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1、English Conversations for Living1台灣采風台灣采風-生活英語會話篇生活英語會話篇Part I 食食 Foods餐廳餐廳 Restaurant預約預約 Make an Appointment1. 你要預約嗎?Do you need a reservation?rezvein2. 訂八點,我要預約兩個位置。Please reserve a table for two at eight.3. 我們用瓊司的名字訂了一張給兩個人的桌位。We have reservations for two under the last name of Jones.4. 我們可以坐靠窗的

2、桌位嗎?Could we have a table by the window?餐廳餐廳 Restaurant點餐點餐 Order5. 您要來點什麼?Could I take your order?6. 你推薦什麼?What do you recommend?rekmend7. 今天的特餐是什麼呢?What is todays special?8. 我想要一份和那個一樣的。Give me the same order as that.9. 你的牛排要幾分熟?How would you like your steak?10. 五分熟。Medium rare, please. 相關單字:五分熟 m

3、edium rareEnglish Conversations for Living2七、八分熟 medium全熟 well-done餐廳餐廳 Restaurant結帳結帳 Pay a Bill11. 請拿帳單來。Check, please?12. 小費已包括在帳單上嗎?Is tip included on this bill? 生活小常識:外國餐廳用餐小費一般約 1015%超市超市 Supermarket13. 你可以告訴我冰淇淋放哪裡嗎?Could you show me where the ice cream is located?14. 你們把新鮮的魚放在哪裡?Where do you

4、 keep your fresh fish?15. 冷凍食品在哪一行?Which aisle has frozen foods?速食速食 Fast Food 16. 我只要一個漢堡,兩包小薯和一杯大杯(可樂/雪碧/紅茶)。I just want a hamburger, two small fries and a large (Coke/Sprite/Ice tea). 相關單字:小 small中 medium大 large17. 我要一份兒童餐/1 號餐。Id like a kids meal/meal 1.English Conversations for Living318. 我有一張折

5、價券是買一個漢堡另送一個漢堡。I have a coupon for buy one burger get one free.19. 請再給我一些(番茄醬/胡椒粉/調味醬)。Could I get some more (ketchup/pepper/sauce)?ketp20. 調味醬,胡椒和紙巾要錢嗎?Do I owe you anything for the sauce, pepper and napkins?npkinEnglish Conversations for Living4Part II 衣衣 Clothes服飾服飾 Clothing1. 這附近有乾洗店嗎?Is there a

6、 dry cleaner near here? 相關單字:自助洗衣店 Laundromat tpFngqQmf洗衣機 washing machine乾衣機 dryer tgqAaR髒衣物 laundry tpOngqa2. 有,兩條街外就有一家。Yes, theres one just two blocks away.3. 我正在洗毛衣,請問專家你可否提供意見給我?I am washing some sweaters now. Do you have any advice for me, you expert?tUhkdRf 相關單字:羽毛外套 down coat(附帽的)厚夾克 parka

7、tdFqhQ長大衣 overcoat防風上衣;防風外套 windbreaker4. 別把它們放進乾衣機,否則會縮水,應該掛起來讓它們滴乾。Dont put them in the dryer otherwise theyll shrink. You should hang them up and let them drip-dry.鞋帽鞋帽 Shoes and Hats5. 我需要一雙夾腳拖鞋在海灘上散步時用。I need a pair of flip-flops for walking on the beach.6. 我想我需要靴子。I guess I need some boots. 相關

8、單字:English Conversations for Living5涼鞋 sandals tkngx皮鞋 leather shoes tpUR高跟鞋 high-heeled shoes運動鞋 sneakers tknhR拖鞋 slippers tkpadR7. 牛仔帽可以擋住陽光、不會照到我的眼睛。The cowboy hat will keep the sun out of my eyes. 相關單字:毛線帽 ski cap運動帽 cap8. 我喜歡這款款式簡單的太陽眼鏡。I prefer these simple sunglasses.飾品飾品 Accessories htkUkQqa

9、9. 我需要買一個能搭配洋裝的皮包。I need to buy a purse that matches my dress. 相關單字:胸針 brooch eqcfX胸花 corsage hOqtkFY耳環 earrings10. 我想要一個看起來很專業的領帶。I want a professional-looking tie. 相關單字:領帶夾 tie clip手套 gloves11. 那條粉紅色的絲巾和所有東西搭配起來都很出色。That pink silk scarf goes nicely with everything as well. 相關單字:English Conversatio

10、ns for Living6淺色 light深色 dark銀色 silver tkapjR金色 gold米黃色 beige eTY試穿試穿 Try On12. 我能試戴這條項鍊嗎?Can I try on this necklace?13. 我想要試穿這一雙跑鞋。I wanna try on this pair of running shoes?14. 我想我要一雙,請你順便給我額外的一雙鞋帶好嗎?I think Ill take one pair. May you also give me an extra pair of shoelaces?15. 這件西裝還有別的顏色嗎?Does thi

11、s suit come in any other colors?16. 有,我們一共有七個顏色,你喜歡哪一個顏色?Yes, we have seven colors altogether. What color do you prefer?詢問意見詢問意見 Ask for Advise17. 這是甚麼質料做的?What kind of material is that?mQtfaqaQp18. 是棉和絲的混合質料。Its a mixture of cotton and silk.tmahkfXR19. 我穿這件寬鬆褲子好看嗎?Do I look nice in these loose pant

12、s?20. 這件有花圖案的上衣和那件牛仔褲配不配?English Conversations for Living7Does the flower pattern blouse go with these jeans?English Conversations for Living8Part III 住住 Lives初次見面初次見面 First Meeting1. 哈囉,大家好。我是 XXX。我來自台灣。Hello, everybody. Im XXX .I come from Taiwan.2. 對不起,沒聽清楚,請再說一遍。Pardon me? Would you speak again,

13、 please?3. 對不起,能否請你講慢一點?Im sorry, could you slow down please?寄宿家庭寄宿家庭 Home Stay4. 我可以使用電話嗎?May I use the telephone? 相關單字:烤箱 oven vn微波爐 microwave oven maikrweiv vn冰箱 refrigerator/fridge rifridreit/ frid吹風機 hair dryersh drai5. 我要在朋友家過夜。I would like to spent the night at a friends house.電話篇電話篇 Telephon

14、e6. 這附近有公用電話嗎?Is there a pay phone around here?7. 我要打對方付費電話。I would like to make a collect call, please.klekt8. 區域號碼是 357,電話號碼是 822-5510。The area code is 357 and the phone number is 822-5510.English Conversations for Living99. 麻煩請李約翰聽電話。May I speak to John Lee, please?飯店飯店 Hotel10. 你可以幫我拿這個行李嗎?Could

15、 you give me a hand with the bag?11. 小費給你。Heres a tip for you.12. 請你告訴我製冰機在哪裡Please show me where the ice machine is located. 相關單字:健身房 gymdim三溫暖 sauna saun13. 明天早上請在七點鐘叫我起床。Give me wake-up call at 7 tomorrow morning.14. 我住 927 號房,我需要客房服務。Id like to order room service to room 927, please.15. 可以多給我幾條毛

16、巾和肥皂嗎?Could I get some extra towels and soap?生病生病 Illness16. 我胃痛。I have a stomachache. stmkeik17. 我感冒了。Ive got the flu.18. 你發燒了嗎?Do you have a fever? fi:v 相關單字:頭痛 headache hedeikEnglish Conversations for Living10牙痛 toothache tu:eik拉肚子 diarrhea dairi喉嚨痛 sore throat s: rut頭暈目眩 dizzy dizi氣喘 asthma sm發炎 inflame infleim19. 我



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