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1、NCE3 LESSON1,Made by Ella,Words,01Part,Puma pjum,Spot spt V.,N. 1.斑点;点 Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger? 有斑点的是豹还是虎?2. 污迹;污渍;脏点 His jacket was covered with spots of mud. 他的上衣满是泥点。rust spots 锈斑3.(皮肤上的)丘疹,疱疹,粉刺;脓疱 The babys whole body was covered in small red spots.当时这孩子浑身布满小红疙瘩。 4.地点 She stoo

2、d rooted to the spot with fear (= unable to move) .她吓得呆若木鸡地站在那里。a tourist spot 旅游景点5.少量 of sth (British English,informal) a small amount of sth 少量;一点 (bit)Hes in a spot of trouble. 他遇到一点麻烦。6.一段节目 a guest/solo spot 嘉宾节目;单人表演7.竞赛 two teams battling for top spot 争夺冠军地位的两个队8.灯光 spotlight,Spot spt N.,1.(

3、not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)看见;看出;注意到;发现 Examples: I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.我终于在人群中看见了我的朋友. Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house.邻居们发现有烟从这所房子里冒出来。 No one spotted that the gun was a fake.没有人留意到那是一支假枪。 I soon spotted what the mistake was.我很快就看出错误所在了。2.(对比赛对手)让

4、分,让子,让步 We spotted the opposing team two goals. 我们让对手两个球。be spotted with sth满是斑点 His shirt was spotted with oil. 他的衬衣上满是油点。,同义词: find:强调发现的结果 find out:查出事实真相 discover:做出重大发现 notice:注意到 observe:观察 watch:观察活动中的人或画面,Spot spt,in a (tight) spot (informal) in a difficult situation 处于困境on the spot 1.immedi

5、ately ;at once;right now 当场;当下 He answered the question on the spot. 他当场就回答了那个问题。 an on-the-spot parking fine 当场进行的违章停车罚款处罚 2.在现场 An ambulance was on the spot within minutes. 几分钟之内,一辆救护车便赶到现场。 an on-the-spot report 现场报道 3.在原地 Running on the spot is good exercise.原地跑步是一种很好的锻炼。put sb on the spot (提出难题

6、)使某人尴尬,使某人为难 The interviewers questions really put him on the spot. 采访者的问题使他很下不来台。,Evidence |evdns|,1. UN,CN (of/for sth) | (that) | 根据;证明;证据 Have you any evidence to support this allegation? 你有证据支持这种说法吗? The room bore evidence of a struggle. 房间里有搏斗过的痕迹。2. UN(法庭上的)证据,证词,人证,物证 I was asked to give evi

7、dence /to say what I knew/describe what I had seen at the trial. 我被要求出庭作证。in evidence 显眼;显而易见 The police were much in evidence at todays demonstration.在今天的示威集会上警察随处可见。,accumulate |kju:mjlet|,1.积累;积聚 I seem to have accumulated a lot of books. 我好像已经收集了很多书。 By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune

8、. 她投资精明,积累了一笔财富。2.(数量)逐渐增加;(数额)逐渐增长 build up Debts began to accumulate.债务开始增加。accumulation |kju:mjlen| noun the accumulation of wealth 财富的积累 an accumulation of toxic/poisonous chemicals 有毒化学物质的积聚,Gather vt.聚集, 把某人召集在某处 - The teacher gathered his students in the classCollect vt.搜集, 采集 - Do you collec

9、t stamps? Yes, I collect stamps as my hobby.Assemble v.集合, 集会 / 装配 - A large number of people assemble on the square.Hoard vt.大量的储存 (- hoard up = store up 储藏) - The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter amass vt.积聚(主要用于诗歌和文学作品) - The clouds amassed above the hills.,oblige |blad|,1.(以法律、义务等)强迫,

10、迫使 Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school. 法律规定父母必须送子女入学。 I felt obliged to ask them to dinner. 我不得不请他们吃饭。 He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up work. 他受伤严重,不得已只好放弃工作。2.(根据要求或需要)帮忙,效劳 Call me if you need any helpId be happy to oblige . 若有需要,尽管给我打电话。我很乐意帮忙。 Wou

11、ld you oblige me with some information? 拜托您给我透露些消息好吗?feel obliged to do sth. 感觉有必要做某事 be obliged to do sth. 被迫做某事,hunt |hnt|,1. 打猎;猎取;猎杀 Lions sometimes hunt alone.狮子有时单独猎食。 Whales are still being hunted and killed in the Arctic.北冰洋的鲸类仍然遭到猎杀。 2. 搜寻;搜索 search Ive hunted everywhere but I cant find it.

12、我到处都搜遍了,就是找不到它。 She is still hunting for a new job.她还在找新工作。 3.追踪;追捕 Police are hunting an escaped criminal.警察正在追捕一名逃犯。hunt for/go hunting for 搜寻,寻找 job hunter 四处寻找工作的人 head hunter 猎头 bargain hunter 四处买便宜货的人hunt sb. down 追捕,缉捕(某人) hunt sth. down/out 搜寻,寻找(某物),run after 强调追赶, 追求 - look, a dog is runni

13、ng after a catseek = pursue v. 追寻(理想) chase v.追赶 (- They are chasing a thief / They are running after a thief),corner |k:n(r)| N.,1.(建筑物;物体;形状) 角the four corners of a square 正方形的四个角2.有角的;涉及群体的 a three-cornered hat 三角帽 a three-cornered fight 三方争斗3.角;墙角;壁角 a corner table/seat/cupboard 靠墙角的桌子 / 座位 / 橱柜

14、4.(有时指偏僻或难以到达的)区域,地区 She lives in a quiet corner of rural Yorkshire. 她居住在约克郡乡间一个僻静的地方。5.困境;窘境 to back/drive/force sb into a corner把某人逼入困境 He was used to talking his way out of tight corners .他惯于凭借口才摆脱困境。,corner |k:n(r)| V,1. 使(人或动物)走投无路;逼入绝境 If cornered, the snake will defend itself. 蛇在被逼得走投无路时会自卫的。

15、2. 硬要走近想与(某人)说话 I found myself cornered by her on the stairs. 我发觉她在楼梯上迎面过来非要与我说话。3.垄断(某种货品的交易) Theyve cornered the market in silver. 他们垄断了白银市场。4.转弯;拐弯 The car has excellent cornering (= it is easy to steer around corners) . 这辆汽车转弯性能极佳。,1. around/round the corner很近;在附近 Her house is just around the co

16、rner. 她的房子就在附近。 There were good times around the corner (= they would soon come) . 好时光很快就会来临。2. cut corners /cut the corner 用最简捷经济的方式做事,图省事;(做事)走捷径3. see sth out of the corner of your eye偶然瞟见;睨视 Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him coming closer. 她用眼一瞟,见他正向她走过来。4.turn the corner (患病时期)转危为安,脱离危险,好转;渡过难关;脱离困境at the corner of the street in the corner of the room on the corner of the desk,



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