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1、,Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology,重点单词,1acknowledge vt.承认;告知收悉(信等)【用法拓展】acknowledge sb./sth as/to be.承认某人/某物是acknowledge sth./doing sth./that.承认(跟admit用法类似)acknowledge sth.(公开)感谢【易混辨析】acknowledge/admit/confess/recognizeacknowledge 主要指“承认某事为事实”admit 承认,等同于 acknowledge,也可译为“招认”,等同于confess,recogn

2、ize 指认可或公认某一事实;也表示“辨认出”。,He refused to acknowledge defeat. He refused to acknowledge that he had been defeated. He refused to acknowledge being defeated. 他拒绝承认被击败。 Please acknowledge receipt of(say that you have received)this letter. 收到此信,请复函告知。剑桥高阶 She acknowledged it to be true.她承认那是事实。,即学即用,从conf

3、ess,admit,recognize,acknowledge中选用恰当的词语,并用合适的形式填空 She _ taking away my dictionary without my permission.答案:admitted/acknowledged He _ her mothers voice on the phone the moment he got through.答案:recognized They _ their mistakes.答案:confessed,2. apply vt.&vi.应用,运用;申请【用法拓展】apply to sb./sth.for sth.向申请,请

4、求apply sth.to sth.把应用于;把涂/敷在上apply oneself(to sth./to doing sth.)(尤指长时间)集中精力做某事apply to sb./sth.与有关,涉及applicant(for sth.)n. 申请人application n申请,申请书,申请表;应用,运用;涂抹I should be able to apply what Im learning now in my job.我应该能够在工作中运用目前所学的东西。I wish John would apply himself a little more!但愿约翰能更专心一些。South Af

5、rica has submitted an application to host the World Cup.南非已提交申请,主办世界杯足球赛。剑桥高阶,即学即用,完成句子 We can _ _ _ _ _ _(将他的调查结果应用于新发展中)答案:apply his findings to new development 翻译句子 专心于你的工作。_答案:Apply your mind to your work.,3establish vt.建立,设立;确立(关系,对话等);证实,确定【用法拓展】establishment n机构,单位;统治集团;设立,建立build,establish,f

6、ound,set up,construct 区别:build 指“修建,建立”,可与具体事物连用,也可与抽象事物连用。construct 指“通过装配或组合部件而构成一个整体”,着重“构筑、结构”,常与build 通用,用construct 的地方多半可用build,construct 多用于铁路桥梁等大型工程的建设。establish 意为“建立,设立,确立”,用于具体或抽象事物,含有“稳固,建成”之意。set up 意为“建立”,着重“开始”的含义,用于具体或抽象事物.found 意为“兴建、建造”,尤指为了继续存在做准备。,The group has established contac

7、ts with other groups overseas. 这家集团已经与其他许多家海外集团建立了联系。 His lawyer established that Shea did not know the victim. 他的律师证实谢伊并不认识那受害人。 The brewery was established in 1822.这家啤酒厂建于1822年。剑桥高阶,即学即用,完成句子 这部影片确立了他当电影导演的声誉。This film _ his fame as a film director.答案:established 这所大学兴建于1872年。This college _ _ in 1

8、872.答案:was founded,4assume vt.(在未证实前)假定,以为;担任,充当;假装,佯作,冒用【用法拓展】assuming(that)假如 assume sb./sth.to be 认为某人/某事assume office 就职 assume power/control 开始掌权assume a new name 用化名;用新名字 assumed name/identity 假姓名/身份assume an air/expression of 装出的样子/表情 assumption n视为当然之事 on the assumption that 假定You assume him

9、 to be innocent before hearing the evidence against him.在未听到对他不利的证言之前,你假定他是无罪的。He began to assume the direction of this business last year.他从去年开始负责主持这项业务。He is always assuming an attitude of indifference.他总是装出一副漠不关心的样子。美国传统,即学即用,完成句子 假设爸爸同意,你打算什么时候买汽车?_ _ _,when do you want to shop for cars?答案:Assum

10、ing(that) Dad agrees 安迪在老师路过时装出一副无辜的样子。Andy _ _ _ _ _ when the teacher walked by.答案:assumed an air of innocence,5matter vi.要紧;有关系 n(麻烦的)事情;问题(与the连用)【用法拓展】make/be no matter 没关系no matter what/how/where.无论什么/怎样/哪里a matter of course 理所当然的事a matter of seconds/days/inches 仅仅几秒/几天/几英寸as a matter of fact 事

11、实上for that matter/for the matter of that 就那件事而论,关于那件事 in the matter of 至于,关于,就而论Does it matter much that I wont return it on time?我不能按时归还要紧吗?He asked me what was the matter.他问我什么事。I thought the weather would be too hot there,but as a matter of fact,it was very nice.我本来以为那里会太热,可事实上很舒适。美国传统,即学即用,翻译句子

12、她无论怎么试,也无法打开这扇门。_答案:No matter how hard she tried,she couldnt get the door open. 钱对他是唯一至关重要的东西。_ _答案:Money is the only thing that matters to him.,重点短语,1be superior to 较高的,上级的;(数量等方面)较大的,较多的;(品质等方面)比杰出的,上等的;不向屈服的,超越的【用法拓展】be superior/inferior to.in sth.在某方面优于/劣于superior 表示“比较”,后用to,不用 than,superior 无比

13、较级rise superior to 不受的影响,不为所动have no superior in 在方面没有优于的人superiority n优秀,优越For all babies,breastfeeding is far superior to bottlefeeding.对所有的婴儿来说,母乳喂养都比奶瓶喂养好得多。剑桥高阶She works well with those superior to her in the company.她与公司里的那些上级主管合作愉快。,即学即用,翻译句子 He has no superior in this respect._答案:在这方面没有人能胜过他

14、。 单项选择 Do you know the 3G mobile phone will come into the market soon?Really?It is said to be superior _ any other mobile.I cant wait to buy _.(2010届湖南领航卷)Ato;one Bthan;one Cto;it Dthan;it解析:be superior to 表示“比有优势”,该短语不使用than 表比较。第二空为代词的选择,表示与上文提到的事物同类不同物时,用one。答案:A,2a variety of 多种多样的【用法拓展】vary vt.

15、改变,使多样化;vi.变化,不同 various adj.不同的,各种的,多方面的,许多的,杂色的近义词 diverse adj.强调多样的 varied 各种各样的,种类不同的vary greatly/enormously 大不相同 vary in price/quality 价格/质量不同The equipment could be used for a variety of educational purposes.这套设备可以用于多种教学活动。剑桥高阶The variety that cable TV provides makes it very popular.有线电视提供的丰富多彩的节目使其收视率很高。This coat comes in various colors.这件大衣有多种颜色。,



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