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1、,初一期中同步辅导,unit 1-5,Unit 1,重点回顾 A: 1 are you? B: Im 2 , thanks. How 3 your mother ? A: 4 OK. 答案:1. How 2. fine 3. is 4. Shes,选择填空,1. 早上遇到老师和同学,应该说:A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Im Li Lei. 2. Good afternoon._.A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening. 3. How are you?_.A. How are you

2、? B. Fine, thank you. C. Good morning. 4. How _ your father?Hes _.A. are;good B. is;OK C. am;fine,Unit 2,重点回顾 1. _ this? Its _ map. 2. Whats this _ English? _ _ orange. 答案:1. Whats; a 2. in; Its an,A H J KB C D E G P T V ZF S X L M NQ U WI YRO,/ei/,/i:/,/e/,/ju:/,/ai/,/a:/,/u/,不定冠词a, an的用法用a或an填空 1.

3、 Its _ map of China. 2. This is _ English book. 3. There is _ orange on the desk. 4. There is _ “m”in the word “map”. 5. There is _ “u”in the word “cup”. 答案:1. a 2. an 3. an 4. an 5. a,重点回顾 A: 1 B: Its a key. A: 2 B: K-E-Y. (字母大写,中间连字符) 答案:1. Whats this in English? 2. Spell it, please.,请拼一下你的名字。 _ y

4、our name, _ . 你怎么拼写它?_ _ _ _ it? 你能拼写一下“pen”吗? _ _ _ pen? 答案:Spell; please How do you spell Can you spell,Unit 3,重点回顾A: 1 B: Its a flower. A: 2 B: Its red. 答案:1. Whats this? 2. What color is it?,What color is + sth. (单数)?Its + 表示颜色的词。 What color are +sth.(复数)?Theyre +表示颜色的词。,A : What color is your h

5、at ? B : Its red .,A: What color are these desks ? B: They are black .,你知我知,再次提起 独一无二,弹练乐器,用a, an, the填空 1. Yao Ming is _ NBA player. 2. Whats that in English? Its _ UFO. 3. Its _ apple. Its _ red apple. 4. Its _ jacket. Its _ orange jacket. 5. Its _ key. _ key is yellow. 6. This is _ ruler and that

6、 is _ pen. _ ruler is green and _ pen is black.,答案:1. an 2. a 3. an; a 4. a; an 5. a; The 6. a; a; The; the,Unit 4,Be : am is are我用am, 你用are , is 连着他她它 单数名词用is , 复数名词全用are . 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be 后not 莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。,用am / is / are填空 1. How _ you? I _ fine, thanks. 2. His name _ Tom Brow

7、n. 3. What color _ the ruler? 4. This _ an orange. 5. Your pen _ black and white. 答案:1. are; am 2. is 3. is 4. is 5. is,句型攻关 1. 我叫詹妮。 _ _ Jenny. 我是吉娜,很高兴见到你。 _ Gina. Nice _ _ you. 2. 她叫什么名字? _ _ name? 3. 他叫什么名字? _ _ name? 他叫托尼。 _ _ Tony. 答案:1. My names; Im; to meet 2. Whats her 3. Whats his; His nam

8、es,4. 她叫什么名字? _ _ name? 她叫吉娜。 _ _ Gina. 5. 李鑫,你的电话号码是多少? _ your _ _ , Li Xin? 是281-9176。 _ 281-9176. 答案:4. Whats her; Her names 5. Whats; telephone/phone number; Its,重点回顾 1. 这是我妹妹。 _ _ my _. 2. 那是我弟弟。 _ _ my brother. 3. 这些是他的弟弟们。 _ are his brothers. 4. 那些是我的两个哥哥。 _ _ my two brothers. 答案:1. This is;s

9、ister 2. That is 3. These 4. Those are,Unit 5,这是我的妈妈。 _ _ my mother. 那是他的哥哥。 _ _ his brother. 这些是我的父母。 _ _ my parents. 那些是她的祖父母。 _ _ her grandparents. 答案:This is That is These are Those are, _ _ your brothers? 这些是你的兄弟们吗? Yes, _ _ . 是的,他们是。 答案: Are these; they are,句型转换 1. This is my father. (改为一般疑问句并

10、作肯定回答) _ _ your father? Yes, _ _ . 2. That is Alice. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _ _ Alice? No, _ _ . 3. This is his ruler. (改为复数句) _ _ his _. 答案:1. Is this; it is 2. Is that;it isnt 3. These are; rulers,4. That is my key. (改为复数句) _ _ my _ . 5. These are his brothers. (改为单数句) _ _ his _. 答案:4. Those are; keys 5.

11、 This is; brother,it,he,she Jack is my friend. _ is 13. Mary is a girl. _ is English. I have a clock. _ is yellow. 答案:He She It,重点回顾 选词填空 parents, thanks, here 1. _ for the photo of your family. 2. _ is my family photo. 3. These are my _ . 答案:1. Thanks 2. Here 3. parents,谢谢你借给我棒球。 _ _ your baseball.

12、 _ _ _ your baseball. 答案:Thanks for Thank you for,这是我的铅笔盒。 _ _ my pencil case. 给你。 _ _ _. 答案: Here is Here you are,巩固练习 1. _ is my mother. _ is a teacher. 2. Are these your sisters? Yes, _ are. 3. _ name is Tom. _ is a student. 答案:1. This; She 2. they 3. His; He,4. What is _ name? She is Mary. 5. What is _ telephone number? My telephone number is 44561716. 答案:4. her 5. your,1. Jim is Mr. Greens son. (改为同义句) Mr. Green is Jims _ . 2. This is a photo. (改为复数句子) _ _ photos. 3. These are my sisters. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ your sisters? 答案:1. father 2. These are 3. Are these,


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