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1、Language Points,Speaking,evaluate :value of sb / sth ;assess 评价,估计evaluate ones ability / work / studyn. evaluation2. various: several kinds, different adj. 各种各样的,不同的 Eg. 1) tents in various shapes and size2) Their hobbies are many and various.n. varietya variety of / varieties of 各种各样的,3. take poss

2、ession of 占领,占有Eg. They took possession of the castle quickly.in possession of 某人占有,拥有in the possession of 某物为某人占有 Eg. 1)They are in possession of the house.2)The house is in the possession of them.,拓展:, You cant _it, which belongs to her.A.take the possession of B. take possession ofC.take charge o

3、f D. take the place of,B,4. in the name of sb / sth 以的名义;代表 Eg. 1) I arrest you in the name of the law.我依法逮捕你。2) The prime minister spoke in the name of the King.部长代表国王讲话。3) I opened an account in the bank in your name.我以你的名义在银行开了一个帐户。,4)In the name of love, stop it.,Let me thank you in the name of

4、us all.,让我代表大家感谢你.,in name onlybyof/under the name of, call ones names name after,只在名义上,Eg. The boy _ the name of David is named_ his grandfather. A. in; after B. by; with C. in; by D. by; after,D,名叫的,骂人,以命名,5. risk ones life to do sth 冒丧失生命做某事Eg. He risked his life to save a drowning girl. risk doi

5、ng sth 冒险做某事Eg. He risked getting caught in the rain and insisted onwalking.6. be equipped with 用装备,配备 Eg. The soldiers are equipped with weapons.,Reading,1. reach1) vt. 到达,达到,获得2) vi. reach out ( to sb / sth ) =reach for = stretch out 伸手以拿到,抓到某物Eg. 1) He reached for his dictionary.2) We must reach

6、out to those in need.我们应该伸出援助之手,帮助需要帮助的人。,2. To people of early civilization , the world map was a great puzzle.,)作动词,表示“(使)迷惑,(使)为难”,后面接名词或代词。,)名词,难题,谜, 一般用单数,eg. These computers are a puzzle to me.,The question puzzled all the students.,这问题使所有学生迷惑,puzzling adj.,令人迷惑的,迷惑的,困惑的,It puzzles me that she

7、 is runningfor President.,a puzzling statement/affair/attitude,puzzled adj.,She was puzzled what to do next.,她不知道下一步该怎么办.,From his _ expression , we know he doesnt know that . His coming late again _ us. That he didnt pass the exam is _. What _ me is why they didnt show up. He looked a little _. Her

8、 decision was a_ to him Im in a _ as to how to cope with the new situations.,.3.wealth n. 财富,钱财,Eg, 谁也不知道他的财产是怎样得来,Nobody knows how he has got his wealth.,富翁,他拥有大笔财产,A man of wealth,He possessed great wealth.,wealthy adj. 富有的,富裕的;有钱的,他们家很富有.,Their family is very wealthy.,a wealth of,大量,众多,丰富,后接复数名词或

9、不可数名词如 a wealth of examples/experience/knowledge/resources大量的例子经验知识资源,He has a wealth of knowledge about plants.,他有大量的植物知识,the wealthy,有钱人,富人,1.Some people say that health is _ because they consider good health more valuable than money or material possessions. A value B strength C significance D wea

10、lth,D,wealthy 一般指财势上富裕,常指人拥有大量 财产,有时也指拥有其他东西,此时与rich相通,rich指人在钱财,物质,精神上富有也可指事物充足,2.He gained his _by printing _of famouswriters. A . wealth; work B. wealths; works C. wealths; work D. wealth; works,D,4 and other European explorers to search for sea routes to the distant,However, long before that bra

11、ve(para1),in search ofin a / the / ones search for,He immigrated to Brazil in search of a better life. I have been searching for the same kind of shoesas these.,v. search sb.for sth.search (a place) for sb./sth.search for sb./sth.,.Many policemen and soldiers are _ the forest_ the prisoner escaping

12、from prison.A.searching for; searching B.searching; searchingC.searching; in search of D.in search for; searching for .The policemen are searching _every house _the thief.A.for; for B .of ; of C. /; for D. of ; for,C,C,1)There was a lively market long before. 2)Before long you will understand what I

13、 said is good for you.3)I had waited him long before he came.,2)long before before long,(很久以前),(不久=soon),(在他回来之前我已等他很久),It _long before we _the result of the experiment. will not be ; will know B. is ; will know C. will not be;know D. is ; know,C,4)It wont be long before you see him again.5)It was l

14、ong before they escaped from the cruel prison.,不久你就会看到他了.,过了很久,他们才从监狱逃跑出来,Paragraph 1,形成人们努力(探索世界)的基础激起探索者寻找的热情,form the foundation for mankinds greatest endeavour inspire explorers to search for sp.,5. contact n. 接触,交往,联系 ( with + n / pron )Eg. Have you been in contact with him recently?get in cont

15、act / touch with 与某人联系上keep / be in contact / touch with 与保持联系v. 联系,接触Eg. The journalists contact related people and fix a time for a face-to-face interview.记者与相关人员联系并约定采访的时间。,6. find ones way设法到达,feel ones way摸索着走;谨慎行事make ones way to 走;前进fight ones way 打出一条路push ones way 挤出一条路lose ones way 迷路 )I h

16、ope you can home. 2) She couldnt out of the building.3) The soldiersthrough the fierce enemies.,7. in exchange for 交换Eg. The girl gave him some peanuts in exchange for some sweets.exchange v. 交换exchange A for Bexchange with sbEg. 1) I exchanged the black cellphone for a red one.2) Joan exchanged seats with John.,



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