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1、CET-4 听力强化特训,听力组,1、学生在英语听力中存在的问题,四级听力强化,1、学生在英语听力中存在的问题 1.1 四级大纲对听力的要求:能听懂英语讲课,并能听懂题材熟悉、句子结构比较简单、基本上没有生词、语速为每分钟130-150词的简短会话、谈话、报道或讲座,掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度。,1.2 学生在听力中存在的问题及原因分析 1.2.1 最大的问题 听不懂 原因: (1)走神;注意力不集中;没听到/清/出; (2)词汇量小; (3)发音听不清(有连读等); 1.2.2 常见的问题 能听明白,做不对题 能听明白,但不知如何选答案 不知如何作出正确判断;

2、 原因: (1)没理解;理解错; (2)选项太长,来不及看;做题时犹豫;相近选项难以区分; (3)不太注意细节; (4)单词拼写;句子太长,记不下来等 (5)缺乏更有效的做题方法,1.3 听力平时练习的方法 1.3.1 精听 (1)每天至少抽出半小时,排除一切干扰,集中注意力,反复操练,直到听懂并能理解每一句话。(听写) (2)材料的选择 近十年四级真题听力 (3)词汇量的积累:四级大纲词汇 (4)适时地营造考试环境,自测,自评 1.3.2 泛听 随时随地磨耳朵,培养英语的语感。 多练习,熟能生巧。Prctice makes perfect. VOA; BBC ect. 总之:多听,多练,多积

3、累,适当的技巧,2. 四级听力考试题型与技巧,2.1大学英语四级听力考试短对话题型及技巧,短对话是大学英语四级考试听力理解中section A的一部分,该部分共有八组简短对话,每组长度在30字左右,由一男一女朗读,之后问一个问题,每个问题大约有 15秒钟的间隙,要求考生在听完对话与问题后从试题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。,短对话要求能听懂英语国家人士语速为每分钟130到150词的对话,能理解其要点,能听懂指示语,如指路、如何做某事、操作指南等、能听懂数字(基数与序数)、时间等,能听懂讨论的主题,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点,在听的过程中使用基本的听力技巧。 短对话共八道题。其中绝大部分题的

4、答案一般不在对话中直接明示,需要考生根据对话的内容对事情发生的时间、地点、人物身份和关系做出判断,有时还需要根据说话人的语调和口气,来推测说话人的态度和真实意图。,下面分别根据对话发生的场景和选项的内容对短对话可能涉及到的词汇及题型和解题技巧进行概括分析:,2.1.1为了使广大考生能够更有效地熟悉短对话题型,做到考试时知己知彼,心中有数。大学英语四级考试听力对话部分分成了八大场景:校园生活,日常生活,职场工作,医疗健康,旅游交通,饮食娱乐,住房搬家和气候环境.这些场景涵盖了大学生活的方方面面。下面就每一个场景可能会涉及到的词汇进行简单概括。,校园生活,A. 注册:register, enrol

5、ment, department, tuition, a student loan, student ID card, recommendation letter, application form B. 选课: course, day course, evening course, optional course, literature, curriculum, extra curriculum, quit, drop; C. 听课: professor, dean, seminar, lecture, topic, briefing, mission, punctual, take not

6、es, skip the class; D.作业:report, essay, assignment, paper, experiment, survey, due, deadline, rewrite, stay up; E. 考试:score, exam, quiz, test, credit, fail, pass, review; F. 学生:freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduation, graduate, undergraduate.,exercise:,She seldom reads books from cover to co

7、ver.She is interested in reading novels. She read only part of the book.She was eager to know what the book was about.,Script: M: Hi, Susan! Have you finished reading the book Professor Johnson recommended? W: Oh, I havent read it through the way Id read a novel. I just read a few chapters which int

8、erest me. Q: What does the woman mean?,日常生活,A、写信: write home, hear from, receive a letter from, mail, email. B电话: phone, call, ring, contact, mobile phone, pay phone, hand phone, operator, dial, wrong number, not in, nobody by that name. C过节节日:Christmas, Thanksgiving;出游: travel, tour, trip, journey,

9、 visit D、送礼:礼物: gift, present;场合: birthday, Christmas;赠送: give, buyfor, getfor, send, present.,日常生活,A. 银行:account, loan, interest rate, cash, cheque, deposit, draw, overdraft(透支), exchange; B. 填表:surname, last name, family name, first name, given name, sex, gender, address, occupation, marital statu

10、s, print, sign, signature; C. 邮局:deliver, send, mail, parcel, postage, registered mail, express mail; D. 交通标示: sign, one-way street, drunk driving, traffic rules, regulation, observe E. 集会活动:appointment, date, meeting, conference, party, assembly, lecture, seminar; F. 图书馆: library, librarian, overdu

11、e, fine; G.购物场所: department store, supermarket, gas station, convenience store, chain store, grocers, grocery,exercise:,Plan his budget carefully.Give her more information. Ask someone else for advice. D) Buy a gift for his girlfriend.,Script: M: Christmas is round the corner and Im looking for a gi

12、ft for my girlfriend. Any suggestion? W: Well, you have to tell me something about your girlfriend first. Also, whats your budget? Q: What does the woman want the man to do?,职场工作,A找工作申请: apply, application letter, resume, personal statement;寻觅: job-hunting, job opportunity, job vacancy, recruit;面试:

13、interview, interviewer, interviewee, impression;其它: job hopping(跳厂换职业) , odd jobs(零星工作 ), fire, hire, retire, take over, appointment. B. 办公室工作: typing, typewriter, typist, typing errors, Xerox copy, arrange appointment;出差: business trip, vacation;雇佣关系:employment, employee, employment, director, boss

14、, secretary, be with + 单位/领导(be with the local newspaper),exercise:,He quit teaching in June.He has left the army recently.He opened a restaurant near the school. D) He has taken over his brothers business.,Script: W: Are you still at the junior high school? M: Not since June. My brother and I opene

15、d a restaurant as soon as he got out of the army. Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?,医疗健康,A. 受伤: twist, strain, injure, hurt, wound; B. 外伤部位: shoulder, ankle, knee, wrist; C. 内伤部位: stomach, liver, lung, heart; D. 检查措施: make an appointment, check, x-ray, operation, treat, cure,

16、diagnose; E. 症状描述: tired, sneeze, running nose, have ringing in the ears, catch a cold, cough; F. 建议处方: ward, take two days off, more vegetables, less fried (fast) food, quit (give up) smoking. G. 相关人员: doctor, nurse, dentist, surgeon, physician, psychologist; H. 诊断行为: fix, mend, repair, stop workin

17、g, go wrong.,exercise:,He has a strange personality.Hes got emotional problems.His illness is beyond cure. D) His behavior is hard to explain.,Script: M: Hows John now? is he feeling any better? W: Not yet. It still seems impossible to make him smile. Talking to him is really difficult and he gets upset easily over little things. Q: What do we learn about John from the conversation?,


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