高中英语 module3 第2课时grammarⅰ-everyday english and function同步检测 外研版必修1

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1、ModuleModule 3 3 第二课时第二课时.用括号中所给动词的正确形式完成句子1He _ (not go)to bed until 12 oclock.2He _(catch) a bad cold last week.3We _ (hold) a basketball match the day before yesterday.4I _ (wake) up and _ (find) it was eight oclock.5She _ (get) up early when she was young.6Your phone number again? I _ (not catch

2、) it.7I _ (ring) him several times this morning, but no one _(answer) the phone.8Nancy is not coming tonight.But she _ (say) so.9She _ (write) a letter home yesterday.10When I _ (read) in the room, I _ (hear) the doorbell ring.答案:1.didnt go 2.caught 3.held 4.woke; found 5.got 6.didnt catch 7.rang; a

3、nswered 8.said 9.wrote10was reading; heard.用所给单词和短语的适当形式完成下列各句。expert downtown exhausted out of date frighten shoot event interview in the distance abandoned1She works for a law firm in _ Shanghai.2On a clear day you can see the mountains _.3My mother is an _ at dressmaking.4He _ me when he drove so

4、 fast.5Leaving home was a major _ in his life.6By the time they reached the top of the hill, they were _.7The information in the tourist guide is already _.8I had an _ for a job with a publishing firm.9An _ baby was found in a box on the hospital steps.10The wolf was _ three times in the head.答案:1.d

5、owntown 2.in the distance 3.expert 4.frightened 5.event 6.exhausted 7.out of date 8.interview 9.abandoned10shot.语法填空1Ann is in hospital.Oh, really? I _ know. I will go and visit her.答案:didnt 考查动词时态。句意:“安住院了。 ”“哦,真的吗?我不知道呢。我要去看看她。 ”由语境得知“不知道”是过去的事情,现在已经知道了,因此用过去时。2Dont use words, expressions, or phra

6、ses _(know) only to people with specific knowledge.答案:known 考查非谓语动词。句意:不要使用仅有特定知识的人知道的词汇、表达或短语。分析句子结构可知非谓语动词短语作定语,动词 know 与所修饰的名词 words, expressions, or phrases 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词形式。3(2015海口高一检测改编)Who would you like to see at the moment?The man _(call) himself Mr. Grant.答案:calling 考查非谓语动词。句意:“现在你想见

7、谁?”“我想见那个称自己格兰特先生的人。 ”_himself Mr. Grant 是 man 的定语,因此用 calling。4(2015福州高一检测改编)For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _(grow) on his own farm.答案:grown 考查非谓语动词。句意:早餐他只喝自己农场种植的新鲜水果榨的果汁。_on his own farm 作 fruit 的定语,fruit 和 grow(种植)之间是被动关系,因此用过去分词。5The washing machine _(buy) yesterday doesnt

8、 work well.答案:bought 句意为:昨天买的洗衣机不好用。bought yesterday 作后置定语修饰the washing machine。6_(receive)a reply, he decided to write again.答案:Not having received 本题考查分词的否定式和分词作状语的情况。分词的否定形式是在紧靠分词前加 not。7Can you repeat what I said just now?I am sorry. I_(listen). Would you please say that again?答案:wasnt listening

9、 本题考查时态。根据上下文,答案应为过去进行时,listen 为不及物动词,因此用 wasnt listening。8The discussion_(come)alive when an interesting topic was brought in.答案:came 考查动词的时态、语态。由 when 引导的时间状语,可知用一般过去时,come 是系动词,与 the discussion 是主动关系。9Do you know the boy_(call)himself John?答案:calling 本题考查分词用法。the boy 与 call 为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用现在分词作定语。1

10、0The first textbook_(write)for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.答案:written textbook 与 write 为逻辑上的动宾关系,因此过去分词作定语。.阅读理解Traveling is a very good activity. When you are_fed_up_with your work and when you can get a holiday, you can go to the beautiful spots to enjoy the

11、 beauty of nature and the special character of other cities. You can breathe fresh air, visit some places of interest, meet different people and make friends with them. If you do so, you will forget your tiredness and troubles and build up your health. As a result, you will feel fully relaxed and yo

12、u will have the energy to undertake the new tasks waiting for you.But sometimes, traveling is not an enjoyable thing. For example, when the bus or car you take has a bad accident, you just sit in and waste your time. Whats more, the weather can be changeable. If you are climbing a mountain, it may r

13、ain suddenly. You may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold. The worst thing is that you may have your money stolen and you may have an injury. All these are terrible things that can happen to a tourist.Therefore, when you are going on a trip, you must prepare yourself carefully. Firstly, you m

14、ust have clear information about the weather. Secondly, you should choose a good companion so that you can help each other. Thirdly, you must be careful everywhere and try to avoid accidents. If you do this, youll surely enjoy your travels and avoid any unnecessary trouble.1In the first paragraph, t

15、he underlined phrase “are fed up with” means “_” Afinish doing Bcant doCare tired ofDare interested in答案:C 由语境分析可知,be fed up with 应意为“厌倦” ,与 C 项意义相近。2Which statement is NOT mentioned in the passage?AYou may meet with unexpected troubles on a trip.BYou may get ill on a trip.CYou will have to spend a lot of money on a bus or in a car.DIts necessary for you to know about the weather before you travel.答案:C “在旅途中可能会遇到无法预料的困难” 、 “在旅途中生病” 、 “旅行前提前了解天气状况”在第二段中都提到过。只


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