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1、1.involve v 牵涉 涉及 包括 使参与 卷入involvement n 1).involve sb in sth 使某人卷入到.= sb be/ get involved in sth 某人卷入/参与到2).Involve sth/doing sth 包括/需要做 .,If I were you , I wouldnt get involved in their problems.The job involves travelling abroad for three months each year.,conj. 如果,假设 vt. 猜想,认为,_ there were only

2、a tree in the world, what would you do?,Suppose,如果他没有来,谁来做这项工作呢?,你认为那是什么舞?,Suppose he cant come, who will do the work?,What do you suppose that dance is?,_ 应该做某事,be supposed to do,You are supposed to help your parents at home. _,你应该在家帮助父母。,adj. 高兴的, 快乐的,My parents will be delighted to see you. 我父母见到

3、你会很高兴。,He was very much delighted with the results. 他对这个结果感到非常满意。,The baby is _ to see his mother.,delighted,+ at / with / by be delighted + to-v + (that),Cell phone makers are delighted at this trend, of course. 当然,手机制造者对于这个趋势是很欣喜的。,I am delighted to have the cool waters of a brook rush through my

4、open fingers. 清凉的溪水从我张开的手指间流过,使我欣喜无比。,Sandy will be delighted to see you.Im delighted that we have settled the matter.She was delighted with her new home. I am delighted by the result.Andrea was delighted at the chance to go to the ballet ball.,admirable adj 值得赞扬的,令人钦佩的admire v 钦佩 羡慕admiration n adm

5、ire sb for sth,cover v.,1. A reporter is believed to come to coverthe accident. 2. The passage covered everything we learned last term. 3. We covered about 30 miles a day. 4. The town covers 5 square miles.5. Mary covered her face with her hands.,报导,采访,涉及,包括,行过路程,占时间空间,覆盖,cover 盖子,cover 封面,封底,cover

6、掩蔽(处) 掩护(处),cover n.,v. n. 援助,协助,出席,assist sb. _ sth. assist sb. _ doing,assistant _ _ assistance _,with,in,c.n. 助手售货员,u.n.帮助,My husband _ me _ the switch.,v. 帮助;协助援助,We asked him to assist us in designing a new bridge. 我们请他帮助我们设计一座新桥。,He assisted in designing the new bridge. 他协助设计那条新桥。,assistant n.

7、 助手,助理;助教;店员 adj. 助理的;辅助的,He worked as an assistant to the President. 他当过总统助理。,He is an assistant cook. 他是个助理厨师。,assistance n. 援助,帮助U (+in),Your technical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated. 您对这个项目的技术援助大受赞赏。,v. 呈送,提交;主张;屈服,He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city cou

8、ncil. 他将城市发展建议提交市议会。,Well submit ourselves to the courts judgments. 我们将听从法庭的裁决。,submit 一般和介词to搭配:She submits to her boyfriend. 她总是听她男朋友的。,submit的过去式和过去分词:t 要双写: submitted,n. 业余从事者 adj. 业余的;外行的,不熟练的,Our actors were all enthusiastic amateurs. 我们的演员都是热情的业余爱好者。,The pictures were taken by an amateur phot

9、ographer. 这些照片是一位业余摄影师拍的。,professional adj. 职业的,专业的, 从事职业的I cant imagine he is a professional footballer. I want to be a professional journalist. professional team / standards / advice,profession n. occupation requiring advanced education and special training,e.g. She is a lawyer by profession. e.g.

10、 The acting is a good profession at the moment.,专职,update v. to make sth more modern by adding new parts, etc. 现代化, 更新Its about time we updated our software.我们的软件应该更新了。,a. 1. 热心的, 热切的 2. 渴望的, 急切的,The panda _ delicious food.,is eager for,be eager for sth. 渴望某事物 be eager to do 迫切的去做,Be _ for be _ to d

11、o,be _ for be _ to do,anxious,anxious,greedy,greedy,concentrate on/upon sth. 集中(注意力等)于 concentrate sth. on sth. 把 集中于,The boy is _ reading.,concentrating on,The angry birds _ their anger _ the green pig.,concentrated adj. _ concentration n. _,_ (sth.) on,_ (sth.) on,_ (sth.) on,把 . 集中于.,全神贯注的,集中的,专心

12、,浓缩,集中,concentrate,focus,fix,focus/fix ones attention on. 集中注意力于 put ones mind/heart in (into) 专心于 be absorbed in. 一心一意于 apply oneself/ones mind to. 专心于 pay attention to 专心,注意 以上短语中 in, to 都是介词,后接名词或动名词。,vt. 1. _ 2. _3. _,取得, 获得,学到; 养成,(雷达等)捕获(目标),She has _ a good knowledge of English. 她的英语已经学得很好了。

13、The museum has just _ a famous painting by Pablo Picasso. 该美术馆刚刚获得一幅毕加索的名画。,acquisition n. _,acquired,acquired,获得,得到,vt. _ assess sth at +价格,估计;评估;评,The value of this property was _ at one million dollars. 这份财产的价值估定为一百万美元。,assessed,vt. _,告知,通知,information n. _ informed adj. _,inform sb. _ _ sth. 通知某

14、人 keep sb. _ of 使某人被告知 使某人知道,Of/ about,informed,信息,了解情况的; 见识广的,即学即练4(1)Please _ any change of address as soon as possible.地址如有变更请尽快通知我们。 (2)We regret to _ you _ your application has been rejected.我们很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未被接受。 (3)Please _ me fully _ any developments.事态如有发展,请向我提供详情。,inform us of,inform,that,keep,informed of,n. 其时,其间 adv. 其间;同时,In the meanwhile Ill visit an old friend of mine. 在这期间我将去拜访我的一位老朋友。,Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house. 母亲去买东西; 我打扫屋子。,n. 其时,其间 adv. 其间;同时,



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