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1、PeriodPeriod TwoTwo IntegratingIntegrating SkillsSkills基础落实.课文理解1Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France are similar.Choose the WRONG statement about them:_AThey both have universities and industries.BThey are both mediumsized towns in Europe.CTourism isnt important to them.DThey are both close to s

2、ome of the most beautiful countryside.2Town twinning is _. Aa new thoughtBless popular nowCan agreement between towns or citiesDan agreement between two countries3Where did the visitors of town twinning agreements live when they visited the others of town twinning agreements?AIn the hotels.BIn the s

3、chools.CIn the theatres.DIn the private homes.4Town twinning is most useful for _.Abusiness men BstudentsCforeigners Dteachers5Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?AThere is usually a party for you when you visit your town twinning agreement friends.BIn order to practice your English,you

4、 must live with a foreign family for one or two weeks.CThe town twinning agreement cities are the same in everything.DIn the town twinning agreements,one city must visit the other once a year.单词检测1n.一家人;家庭_慈善团体_高速公路_居民_类似;相似_位置;所在地_旅游业_交通工具_娱乐_交换_2adj.无家可归的_拥挤的_ 不幸的;遗憾的_工业的_受到污染的_漂亮的;整洁的;时髦的_巨大的;庞大的

5、;浩瀚的_.短语检测1与有联系;与有关_2接近;靠近_.选词填空be close to;spare no effort;take measures;share.with;be similar to1I will _ to save every penny from now on.2I like this film because it _ real life.3The police should _ to search for the murderer.4Your views on quality education _ mine.5Id like to _ my happiness and

6、sorrow _ you.完成句子1When I came in,I found the shop _(挤满了顾客)2Exercise is _(对我们很有益处)3As far as I know,he _(与那起案子有牵连)4He came late._(结果),he was punished.5We all like him because he _(乐于助人).单项填空1_ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.AWhat;becaus

7、e BWhat;thatCThat;what DThat;because2The two coats are _ the same size,but different _ colour.Aof;of Bin;inCof;in Din;of3He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller.When was _?_ was in 2000 when he was still in college.Athat;This Bthis;ItCit;This Dthat;It4_ the wrongs he did to

8、the innocent woman,he was sentenced to five years in prison.AAs a result of BBecauseCResulted from DLead to5Mary was absent from the lecture.Thats_she had to stay at home and look after her _ mother.Awhy;ill Bwhy;sickCbecause;ill Dbecause;sick6It wasnt _ that I disliked her _ that I just wasnt inter

9、ested.Aas;as Bso;asCas many;as Dso much;as7His mind was _ with whys.Acrowded BcrowdingCfilling Dfull8He _ his old car for a new model as soon as he won the money.Aconverted BexchangedCreplaced Dtransferred9Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it?Well,that doesnt matter_you enjoyed yourselves.Aas long

10、 as BunlessCas soon as Dthough10Shanghai is a _ place and many tourists visit it every year.Avery fascinated Btotally fascinatedCmuch fascinating Dvery fascinating.微写作写作素材1这些家庭渴望更好的生活。2他们应该得到培训和教育。3他们应该努力改变他们的生活。4随着经济的发展,所有人将过上幸福的生活。提示 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇 50 词左右的英语短文)_能力提升完形填空The story of ho

11、w I got my job was a funny one.One day,I was _1_ along a street to the interview _2_ a yellow car suddenly cut in front of me._3_ another car coming in the other _4_,I had to brake hard and _5_ another cyclist.We both fell,but _6_ neither of us was hurt.I became angry and cycled as fast as possible

12、to the driver of the yellow car to tell him _7_ I considered him.I told him what a bad _8_ I thought he was and he was a(n) _9_ to other people on the road.His face turned _10_.I warned him not to drive _11_ in the future so that everyone else could enjoy a long life.I was in time for the _12_.Havin

13、g walked into the room,to my _13_,I found one of the three interviewers _14_ to be the driver of the yellow car.We looked at each other for a while,_15_ silent.Then I decided to look _16_ the whole matter as a great joke!I laughed and told him that I talked _17_ the last time we met and this time it was turn for him to talk a great deal.Lost in thought for a while,he _18_ that I was not going to say anything about his bad driving.The interview went _19_.Two days la


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