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1、,Many girls may dream of her wedding .What kind of weddings do you want?,Chinese style?,Western style?,The Comparison of Differences in,Wedding Between,China and Western Countries,Chinese Wedding,Wedding Color & Dress,Traditional Chinese weddings are always filled with red things to bring auspicious

2、 blessings and respects. The Chinese regard the color red as the symbol of happiness, success, luck, faith and growth.,Wedding Color & Dress,A chaplet and official robes 、状元服The bride wears red phoenix coronet (凤冠), wearing red gown still above a red scarf (罗缎). The groom wears red long gown mandari

3、n jacket, wearing a red cap along.,Chinese Wedding,Wedding Location,Chinese wedding may invite many relatives and friends, so the wedding is supposed to take place in a courtyard or hotel with convenient transportation and big spaces.,Chinese Wedding,Wedding Process,The bridegroom go to the brides h

4、ome with a flower ball and bring the bride to his own home. First the new couple bow to the heaven and earth. Then bow to their parents. Finally they bow to each other .(一拜天地,二拜高堂,夫妻对拜),When the new couple bow to the parents and serve tea to the them ,the parents would give the couple red packets wi

5、th money or something valuable.,Chinese Wedding,Wedding Etiquette,Requesting for marrying the bride (求亲) Requesting for bride and grooms birth dates (生辰八字) Giving initial gifts for the brides family (小聘礼) Formal gifts for the brides family (聘礼) Selecting the wedding date (良辰吉日) Holding a wedding cer

6、emony (拜堂成亲) Throw an embroidered ball (抛绣球) Chinese-date, peanut, longan, lotus seed,Chinese Wedding,Western Wedding,Wedding Color & Dress,The main color in western wedding is white. In Western weddings, the bride usually wears a white wedding dress, representing the holy and faithful.,Western Wedd

7、ing,Wedding Color & Dress,The bride will wear a white wedding gown and white veil, holding a bouquet of flowers in her right hand. The groom always wears white (or black) dress.,Western Wedding,Wedding Location,Western wedding highlight the solemn and holy, the wedding is generally held in the churc

8、h or other outdoor place, the whole wedding is filled with romantic.,Western Wedding,Wedding Ceremony,The host declares the beginning of the ceremony. The brides father takes the bride to the groom. The host asked the guests whether there are any objection to their marriage and if each of the couple

9、 is willing to marry.,Each of them recites his or her marriage vows and exchanges the rings. The host proclaims they become man and wife.,Marriage vow,I (name), take you (name) to be my (husband/wife), my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorro

10、w and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully. Through the best and the worst. Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold. So I give you my life to keep. So help me,

11、 God.,Western Wedding,Wedding Etiquette,Bachelor Party (单身男子派对) Bridal Shower (新娘送礼会 ) Toss the bouquet (抛花束) Something New Something Old Something Borrowed Something Blue,The reason caused by differences between C & W wedding,Marriage in the West have all these above differences and the Westerners

12、thought that the difference of thinking is directly linked. Another cause is due to differences between the West and China differentreligions. China is a predominantly Buddhist (佛教), but the West is largely Christian. So the wedding is in the Western church is the priest at the officiate.,Thank You.,


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