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1、A Busy Weekday Morning,Fail in their attempts to communicate with each other Send false message to each other Generation gap Contrast between daughter and parents,Narration : time order , time marker time marker: first , then, after, before,2. The content of the passage,Time : a morning,Character :

2、father, mother, sandy,Problem they talk about: (contrast between parents and daughter)musiceat standing upbrush teethT-shirtmakeup,3.Contrast between daughter and parents,4.Time markers in this passage,1).the radio clicked on 2).it was 6:15a.m : get up music shower 3).after her shower : put on (T-sh

3、irt, jeans,sweater,makeup) 4).she looked the clock again; it was late : breakfast , argument onmanner ,wearing, makeup 5). She ran to catch the school bus,5.Conclusion we can get after reading the passage,.Different attitude to things Parents are too talkative 3) Both children and parents are too st

4、ubborn,6. New words forth : out; forward The sun came forth from behind the clouds. 太阳从云层里出来。 Come forth , blast forth, back and forth, forthcoming A list of forthcoming book.,horrible: shocking,frightening a.v. horrify n. horror What a horrible mistake youve made! 你犯了个多么可怕的错误!,offensive: a. offend

5、vt . offence. N I offended her Please forgive his offensive action 请原谅他无礼的行为,1. very unpleasant 极讨厌的,令人作呕的 He did something offensive to annoy her. 他做了件令人讨厌的事,令她很生气。 2. for attacking 攻击性的 That country developed lots of offensive guns. 那个国家研制了许多进攻性武器。,disturb : vt disturbance .n. disturbed, disturbin

6、g 1. interrupt, trouble or bother 打扰, 妨碍 Sorry to disturb you, but I want to speak to Mr. John. 对不起,打搅你了,我想跟约翰先生说几句话。 2. make sb. worried or unhappy 使不安,使烦恼 They were rather disturbed by the way the government tried to cover the truth. 。,disgust : cause not to like 使厌恶,使反感 The smell of the bad egg d

7、isgusts me. 这变质了的蛋的气味令我作呕。 disgusting .a.,Language points: 1.Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station. (Para. 1),Meaning: Sandy followed the words of the song although she was still in bed, listening to her favorite radio station. along with: in company with

8、, together with,Ill go along with you.,There was a bill along with the letters.,2.Steve Finch burst into her room. (Para. 2),Steve Finch rushed into her room without knocking or warning her in advance,burst into: (1) enter hurriedly or explosively The children burst into the room looking for toys.,(

9、2) start suddenly She burst into laughter. 她突然大笑了起来。burst into tears/laughter,3 though it does have rhythm. (Para. 2),Meaning: . though it really has rhythm,Here “does“ is used for emphasis (强调) and should be followed by the bare infinitive form of the verb. He does have a brother in England. 他的确有个弟

10、弟在英国。,thorough: a. thoroughly adv. 1. complete in every way 彻底的 The police made a thorough search of the room. 警察彻底地搜查了这房间。 2. careful about details 认真的 He made a thorough study of the story. 他认真地研究了这篇短篇小说。,Instrument 工具,乐器 equipment : machine , sth for producing Facility: all that are convenient fo

11、r work Both the violin and the piano are instruments. 小提琴和钢琴都是乐器。 A hammer is an instrument people often use for repairing things.,4.Sandy reached for the radio to turn it up louder. (Para. 3),Sandy stretched her hand out to increase the volume of the radio,reach for: stretch ones hand so as to touc

12、h or hold sth,There was no time for me to reach for my book.,reach .vt.1) get to, come to, arrive at You can see the house when you reach the top of the hill. 到了山顶上,你就能看到那座房子了。 Your letter reached me yesterday. 我昨天收到了你的信。,(2) touch, get in touch with I am short and cannot reach the top of the wall.

13、Sth is out of the reach of sb,5.I cant stand it. (Para. 4),stand: vt. endure, bear , put up with,I cant stand her makeup. He can stand more pain than anyone else I know. 他比我所知道的任何人都更能忍受痛苦。,6 so she grabbed a towel and dried off. (Para. 5),she quickly took hold of a towel and dried her body with it,dry off: (cause to) become dry The swimmer dried off in the hot sun,She ran in after the rainstorm and dried herself off with a thick towel,


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