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1、考前第30天 词汇句型天天记 重点单词,重点短语,重点句型,模板作文天天诵你班举行一次班会,研讨“汉语的魅力”。请 您根据以下内容要点,写一篇发言稿。1.中国语言是世界上最美丽的语言之一,也是 使用人数最多的语言。2.中国语言属于表意文字(ideogram),产生 于中华民族的生产劳动中。3.中国语言能够激发人们的想象力和艺术欣赏 力。4.随着中国经济的迅猛发展,它在国际事务中 起的作用越来越大,越来越多的外国人开始学习汉 语了。,参考范文The Charm of Chinese LanguageAs we know,Chinese is one of the most beautiful l

2、anguages in the world,which enjoys the largest number of speakers.Chinese possesses many advantages over other languages.Written Chinese is based on a set of ideogram characters.From a simple word one may get plentiful information about its hidden meaning and evolution history.To express a given ide

3、a in Chinese is always the shortest,most impressive and most effective.,It is because the Chinese characters look like pictures or patterns that learners can exercise their imagination and promote their brain development while enjoying the art beauty of the Chinese language.Whats more,Chinese is als

4、o easy to learn.Many foreigners speak Chinese fluently after a few years of learning.Chinese is the crystallization (结晶) of the splendid culture developed continuously for over 5,000 years.As China grows stronger, more and more foreigners will learn Chinese and share the invaluable treasure.,对点巩固天天练

5、 一、单项填空 1.Friendship has so sweet and lasting nature that it will last through whole lifetime.A.a;a B./;a C.the;/ D.a;the解析 考查冠词。第一空后的nature意为“品性”,前面用不定冠词a;第二空后的lifetime前面有形容词修饰,表示泛指,应用a。,A,2.I may go to the market this morning.Could you please buy some fruit and vegetables for me you go there?A.sin

6、ce B.ifC.while D.as解析 考查状语从句。根据语境,may表示可能,没有把握,答语不能用while,这里用if引导条件状语从句。,B,3.The students puzzled look suggested that she had failed to what I said.A.take out B.pick outC.figure out D.find out解析 考查动词短语辨析。take out意为“拿出”;pick out意为“挑选”;figure out意为“计算出;理解”;find out意为“发现”。根据句意可知,答案为C。,C,4.Who knocked a

7、t the door?Ive no idea.I just pretended nobody was at home,so I didnt ask who was.A.he B.thatC.she D.it解析 考查代词。it指心目中想像的或上下文中提到的人或事物,故答案为D。,D,5.Generally speaking,prices of daily goods through the Internet are lower than store prices.A.bought B.are boughtC.buying D.to buy解析 考查非谓语动词。动作buy与它所修饰的词goods

8、之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动和完成。,A,6.Being determined is a good quality and thats it takes to do anything well.A.what B.whichC.where D.how解析 考查连词。thats后为表语从句,连接代词what引导表语从句并在从句中作take的宾语。,A,7.Surprisingly,everyone was on time for the meeting Lance,whos usually ten minutes late for everything.A.but B.onlyC.even

9、 D.yet解析 考查副词。根据句中的Surprisingly可知,“甚至Lance也不例外”,故用even。but指“除之外”。,C,8.He wont eat it unless hes really hungry,in case hell eat almost anything.A.whose B.whichC.what D.when解析 考查定语从句。前后两个句子之间为逗号,再根据介词in可判断用which,在定语从句中作定语,修饰case。,B,9.In the future,more stress should be placed the education of the youn

10、g.A.on B.toC.for D.with解析 考查介词。lay/place/put stress on sth.(=stress sth.)表示“强调、重视”之意,是固定搭配。,A,10.From the way his sitting room is decorated,you can tell he has a powerful in arts.A.sense B.flavorC.taste D.style解析 考查名词辨析。sense意为“理解力;判断力”;taste意为“品味,鉴赏力”;flavor意为“(食物或饮料的)味道”;style意为“方式;样式”。根据句中in arts

11、可判断,答案为C。,C,11. to give up smoking,he threw away his cigarettes.A.Determined;remainedB.Determined;remainingC.Determining;remainedD.Determining;remaining解析 考查非谓语动词。determined to.是过去分词短语作原因状语,第二空remaining是现在分词作定语。,B,12.Hi,Mary.I enjoyed myself so much at your party last night. .A.Oh,thats kind of youB

12、.Im glad to hear thatC.Its my pleasureD.Oh,you must be kidding解析 考查交际用语。当别人称赞自己的事物或所做的事情时,习惯上说Im glad to hear that或Im glad you like it。,B,13.How delicious the noodles are!Yes.But they would taste with tomatoes.A.better;many B.best;manyC.better;more D.best;more解析 考查形容词的比较级。根据第二句句意“是的。但如果放入更多的西红柿,味道会更

13、好”可知,用good和many的比较级。,C,14.It for the whole week.The city will be flooded if it soon.A.rained;wont stopB.has been raining;doesnt stopC.has rained;wont stopD.rained;doesnt stop解析 考查时态。根据前句中for the whole week可知,雨已经下了整整一个星期,再根据后句中will be flooded可知,雨还在下,故第一空用现在完成进行时;第二空是if引导的条件状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来。,B,15.I can

14、t remember how many years agoa fight broke out between the husbandand the wife.A.it was when B.was it thatC.it was that D.was it when解析 考查强调句结构。It is/was+that结构为强调结构,被强调的部分放到that前面。这里等于对被强调部分的提问。,C,二、完形填空An old woman walked around as she pushed her shopping cart full of many things.She was 1 .Her ha

15、ir was untidy.Her clothes were torn.And some of her teeth were missing.She 2 and asked me for change.Instead of giving her change,I 3 her to eat out and she 4 .We went across the street to an outdoor cafe so she could 5 her cart while we had lunch.The 6 was surprised when this woman appeared and did

16、 not want to serve us, 7 she forced herself.We ate our lunch. She was very 8 and the food disappeared almost as soon as it arrived.,When we were ready to 9 ,I was feeling very good about myself and then she asked for a 10 .It was then that I had to 11 myself and all the hidden bias (偏见) that I had towards this 12 .She wasnt wrong,but my reluctance (不愿) must have 13 .I held her in my arms carelessly and 14 I felt shame.She thanked me for lunch and then left.I 15 there for a moment and realized that I had 16 to give this woman the one thing that cost 17 love.I ran after the,


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