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1、1,英语教师语言敏感意识提升与课堂教学:基于观课的反思,徐曼菲 华南师范大学 外国语言文化学院 2014.11.14,国培计划(2014)示范性项目英语学科培训技能提升华南师大研修班,2,同课异构:微课1 vs. 微课2 观课评课 微课1. 2013年国培班学员(资深骨干教师)(12分钟) 微课2. 2012年广东省英语师范生技能比赛(10分钟),1. Organization & management,2. Teaching Style,3. Instructional Techniques,4. Pedagogical objectives,5. Learning outcomes,6.

2、Student Engagement,3,职前、新手英语教师存在的困难 缺乏敏锐把握教学目标并将其具体化的能力,呈现讲解清晰度不足, 缺乏教材的整体意识,欠缺把握、加工教材的能力,学科知识欠缺, 缺乏语境、情景中教授语法的意识和能力, 对学生的语言误用问题认识不系统 课堂组织与管理能力较弱 ,资深英语骨干教师存在的困难如何提炼实践性知识、进行理性思考与总结,转化如何充分体现课标的新要求,比方说学生批判性思维能力培养如何与学科教学/教育目标相结合,平时观课评课的感受,4,We are from China to Canada. ? from to,微课2. 分析的另一角度: Teacher La

3、nguage Awareness,5,6,Teachers language useFrom toI am from here to the toilet. (550)He is from home to school everyday. 他每天从家里到学校去。 . (9 50)We are from China to Canada today. 我们今天从中国到加拿大。? from to,7,8,9,模糊 vs. 清晰?,Which picture do you like better?,语言敏感意识,10,语言敏感意识:有序的 vs. 混乱?,11,教师的角色 系统分析 准确呈现 有效引导

4、 反馈鼓励 ,语言敏感意识,对课标的解读,通过知识(语言、非语言)的横向积累,在能力上纵深发展:从简单到复杂,从接受到产出、互动 语音、语调、听、说、读、写:语言形式服务于交际意图 交际意图、态度情感、理解与表达紧密联系 培养良好的语言敏感意识,14,Defining Teacher Language Awareness (TLA) 定义,explicit knowledge about language, and conscious perception and sensitivity in language use, language learning, and language teac

5、hing (Association for Language Awareness, 1996) 教师对语言的使用、学习与教授所具有的一种显性知识和敏感意识 sensitivity to grammatical, lexical or phonological features, and the effect on meaning brought about by the use of different forms (Hales, 1997) 对语法、词汇、语音等特征,对形式背后的意义敏感 the L2 teachers ability to talk about the language i

6、tself, to analyze it, to understand how it works, to make judgments about acceptability in doubtful cases (Edge, 1988) 教师解释、分析、理解语言使用的能力、判断语言可接受性的能力,15,外语教师语言敏感意识的重要性: a very clear picture an essential attribute of any competent L2 teacher The language-aware L2 teacher is more likely to be effective

7、 in promoting student learning than the teacher who is less language-aware (Andrew, 2007) 能增强教师的教学有效性是教师对语言系统所具有的一种潜意识中的知识,这种知识能增强教师的教学有效性(郑新民,2012) 。,16,传统的语言观(Chomsky) 人们的语言使用是根据规则生成的 例: SVO (主-谓-宾)(分别填入各种词性的词) The elephant is dancing on the table. 新的语言观(Sinclair等) Language as chunks and formulaic

8、 sequences 语言是组块的,语言的使用是序列的; 语言的使用不是孤立的,而是相互受语义吸引, 高频互选的。 语言的意义更多是源自真实的、高频的语言使用。Authentic language use,教师自身的教学语言(例子) 某位教师设计的课前练习If you want to persuade someone to do something, you should cause them to do it by giving them good reasons for doing it. cause them to do it? make them to do it?you may gi

9、ve them good reasons for doing it?you need to give them good reasons for doing it? ,词汇教学建议 1.对词汇在真实语境中的搭配敏感:cause (v.),19,2.对近义词的使用敏感: anxiety vs. eagerness A student replying to an invitation to dinner finished his letter: “I shall be delighted to come and I am looking forward to the day with anxie

10、ty.” I am looking forward to the day with eagerness.”,20,21,22,3. 对词组使用敏感: make a living 利用语料库出例子:真实的语言使用Collocates (搭配词) fruit vendor, sticky soil, cashier, planting the vegetable, planting rice, selling news papers, migrant workers, struggles, strive, low-income, meagerSemantic preference (语义倾向) w

11、ork of low skills and hard labourUse (用法) expressing difficulty or dissatisfaction,23,4. 对词汇及语法项目的意义内涵及其使用 的讲解与呈现要清晰到位,He is going to buy some books. Is he going to buy any/some books?,“Good rules should make a compromise between accuracy and accessiblity and is a combination of cyclically presented

12、 well-chosen examples and verbal descriptions.” -Michael Lewis, Jimmie Hill, Pratical Techniques for Language Teaching,Chapter 7,例1:疑问句中的 any vs. some,How about Would you like some more milk? Some and any are both used for indefinite quantities. Some is used if the quantity is restricted in someway.

13、 Any is used if the quantity is not restricted. Some always refers to part; any refers to all or none.,25,疑问句中的ANY vs. SOME,形式 any/some,功能: 询问信息? 询问意愿/同意?,意义:数量 强? 弱?,语言敏感意识的进一步提升,26,27,28,Can ability I can dance. I can play the piano. possibility I can come tomorrow to your party. permission Can I

14、bring music players to school?Somebody can do something. Can somebody do something?Can I dance? Can we dance? Can you dance?,例2. 情态动词: Can,ability? possibility? permission?,29,Can you play the guitar? If yes, you may join the club.,Can you play the guitar for my birthday party?,Can I play the guitar

15、 in class?,30,高二人教版模块五 例3 语法教学层面例子:过去分词作定语和表语 【功能解读】书面语常用,简洁有力,富于美感 学生大量操练:Please throw away the broken vase. The building built last year is used as能否换种设计,创设句子语境:He left for home, heart broken. He left home, heart broken.,31,语言敏感意识与英语教与学 Target language vs. our use 1)Identify the Gap Target language vs. students useTarget language vs. textbook 2) What /How/ When to fill the gap? 3)提升对教学具体目标 与宏观目标的把握 4)提升对教材挖掘与进一步加工的能力 5)提升结合语境与情景设计教学的能力 6)提升对语言的准确把握、对doubtful use 的解释以及准确呈现、清晰讲解、有效互动的能力,32,33,34,35,3-2-1 3 things I remember 2 ideas I could adapt 1 question I have,Reflection and summary,


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