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1、導入數位化教學策咯,教務長 溫嘉榮 中華民國九十三年十一月,壹、數位革命後高等教育的趨勢,The Virtualizating of Education16 Predictions for Higher Educationby Samuel L.Dunn,壹、數位革命後高等教育的趨勢,1、The number of degree-granting institutions will continue to grow, while the number of traditional campuses will decline. By 2025, half of todays existing i

2、ndependent colleges will be closed, merged, or significantly altered in mission.2、University degrees and programs at all levels will be available by information technologies from all quality levels of educational institutions. 3、Courseware producers will sell courses and award credits directly to th

3、e end user and thus, through intermediation, bypass the institutional middleman. 4、There will be two principal types of degree and certificate granting institutions; value-added and certification instituions.,壹、數位革命後高等教育的趨勢,5、The distinction between distance and local education will be blurred. Almo

4、st all courses will be digitally enhanced. There will be a small group of colleges that will carve out a market niche by maintaining “live faculty instruction” in their course delivery.6、Seamless education between high school, undergraduate college, and graduate programs will be the norm. Incentives

5、 will be given to students and institutions to move students through their programs at a fast rate. 7、The home-school movement will lead to a home-college movement. 8、The remaining campus-based colleges and universities will increasingly move to responsibility-center management and will outsource ma

6、ny functions now done by the institution.,壹、數位革命後高等教育的趨勢,9、Cities will expect colleges and universities to pay taxes or a “voluntary” equivalent for services rendered by the city. 10、The U.S. government will continue to certify institutions for access to student financial aid. By 2010, the number of

7、 eligible institions will jump for about 7,000 at present to more than 10,000.11、Faculty in traditional colleges and universities will revolt against technological delivery of courses and programs and against the emerging expectations for faculty. Unionization and strikes will increase as faculty fi

8、ght a rear-guard action to try to slow down or stop the inevitable.12、Accreditation and program approval will be based more on educational outcomes. Testing programs will be put in place by discipline organizations, federal and state governments, corporations, and testing companies. Large corporatio

9、ns will develop their own approval systems. By 2025, there will not be one national accreditation system, although the U.S. Department of Education will provide a basic safety net for quality.,壹、數位革命後高等教育的趨勢,13、The big growth in adult and postsecondary education will be in degree and certificate pro

10、grams for older adults. To be viable in the information society, the typical adult will need to take at least 30 semester credits every 10 years.14、By 2005, there will be “killer” courseware applications covering the 25 college courses that enroll 50% of all credits. 15、Consortia of colleges, univer

11、sities, and other kinds of institutions will increasingly band together to produce and deliver courses for students in their member institutions. Many of these consortia will seek their own accreditation and approval.16、The distinctions between and among public and private, for-profit and nonprofit

12、institutions of higher education will largely disappear.,貳、國家型數位學習計劃,http:/elnp.ncu.edu.tw/index.php,貳、國家型數位學習計劃,全民數位學習 縮減數位落差 行動學習載具與輔具多功能電子書包 數位學習網路科學園區 前瞻數位學習技術研發 數位學習之學習與認知基礎研究 政策引導與人才培育,參、網路教學應用的實例,Web FTP Anonymouse for public (ftp:/ PASSWORD for studentID+ password for myself

13、 Remote login 通訊錄 (http:/ 即時文字互動(http:/,肆、如何導入教學(1/3),步驟一:教師資訊能力的提升(1)網頁編製靜態網頁如frontpage動態網頁如ASP(2)檔案管理伺服主機建立(3)多媒體基本概念文字、圖形、聲音、影像、動態的編製(4)網路概念網路伺服資源的規劃及建置(5)網路資源的擷取、運用及掌控,肆、如何導入教學(2/3),步驟二:學校資訊設備的改善(1)學校伺服主機的建置WWW ServerFTP Servermail Serv

14、ermedia Server(2)無線網路環境辦公區、教學區(3)教師備有手提電腦無線上網(4)教室的教學配置投影機(5)電腦教室學生親自上線作業,肆、如何導入教學(3/3),步驟三:教學資源建置(1)教師個人教學資源教學資料數位化、置於WWW及FTP Server供個人及學生使用(2)學生數位化學習的導引班級網頁、學生、個 人數位檔案管理步驟四:教學資源之整合及運用(1)現有教學資源的運用了解現有資源、整理成 自我導入的環境置於個人數位倉儲中(2)資訊融入學科教材教法數位化教學的教材及教法,伍、資訊科技領域,電子計算機概論,程式語言,多媒體,作業系統,程式設計,網頁設計,網際網路,資料庫,陸

15、、導入教學的方式(1/2),個人網頁 個人資料 補充教材 各課程大綱、進度、作業 互動(即時、非即時) 檔案分享 給大眾 給學生 給自已,陸、導入教學的方式(2/2),影音教學 即時 非即時 手提電腦無線上網 遠距教學,柒、個人化網路資源環境(1/3),柒、個人化網路資源環境(2/3),柒、個人化網路資源環境(3/3),捌、導入教學的基本資訊技術(1/2),一、個人資源伺服器 WWW網頁FrontPage + ASP(ASP.Net)、word powerpoint FTP(1)、給一般使用者的權限 - anonymous(2)、特定使用者的權限 specific user(3)、FTP架站軟

16、體 IIS、Server-U,捌、導入教學的基本資訊技術(2/2),二、遠端登入(Remote login)(一)、應用工具(1)VNC(2)Desk Top on call(3)Terminal Service(二)轉址服務使用流程(1)申請帳號(2)安裝client軟體並開啟轉址服務,玖、動態IP轉址申請,1、動態IP轉址 帳號申請,(1). 輸入http:/.tw/,(2).填入申請資料1.此帳號是要當轉址的網址(例:http:/.tw)因此不要帳號名稱不要太複雜2.自設常用的密碼3.選擇網域名稱(例:http:/.tw)4.自行輸入常用的e-mail即可,(3).申請成功,2、安裝client軟體並 開啟轉址服務,(1).下載Client端程式,(2).開啟軟體填入個人的帳號資料後,儲存內容就可按登入,程式就自動把你的ip和此網址做結合,(3).起動完成,拾、國內教師教學網站範例介紹,


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