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1、Period Three Grammar 基础落实 .用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空 1This is the house _ I lived two years ago. 2Do you remember the day _ you joined our club? 3Do you still remember the chicken farm (_) we visited three months ago? 4Do you still remember the chicken farm _ we stayed three months ago? 5Is this the reason (_

2、) he explained at the meeting for his carelessness? 6Is there anything (_) I can do for you? 7This is the best film (_) Ive ever seen. 8She described in her composition the people and places _ impressed her most. 9Who lent you the book _ was written by Lu Xun? 10The farm on _ I once worked has taken

3、 on a new look. .把下列句子合并为含有定语从句的主从复合句 1I have a friend.He likes listening to classical music. _ _ 2Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress.I gave it to her. _ _ 3The students article was published.I know the student. _ _ 4The student is studying English very well.She has never been abroad. _ _ 5My

4、 grandparents live in a house.It lies at the foot of the mountain. _ _ 6There came a day.The rain fell at last then. _ 7We will start at the point.We left off there. _ 8Give me one good reason.I should help you for the reason. _ _ 9Ill never forget the days.We studied together then. _ _ 10Yesterday

5、I paid a visit to the house.My parents once lived there. _ _ .单项填空 1I shall never forget those years _ I studied in the school with my classmates and teachers,_ has a great effect on my life. Athat;which Bwhen;which Cwhich;that Dwhen;who 2We have found such materials _ are used in their factory. Ath

6、at Bwhich Cas Dwhose 3What I wanted was a job _ I could use what I had learnt in college. Awhere Bthat Cwhat Dwhich 4The reason _ he refused to attend the meeting was that they didnt give him an invitation earlier. Ahow Bwhich Cwhy Dbecause 5The engineer _ my father works is about 50 years old. Ato

7、whom Bon whom Cwith which Dwith whom 6Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school_I met in the English speech contest last year. Awho Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich 7Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut? You should try the barbers _ I go.Its only 15. Aas Bwhich Cwhere Dth

8、at 8The old temple _ roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair. Awhere Bwhich Cits Dwhose 9The newlybuilt cafe,the walls of _ are painted light green,is really a peaceful place for us,especially after hard work. Athat Bit Cwhat Dwhich 10Wind power is an ancient source of energy _ we may return

9、 in the near future. Aon which Bby which Cto which Dfrom which 11Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,_ was very reasonable. Awhich price Bthe price of which Cits price Dthe price of whose 12He was so pleased with all _ we had done for him _ he wrote us a letter to praise for it. Awhat;what Bwh

10、at;that Cthat;what Dthat;that 13Its helpful to put children in a situation _they can see themselves differently. Athat Bwhen Cwhich Dwhere 14Madam Curie,_ life had once been very hard,was given two Nobel Prizes. Aof whom Bfor whom Cfor whose Din whom 15There are 103 elements found in nature,_ are me

11、tals. Amost of which Bmost of them Cmost of that Dmost which 能力提升 .阅读填空 Each year,thousands of people throughout the United States choose to spend their vacations camping in the great outdoors._1_ However,even with the best planning,it can be an extremely frustrating experience due to uncontrolled factors like bad weather,wildlife encounters,and equipment failures. _2_ Even th


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