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1、信息管理专业英语教程,人民邮电出版社,司爱侠 侯安才 张强华 黄祝菲 编著,Unit 6 Information Economy,退出,New Words,productivity 7prCdQk5tiviti n.生产力 competitive kEm5petitiv adj.竞争的 consequently 5kRnsikwEntli adv.从而,因此 firm fE:m,(合伙)商号adj.结实的,稳固的,严格的vt.使牢固,使坚定vi.变稳固,变坚实adv.稳固地,坚定地 capacity kE5pAsiti n.生产量,能力 describe dis5kraib vt.描

2、写,记述,形容 currency 5kQrEnsi n.流通 collect kE5lekt v.收集,聚集,集中,搜集,New Words,heretofore 5hiEtu5fC: adv.直到此时,迄今,此时以前 plentiful 5plentiful adj.许多的,大量的,丰富的 pervasive pE:5veisiv adj.普遍深入的 planetary 5plAnitri adj.地球的,行星的 utilize ju:5tilaiz vt.利用 critic 5kritik n.批评家,评论家 claim kleim n.要求,主张vt.声称,主张,需要 mobility

3、mEu5biliti n.活动性,灵活性,迁移率,机动性 undermine QndE5main vt.逐渐损坏,削弱;破坏 xenophobia 7zenE5fEubiE n.仇外,惧外者 immigration 7imi5reiFEn n.外来的移民,移居入境,New Words,multinational mQlti5nAFEnEl adj.多国的,跨国公司的,多民族的n.跨国公司 asset 5Aset n.资产 argue 5B:ju: vi.争论,辩论vt.说服 globalization 9lEJbElaizeiFEnn.全球化,全球性 regulation rejJ5leiFE

4、n n.控制,管制;规则,法令 profitability 7prCfitE5biliti n.收益性,利益率 contribution 7kCntri5bju:FEnn.贡献 investment in5vestmEnt n.投资,可获利的东西 statistics stE5tistiks n.统计学,统计表 adequately 5Adikwitli adv.充分地,New Words,roughly 5rQfli adv.概略地,粗糙地 particularly pE5tikjJlEli adv.独特地,显著地 dramatically drEmAtikEli adv.戏剧地,引人注目地

5、 precisely pri5saisli adv.正好 diffusion di5fju:VEn n.扩散,传播 profit 5prCfit n.利润,益处,得益 identical ai5dentikEl adj.同一的,同样的 assembly E5sembli n.装配,集结,汇编 innovation 7inEu5veiFEn n.改革,创新 attract E5trAkt vt.吸引 flexible 5fleksEbl adj.灵活的,柔软的, 可通融的,New Words,devise di5vaiz vt.设计,发明,做出(计划),想出(办法) trustworthy 5t

6、rQstw:Ti adj.可靠的,可信的,信得过的 brand brAnd,牌子 competitor kEm5petitE n.竞争者 intermediary 7intE5mi:diEri n.中间人,调解者,中间物adj.中间的,媒介的 temporary 5tempErEri adj.暂时的,临时的,临时性 interchangeably adv.可交地,可替交地 emphasize 5emfEsaiz vt.强调,着重 phenomenon fi5nCminEn n.现象 merely 5miEli adv.仅仅,只,不过,New Words,reorganize ri:5

7、C:Enaiz vt.改组,重新组织 systematic 7sisti5mAtik adj.系统的,体系的 stress stres n.&vt.着重,强调 inherent in5hiErEnt adj.固有的,内在的,与生俱来的 adaptability EdAptE5biliti n.适应性 limitation 7limi5teiFEn n.限制,局限性 overcome 7EuvE5kQm vt.战胜,克服,胜过 evolutionary 9i:vE5lU:FEnEri adj.进化的 assert E5sE:t vt.表明,坚持,主张,维护,Phrases,information

8、 economy 信息经济 rely on 依靠,依仗,信赖,指望 real time 实时 multinational corporation 跨国公司 tune in 收听,作调谐 relative to 关于,涉及 due to 由于,归因于 assembly line 装配线,生产线 look into 调查,过问,Phrases,fall behind 落后,拖欠 tend to 注意,趋向 instead of 代替,而不是 as opposed to 与对照 in particular 特别,尤其,Abbreviations,ICT (Information Communicat

9、ion Technology) 信息通讯技术 IT (Information technology) 信息技术,Text,请老师朗读并讲解课文,Notes,1 An information economy is where the productivity and competitiveness of units or agents in the economy (be they firms, regions or nations) depend mainly on their capacity to generate, process, and apply efficiently knowl

10、edge-based information.本句中,An information economy作主语,where the productivity and competitiveness of units or agents in the economy (be they firms, regions or nations) depend mainly on their capacity to generate, process, and apply efficiently knowledge-based information作表语。在该表语从句中,(be they firms, reg

11、ions or nations)是一个让步状语从句,意思是“无论是公司、地区或国家”,depend on的意思是“取决于,依靠,依赖”。,Notes,2 While we have always relied on information exchange to do our jobs and run our lives, the information economy is different in that it can collect more relevant information at the appropriate time. 本句中,While引导了一个让步状语从句,意思是“尽

12、管”。rely on等于depend on,in that的意思是“由于, 因为”。请看下例:We should rely on our own efforts.我们应该依靠自己的努力。He likes to live in the country in that the scenery is very beautiful.他喜欢住在乡下是因为那里的景色非常美。,Notes,3 Globalization will be affected by government regulations and policies, which will affect international bounda

13、ries and the structure of the global economy.本句中,which will affect international boundaries and the structure of the global economy是一个非限定性定语从句,which指Globalization,对其作进一步补充说明。,Notes,4 Castells looks into the history of productivity growth in advanced market economies and observes a downward trend of

14、productivity growth starting roughly around the time that the information technology revolution was taking shape in the early 1970s.本句中,starting roughly around the time that the information technology revolution was taking shape in the early 1970s是一个现在分词短语,作定语,修饰和限定a downward trend of productivity g

15、rowth。在该短语中,that the information technology revolution was taking shape in the early 1970s是一个定语从句,修饰和限定the time。,Notes,5 Those in the lead cannot stop innovating lest they fall behind the competition.本句中,in the lead作定语,修饰和限定Those。lest they fall behind the competition是一个目的状语从句,lest的意思是“唯恐,免得,以免”。请看下例

16、:Batteries must be kept in dry places lest electricity should leak away.电池应该放在干燥的地方,以免漏电。,Exercises,请做课后练习练习参考答案请参阅本书附录,计算机英语教程,北京,人民邮电出版社:国家级十五规划教材 电脑英语掌中宝,南京,东南大学出版社:获“华东地区大学出版社教材专著二等奖” 计算机专业英语教程,北京,高等教育出版社 电子商务专业英语教程,北京,高等教育出版社 电脑英语五周通,西安,西安电子科技大学出版社 电脑英语词汇通,北京,人民邮电出版社 计算机实用英语,西安,世界图书出版公司 计算机专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 电子商务专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 信息管理专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 电气工程专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 电子商务专业英语实用教程,杭州,浙江大学出版社 计算机专业英语教程,北京,科学出版社 饭店酒店管理专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 法律专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 旅游专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 大学英语听说新体验(带mp3光盘),杭州,浙江大学出版社 大学英语学习指南,北京,外语教学与研究出版社 大学体验英语学与练(丛书,四册),天津,南开大学出版社 大学体验英语词汇通,天津,南开大学出版社,


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