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1、The Analysis of Sexism in English and Chinese Language,作者:XXX 指导教师:XXX,XXXXXXXXXX大学 外语系 2009级1班 2011.6,In a long period, women are inferior to men both in society and in spirits from many aspects. Therefore, it reflects to the language both in English and Chinese,XXXXXXXXXX大学 外语系 2009级1班 XXX 学号XXXXX

2、X,MAIN CONTENTS INSTRUCTION,MAIN CONTENTS INSTRUCTION,XXXXXXXXXX大学 外语系 2009级1班 XXX 学号XXXXXX,I. The gender order and precedence in language,XXXXXXXXXX大学 外语系 2009级1班 XXX 学号XXXXXX,It is more natural and precedence to place man before woman in English and Chinese language. The male gender was the worthi

3、er gender.Exception in English is because of the traditional custom of “lady first”.Its not only social status but also philosophical thoughts have put woman in the second place.,II. Sexism name principle in Chinese language,XXXXXXXXXX大学 外语系 2009级1班 XXX 学号XXXXXX,In China, the father pass their names

4、 to sons, and if there no boy heir that is said “die out” that is why many family prefer boys, because boys can carry on family names and lines. The sex different in given names are mainly shown in the name meaning, mans name usually contain the greatness, e.g.伟杰,国栋,wealth, 永贵,壮,bravery, e.g.强,勇,wis

5、dom, e.g. 博,智,loyalty, e.g. 诚,忠。While womens names with meanings of gentleness, e.g.恬 静,beauty, e.g.美,丽,virtue, e.g.珍,惠etc.,III. Changes in womens salutation in En language,XXXXXXXXXX大学 外语系 2009级1班 XXX 学号XXXXXX,In America, the institution of marriage often forces a woman to hanger her status from “w

6、oman” or “Miss” to “Mrs.”, while a man still remains a “man” or “Mr.”. After wedding, the wife adopts her mans surname, that is she turns her own family name to her husbands. And now, she is called “Mrs. Smith” (the mans surname) for instance. In another example, the Federal Court in Montgomery, Ala

7、bama made the following rules: a married woman does not possess constitutional right to have her drivers license issued in her maiden name. Women have to use the names of their “masters”.,IV. Sexism language sourcing from history,XXXXXXXXXX大学 外语系 2009级1班 XXX 学号XXXXXX,One of the main reason is the ef

8、fect of religious belief .The God first made Adam, and Eve was the “bone and flesh” of Adam, the masculine should be put in the first place in the “gender” category and womens language should be subordinate to mans.,Chinese women have been tortured socially and spiritually during the three social pa

9、tterns-the primitive society, the feudal society and the socialist society.,V. Sexism development and equal expectation,XXXXXXXXXX大学 外语系 2009级1班 XXX 学号XXXXXX,It is shown from the above that although men and women live in the same ethnic group, same society, and even some nationality speak differentl

10、y. The sex derogation can be found in many aspects of language. There really exists such kind of language variation in both English and Chinese language. Exists in the language used toward women and the way women speak. Women talk in a polite, tender, obedient way to please men in order to improve t

11、heir statue in society. The factors contributed to this phenomenon are various, which are combined with historical, cultural and social ones.,The reasons of sexism are complicated. From Middle Age to 1900s, most female suffer from countless tribulations because of sexism, especially the Chinese wome

12、n. Social and cultural reasons are deep-rooted in peoples mind. Language reform is necessary, but it must fit for the social development. The creation and development of language and the social development are must related. The discrimination and prejudice against women must be changed. We are on the way of reforming, but it not exist long time, we need equality.,Thanks for your attention,Acknowledgement,XXXXXXXXXX大学 外语系 2009级1班 XXX 学号XXXXXX,


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