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1、Period 1 Warming Up, Prereading & Reading,.单词识记 1_ na part of a tree that grows out from the trunk and that has leaves, fruit, or smaller branches growing from it 2 _ adj.a person, plan etc that is flexible can change or be changed easily to suit any new situation 3 _ adv.after a long time, or after

2、 a lot of things have happened,branch,flexible,eventually,4_ n. a short poem or song, especially for children,using words that rhyme 5 _ vto communicate or express something, with or without using words 6 _ na regularly repeated arrangement of shapes, colours, or lines on a surface, usually as decor

3、ation 7 _ vto laugh at someone and make jokes , either in a friendly way or in an unkind way,rhyme,convey,pattern,tease,8 _ na feeling of great sadness 9 _ adj. definite and specific 10_ v. to completely change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone, especially in a way that impr

4、oves it,sorrow,concrete,transform,.短语天地 1make _有道理,讲得通 2_ a story讲故事 3_ emotions表达情感 4nursery _童谣 5take it _别紧张,sense,tell,convey,rhymes,easy,6run out _用完 7be made up _由组成 8be translated _被译成 9_ particular尤其;特别 10be worth a _值得一试,of,of,into,in,try,.句型搜索 1There are various reasons _. 人们写诗的原因是多种多样的。 【

5、答案】why people write poetry 2And said _ they all were true. 而且他说虽然这些离奇,但却真实。 【答案】though strange,金手指驾校 http:/ 金手指驾驶员考试2016 金手指驾校 http:/ 金手指驾驶员考试2016科目一 金手指驾校 http:/ 金手指驾驶员考试2016科目四 金手指驾校 http:/ 金手指驾驶员科目一模拟考试 金手指驾考 http:/ 金手指驾驶员科目四模拟考试,科目一考试网 http:/ 科目一模拟考试2016 科目四考试网 http:/ 科目四模拟考试 驾校一点通365网 http:/ 驾校

6、一点通2016科目一 科目四 驾驶员理论考试网 http:/ 2016科目一考试 科目四考试,.预读理解 1What does the passage mainly talk about? 【答案】Its about some kinds of English poems. 2How many kinds of poems does the reading passage refer to? 【答案】Five,3What kind of poem does poem A in the reading passage belong to? 【答案】Nursery rhymes. 4What Ci

7、nquain and Haiku have in common is that _. 【答案】they both create a clear picture and convey a special feeling in a few words,.课文缩写 There are various reasons 1._ people write poetry. Some poems tell a story 2._ describe something. 3._try to convey certain emotions. Some of the first poetry a young chi

8、ld 4._ (learn) in English is nursery rhymes. They delight small children.5._ playing with the words, children learn about language. The 6._ (simple) poems are those that list things. List poems have a flexible line 7._ (long) and repeated phrases.,Another simple form of poem is the cinquain, a poem

9、8._ (make) up of five lines. Students can convey 9._ strong picture in just a few words. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables. English speakers also enjoy Tang poems. A lot of Tang poetry 10._(translate) into English. 【答案】1.why 2. or 3. Others 4. learns 5.By 6. simplest

10、 7. length 8.made 9.a 10. has been translated,1convey vt. (1)传达 Others try to convey certain emotions. 而有些诗则是为了传达某种感情。 (2)传送,运送 convey sb/sth to 把某人/某物运送到,单词扫描,完成句子 四川地震中的幸存者已经被送到安全的地方。 The survivors from Sichuan Earthquake_safe places. 【答案】have been conveyed to,2tease vi.& vt.取笑;招惹;戏弄 Dont take it

11、seriouslyhe is only teasing. 别当真,他只是在戏弄你。 I used to get teased about my name. 过去别人总拿我的名字开玩笑。 tease sb about 拿取笑某人,句型转换 The other boys tease him because he is fat. The other boys _ his being fat. 【答案】tease him about,3branch nC树枝;支流;支线;分支机构,部门;(研究或知识领域的)分科,分支 A fallen blossom is coming back to the bra

12、nch. 落下的花朵回到了树枝上。 He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches. 他爬上树,藏在树枝后面。,【图解助记】,完成句子 这是家大公司,在全国都有分公司。 Its a big company and it has _. 【答案】branches all over the country 心理学是医学的一个分支。 Psychology is _ medicine. 【答案】a branch of,4pattern n模式;式样;图案 These sentences all have the same grammatical pat

13、tern. 这些句子的语法模式都相同。 She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it. 她穿着有玫瑰图案的连衣裙。 Over the next months their work pattern changed. 在以后的几个月中,他们的工作方式改变了。 changing patterns of behaviour/work/weather行为/工作/天气的变化模式 set the pattern for 为树立榜样,完成句子 这些凶杀案似乎如出一辙。 The murders all seem to follow _. 【答案】a similar

14、 pattern 该课程的成功为新雇员的培训树立了榜样。 The success of the course _ the training of new employees. 【答案】set the pattern for,5translate vi.&vt.翻译;把译成 A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English.许多唐诗已被翻译成英文。 Can you translate your meaning into gestures? 你能用手势把你的意思表达出来吗? translation nC,U翻译,译文 translator nC译员,翻译者 translate into 把译成,完成句子 该我们把思想变成行动的时候了。 Its time to _ our ideas _ action. 【答案】translate;into 我希望所有的努力都会变成利润。 I hope all the hard work will _ profits. 【答案】translate into,



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