,总有一天 in time of在的时刻 on time准时 have a hard time吃苦,过得艰辛 have a good time玩得愉快 every time每次,每当 from ti

13、me to time有时,不时 by the time到的时间,at the time当时 at one time曾经有段时间 at a time每次,一次 all the time一直 after a time过了一段时间 at times有时;偶尔 at all times随时,总是 即景活用 Does she often ask you for help? No,only_. Aat all times Bat one time Cat a time Dat times 解析:句意:“她经常向你求助吗?”“不经常,仅仅偶尔。”考查词组辨析:at all times一直,始终;at one

14、 time曾经,一度;at a time每次;一次;at times偶尔,有时,故答案是D。 答案:D,3.not only.but also.不但而且 The nurse was not only competent but also kind. 那个护士不但能干而且亲切。 Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.莎士比亚不仅是个作家而且还是个演员。 【知识拓展】 (1)not only.but (also)“不但而且”,连接两个并列成分,可以是两个主语、谓语、表语、状语,也可以是两个分句。 (2)not only.but (a

15、lso)在引导两个句子时,not only放在句首,其后的句子应使用倒装语序。 (3)not only.but (also)连接两个主语时,谓语动词采用就近一致的原则。,即景活用 Not only _ interested in football but _ beginning to show an interest in it. Athe teacher himself is;all his students are Bthe teacher himself is;are all his students Cis the teacher himself;are all his student

16、s Dis the teacher himself;all his students are 解析:not only.but (also)引导的句子中,not only分句要用倒装,而but (also)分句不倒装。这句话的意思是“不仅老师对足球感兴趣,学生们也开始对足球感兴趣了。” 答案:D,重要句型 1Simply raise your hand,and a taxi will appear in no time.只要你招招手,马上就会有出租车开过来。 这是一个由and连接的并列祈使句 这个句子的结构是典型的祈使句and (or,otherwise)相当于if引导的条件状语从句。 Hurry up,or youll miss the bus. 快点,否则你就赶不上车了。 Use your head and youll find a way. 动动脑子你就会想出办法来。,


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