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1、Part General Review of Logistics 第一部分 物流概述,Introduction to logistics 物流简介 Customer service and logistics客户服务与物流 Logistics processes 物流过程,Chapter 1 Introduction to logistics 第一章 物流简介,Introduction 前言 Definitions 定义 Elements of logistics 物流因素 Importance of logistics 物流的重要性 Summary 小结,Introduction 前言,In

2、 a military sense, the term “logistics” encompasses transport organization, army replenishments and material maintenance. 在军队意识中,“物流”这个专有名词就围绕着运输组织、军事补充和物资养护。,Definitions 定义,Logistics (business definition )行业定义 Logistics (military definition)军事定义 美国物流管理协会定义 加拿大物流管理协会定义,Elements of logistics 物流因素,Sto

3、rage, warehousing and materials handling 储存,仓储和物料搬运 Transportation 运输 Inventory 库存 Information and control 信息和控制 Packaging and unitization 包装和单位化,Importance of logistics 物流的重要性,Logistics is an important activity making extensive use of the human and material resources that affect a national economy.

4、 物流是一项影响国民经济,充分利用人力和物料资源的重要活动。,Summary 小结,In this initial part a number of subjects have been introduced. These will be expanded in subsequent chapters of the book. The important elements of logistics have been described, and the importance of logistics was introduced.,New words and special terms 生词

5、和短语,logistics n.物流;后勤;后勤学 replenishment n.补给;补充 provision n. 供应;(一批) 供;预备;防备;规定 outgoing n. 外出;开支;流出 framework n.构架;框架;结构 inbound adj. 内地的;归航的 outbound adj. 开往外地的;开往外国的 inventory n. 详细目录;存货;财产清册;总量 systematic adj. 主系统的;体系的 tangible adj. 切实的 intangible adj. 难以明了的;无形的 warehousing n.仓库费;入仓库;仓库贮存 commod

6、ity n. 日用品,Questions 思考题,1What is the logistics? 2What does the term “logistics” originate from? 3How do you comprehend “logistics” encompasses much more than just the transport of goods? 4What are included in the element of logistics? 5In your opinion, what is the importance of logistics?,Chapter 2

7、 Customer service and logistics 客户服务与物流,Introduction 引言 The components of customer service 客户服务的组成 Customer service policy 客户服务政策 Levels of customer service 客户服务水平 Measuring customer service 衡量客户服务 Summary 小结,Introduction 引言,The ultimate purpose of any logistics system is to satisfy customers. 任何物流系

8、统的最终目的都是为了满足顾客的需要。,The components of customer service 客户服务组成,1. Pre-transaction elements 交易前的客户服务要素 2. Transaction elements 交易中的客户服务要素 3. Post-transaction elements 交易后的客户服务要素,Pre-transaction elements 交易前元素,Written customer service policy 书面的客户服务政策 Accessibility 可接近性 Organization structure 组织结构 Syste

9、m flexibility 系统灵活性,Transaction elements 交易中元素,Order cycle time 订单周期时间 Inventory availability 存货可得性 Order fill rate 订单完成率 Order status information 订货信息状态,Post-transaction elements 交易后元素,Availability of spares 备用存货可用性 Call-out time 出动服务时间 Product tracing/warranty 产品追踪和质量保证 Customer complains, claims

10、etc. 客户抱怨,索赔等,Customer service policy 客户服务策略,An understanding of the different market segments that exist; 理解存在的不同细分市场; An awareness of the customers needs or perceived needs within this segmentation; 在不同的细分市场里发掘客户需求; The determination of clearly defined and quantifiable standards of customer servic

11、e in relation to the different market segments; 对于不同的细分市场,确定清晰明确的可量化的客户服务标准; A understanding of the trade-off between the costs and levels of customer service; 理解客户服务成本与水平之间的交换关系; Measurement of the service provided; and 衡量所提供的服务; Liaison with customers to ensure an understanding and appreciation of

12、 the service provided. 联系客户以确保理解和正确评价所提供的服务。,图2.1 建立客户服务策略的途径,识别主要的服务元素,Levels of customer service 客户服务水平,图2.2 成本和服务水平的关系,Measuring customer service 衡量客户服务,The number of orders completely satisfied, say 18 out off 20, over a period (90%); 某一时期内完成订单的数量(90%); The number of lines delivered from a singl

13、e order, say 75 out of the 80 lines requested (94%); 单一订单要求的生产线数量(94%); The number of line items or cases delivered from a single order; say 75 out of the 80 lines requested, but only 1,400 of the 1,800 total line items (78%); 单一订单中获得生产线上品种数量;80条线上需要75条,而1800条总线上仅需1400条(78%); the value of the order

14、completed, say more than 900 order (83%). 订单的完成价值,超过900英镑(83%)。,Order receipt to order entry; 订单接收到订单进入; Order entry to allocation for picking; 订单进入捡货阶段; Allocation to dispatch; 理货; Dispatch to delivery. 发货。,Delivered complete to the quantities ordered; 完全运输合格订单; Delivered exactly to the customers r

15、equested date and time; 在要求的日期和时间准确运输到客户手中; No delivery problems (damager, shortage, refusal); 没有运输问题(破损、短缺、拒收); Accurate and complete delivery documentation. 准确而又完全的运输文件。,Summary 小结,This part has considered some of the key aspects of customer service and logistics. The major components of customer

16、service were described. They were summarized as: Pre-transaction elements; Transaction elements; Post-transactions. The need for an appreciate customer service police was emphasized. An approach for developing such a policy was outlined. The importance of accurate customer service measurement was explained. Different measures of order fulfillment were described.,



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